everyone means anyone ok casue i kno youll come back and say whos everyone ok
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everyone means anyone ok casue i kno youll come back and say whos everyone ok
SamuraiOdin u do realize that u spelled realize wrong and this is how u spelled realize the SamuraiOdin way of spelling realize-realise
Heh, very first post I made here =P Oh well, I corrected the spelling in a later post. On another note though, if you don't like your insults thrown back at you, don't use them in the first place. It doesn't bother me when people tell me I misspelled something, but if you don't like to have "lol u r an idiot find it urself " thrown back in your face, then why use it against someone else?
hey i didnt kno that Budweineken was going to come back and throw my own insult at my face if he did came back with another insult then i wouldnt mind at all u kno casue it was not mine
lol theyve banned me lol
how im i banned if im still able to post u say?
lol well i dont really dont kno lol ask KakashiSensei casue he sent me a private message saying that i am
OMG, I should ban just for double/triple/giant number posting.
vash8489, we don't have time to babysit your ever want and need.
Now Shut the Fuck up!
I could care less about what you have to say over this topic.
If you want to enjoy talking on the forums, then do so, but there is not reason to have 3 pages of whinning!
New rule, no posting pointless shit!