man you are such a sasuke fanboy....
Why can't people like sasuke, lee, naruto, etc equally. -_-
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man you are such a sasuke fanboy....
Why can't people like sasuke, lee, naruto, etc equally. -_-
lee is cool, i don't DISagree with that. but naruto is just too lame for my taste, sorry. i'm actually not a sasuke fanboy, i like the character but not enough to call myself a sasuke fan. i'm more of a itachi and kakashi fan. maybe the 4th. =/
EDIT: lol yeah, i don't has been a hard day long day, i've had 6 LONG and BORING classes so far and my brain hurts...damn, still one more to go... D:
Do you mean "I don't disagree with that"?
Anyway, can't someone say a character is superior without being labeled a fanboy? I mean, sometimes characters are just obviously better and more skilled than others, no matter how much you hate them.
You can't really like all characters equally when they're all different. Everybody has their own preference.Quote:
Originally posted by: Vagabond
man you are such a sasuke fanboy....
Why can't people like sasuke, lee, naruto, etc equally. -_-
Huh, so far, I don't think Sasuke has done enough to be called better skilled than anybody else... well, on the other hand, if you call running away and taking short-cuts, skills, well he *is* good at that...Quote:
Originally posted by: CmDr_RavEn
Do you mean "I don't disagree with that"?
Anyway, can't someone say a character is superior without being labeled a fanboy? I mean, sometimes characters are just obviously better and more skilled than others, no matter how much you hate them.
I haven't see enough *facts* to call him genius... Did he beat Gaara to a pulp? Did he beat any Sound-nin? He was born with the sharingan and prettiness... so far, I don't see much merit own that. I've seen him trainning seriously only once.
Neji was the rookie of the year, and we know the reason for that. He surpassed his birthright and learned the Kaiten on his own, which is truly remarkable. But he learned and perfected it by *training*, and that was the way to surpass his birth limitations. He did get beaten by Naruto, but he also killed that Kidomaru spider fella... Hinata was born in the very same family...and for one reason or another she wasn't able to figure out the kaiten, and she does have even more birthright than Neji.
Shikamaru, who *is*a genius in *real* life, said that *geniuses can be fragile in real battle*, I tend to agree with him. During his first real challenge, without Kakashi to back him up, his answer was wet his pants and be ready to surrender the scrool to Oro. If it weren't for Naruto, he most likely wouldn't even try his fire-spitting trick. Don't really see anything exceptional in a scared kid, moved by revenge and jealousy.
As a matter of fact, I don't think he needs physical strenght or talent in fighting skills. If he had the guts to confront Itachi verbally, and asked him why did he kill his family, it would have been *way* more effective in starting to undermine his brother power. Pretty much like when Naruto, *before* beating Neji, screwed big time his *destiny* bs theory....
It's obvious you don't like Sasuke, we don't need to go on and on about it. These arguments aren't getting anywhere for any character.
A. You say he isn't a genius because he didn't beat Gaara to a pulp and didn't beat any Sound-nin, are those the only qualifications?
B. You say we never see Sasuke training seriously, but that Neiji trained to learn Kaiten. We didn't see that training either, just because it isn't shown doesn't mean it isn't happening. During the chakra control training (running up trees), Sasuke worked just as hard as Naruto.
C. The reason Hinata can't do Kaiten despite her birthright is because she was not talented enough and has no confidence in herself. That's why Hiashi ditched her to teach Hanabi.
D. Sasuke not wanting to fight Orochimaru and Naruto coming is brought up. Naruto did the same thing in his first fight vs. the Demon brothers and Orochimaru is way stronger than them. Sasuke realized this and didn't want everyone in their group to get killed, which they would've been if Oro fought them seriously. He also wants to live so that he can't avenge his clan.
E. You think if Sasuke just asks Itachi politely why he killed everyone in the clan, the whole thing will be solved. He already did that when he first walked in and saw Itachi next to his parents dead bodies, the result was Itachi using his Mange Sharingan, and basically telling him to live with hate in order to gain the power to avenge the clan.
This is just a battle between what character you like better. The argument could go on forever, because you're probably never going to sway a person into liking or not liking a character. In fact, I almost feel like I wasted my time writing such a long post.
I asked for *facts* that would show Sasuke's genius. So far, you brought none.Quote:
Originally posted by: KonohamaruCorps
It's obvious you don't like Sasuke, we don't need to go on and on about it. These arguments aren't getting anywhere for any character.
A. You say he isn't a genius because he didn't beat Gaara to a pulp and didn't beat any Sound-nin, are those the only qualifications?
B. You say we never see Sasuke training seriously, but that Neiji trained to learn Kaiten. We didn't see that training either, just because it isn't shown doesn't mean it isn't happening. During the chakra control training (running up trees), Sasuke worked just as hard as Naruto.
C. The reason Hinata can't do Kaiten despite her birthright is because she was not talented enough and has no confidence in herself. That's why Hiashi ditched her to teach Hanabi.
D. Sasuke not wanting to fight Orochimaru and Naruto coming is brought up. Naruto did the same thing in his first fight vs. the Demon brothers and Orochimaru is way stronger than them. Sasuke realized this and didn't want everyone in their group to get killed, which they would've been if Oro fought them seriously. He also wants to live so that he can't avenge his clan.
E. You think if Sasuke just asks Itachi politely why he killed everyone in the clan, the whole thing will be solved. He already did that when he first walked in and saw Itachi next to his parents dead bodies, the result was Itachi using his Mange Sharingan, and basically telling him to live with hate in order to gain the power to avenge the clan.
This is just a battle between what character you like better. The argument could go on forever, because you're probably never going to sway a person into liking or not liking a character. In fact, I almost feel like I wasted my time writing such a long post.
As for *liking* : Naruto is an extremelly annoying character, and so is Hinata. But, in my opinion, one can quote enough facts as two show that those two characters have enough reedeming qualities as to be judged only by their annoying characteristics.
So far, Sasuke, for what I observed, hasn't shown enough reedeming qualities as to be considered a worthwile character. As for people, *liking* him or not, that's their problem. If I am discussing this particular character my goal is to find facts that can eventually prove that he has something *likeable* on him. As I said, so far, I haven't come upon any *fact* about Sasuke that made me change my mind about him. More than that, I used to *like* both him and Sakura. Unfortunately, they turned out to be huge disappointments. Sorta same with Hinata. I thought she was a little whining pain in the ass. But, now, I have reasons to believe she's more than that.
A. not only, but one would assume a genius would show some competency and efficiency while performing his tasks.
B. I can assume, with Gai as a teacher, Neji wouldn't get away with being a lazy bum. So far, I remember both him and Tenten being totally exhausted while Lee was able to master the Lotus. Therefore, I have reasons to believe that he's trained a lot, and it's not far-fetched to assume that it lead him to master the Kaiten. Even right before his fight with Naruto, Neji was *training*. again, enought to leave Tenten exhausted. You may argue that she is weak, but the fact is that they both *train*.
I don't particularly like Neji. I think he is an arrogant jackass, but it would be stupid for me to deny his talent and the fact that he trains hard.
C. Huh, one can be talented and lack of confidence. If Hinata's father is an ass, that's not really her fault. IMO, the role of a father is *also* to instill self-confidence in his children, and not demand perfection from them. As the sucessor of the head family she's been put under enough pressure. I think she is doing quite all right, considering the expectations she has to fulfill. When she gets to be able to say *screw you, daddy*, things will get change even more for her. That's true because,since that was what happened when she said *screw you, Neji* in her very own polite way. Then again, you may think it's ok for her father to ditch her. Those are two different opinions about rearing children, and since she is his daughter, not mine, I am assuming her daddy can do as he wishes, and you are more than allowed to think that what he did is right.
D. During the fight with Oro, Naruto called him a coward... not me... I can think of many situations in the History of mankind that the will of staying alive made people cowards. Basically it's a matter of choice. But if you take in account the values taught in Konoha, cowardice is not among the top ten requirements for being a pro ninja. And I will tell you that. If one becomes a cop because his family was killed by criminals he's a real imbecile. Sasuke has no clue of what being a Ninja really means. At least, if you consider what Enma told the 3rd just before he died.
E. I said, *if* Sasuke were able to confront Itachi verbally, that *might start* to undermine his power. I didn't say that Itachi would be defeated with chit-chat. My point is based on the fact that Neji wasn't defeated with BS, and yet, Naruto's arguments had a strong repercussion on him, and apparently are helping him to show some redeeming qualites .
Once more, I can't care less for any of those characters, but I think discussing their traits based on *facts* is an interesting exercise, since I believe my arguments are based on observation and reflection and not in my personal likes and dislikes.
Go whopped by who??
Naruto haven't lost a fight yet. Fight a Kimi didnt even start to get real before Lee came.
personally, i don't think kimimaro has fought with a lot of effort and anger. i think he's just been taking it easy so far since naruto's and lee's attacks have been like, what, useless?
Good one Neiji-Aniki-Sama. I hope you can keep teaching me how to use this interesting excercise of discussing traits based on *facts* instead of preferences in an argument.
Originally posted by: Death BOO Z
Sasuke is now going down by the path Itachi went through, it'll probably become more clear once we learn a bit more about Itachi's reason for killing his clan. and after that point, Sasuke might have a change of heart and go Kakashi-like...
Naruto also didn't work that hard for the Kyubi power, he just fell off a clip and then magically gained control over it (there was no step by step learning in it, it was a sudden realization of the power). Sasuke also hadn't work hard, by neither did he get it as a present, nine of every ten die from this "present", and only those with enough will and ambition can wake up from the shock...
don't forget that the curse seal uses your life energy, so it eats you away...
You can say that Naruto have worked hard to get to use the power of Kyubi cause when he was weaker he couldn't use much of Kyubi power or controlled it. But now he can activate Kyubi in seconds.
As Kakashi said on the roof when Sasuke and Naruto tried to fight eachother with Rasengen and Chidori. He said the normal rasengen would kill Sasuke but Chidori wouldn't kill Naruto. So how in the world would Sasuke survie after being hit Rasengen with kyubi power. The normal Rasengen almost killed Kabuto despite he was using his medical moves to protect!Quote:
Then the seal would be unleashed and it would be suped-up rasengan vs. suped-up chidori. Hard to tell who would win though.
I hope the fight beteween Naruto and Sasuke becomes a tie cause it would suck if Naruto this powerful losed to a vengeful Sasuke with curse lv2 who cant be compared to the Kyubi powerwise.
Naruto should lose against someone realy powerful like Oro,Itachi or someone else in Akatsuki.
For future reference people: Ignore threads based on people getting beat by other people. I've said this before, about 12 times, and I'll say it one more time for the new people here. "You cannot prove who will win in a fight before the fight." There was a whole sub-plot that was about this, and although you might have taken it as a STORY, it's true. So, MOVE ON PEOPLE.
As far as Sasuke being a genius, Gai said it best: "you can't just learn that by copying it with Sharingan." Sasuke didn't get Lee's speed in a month without practicing, like you have been suggesting. He busted his nuts to get it. Same w/ Chidori. It's not so much of a jutsu as it is a chakra-control skill. Sasuke didn't just walk up a tree in the tree-climbing episode, did he? I mean, if Sharingan was as cheap and stupid as you suggest, he would have seen Kakashi do it w/ crutches, and walked up the tree horizontally using his pinkies. Instead, he had to practice it.
And liking characters equally... is dumb. Everyone is going to have a preferred character based on their own personality type. This type of thing is usually based off of internal personality, and a desired external personality. We like characters "most" because they satisfy both of our personalities. I like Lee and Shika the most (Naruto has been on the favor-wane), so you can tell a lot about me by reading into that. You can tell a lot about everyone on this board by whom they like most. If you're talking about liking personalities "equally", what makes Sakura's personality not as ... likeable/worthy as Naruto's, Sasuke's, etc.? Well, because her personality is trashf@#k.
Well, I think that's as many words as I should spend tonight.
So Neji-Ankiki-sama, what you're saying is that if Sasuke really was a genius, he would have been able to beat Gaara and at least one of the sound nins. Just curious, just how do you think Naruto would do against Gaara when he used his sand shield thingie? Or Shikamaru, who is considered to be the smartest of the genins? They'd be pretty much useless against him, now wouldn't they? Considering that very few had attacks that were able to pierce that shand shield of his. I'd actually argue that Gaara was in a more vulnarable state when he was transforming and Sasuke and Co caught up with him. After all, that was the function of the shield in the first place, wasn't it? To protect him through his metamorphosis. And apparently, Sasuke was the first one to ever make Gaara bleed. He hurt him pretty bad, which was apparently a feat in itself.
As for the sound nins, do you really think that those where fair odds? 4vs1, and he didnt have any equipment either. He was more or less unarmed, and was taken by surprise to boot, and he couldn't hide anywhere to plan his attacks either.
Third, you claim that Sasuke doesnt train. You think the Chidori just popped out of thin air? That him achieving the same speed (roughly) as lee in less than a month was just something he pulled out of his ass? And there is the aforementioned tree climbing excersice as well. Just because they didn't show him training like Naruto doesn't mean that he didn't.
And in the forest he DID beat Orochimaru (although Oro wasnt exactly doing anything other than gauging the potential of sauske). Still, that is an impressive feat.
Lastly, whats all this crap about him trying to kill Naruto? If you mean their fight at the hospital, check it again, and you'll see that although sasuke initiated the conflict, it's Naruto that brings out the heavy guns first, with the Rasengan, an attack that very well could have killed Sasuke. So sasu was only facing it with the force he deemed neccesary (sp?). So if anyone here is a thoughtless, arrogant asshole, its Naruto. I mean really, that attack almost killed Kabuto for pete's sake, and he's using it against a teammate? Bah.
Naruto might be the one to pull out the big guns first, but Sasuke was the one with the killing intention...
Naruto doesn't know how dangerous the Rasengan is to humans, all he seen was that it blew away (not even injured) the Stone chunin, and the only time he had a chance to see it in real life, was against Kabuto, who took the hit pretty well (and after that, both him and naruto collapssed, so Naruto doesn't know that jutsu's power).
Sasuke, however, is clearly aware that the Chidori is desinged for killing, and he knew nothing about the Rasengan, beside the fact it's some new jutsu.
and look, with a few simple annalyzsis, we've got to the point in which Sasuke is a jerk, what a wonder...
Sasuke seems to rely on something if you ask me, when he fought lee he had to rely on his sharingan, when he fought gaara he relied on his chidori, and now he seems to rely on lvl 2. cursed seal,
As for Naruto he sometimes does the same thing with his shadow clones but, when that doesnt work he goes outside the box and thinks of a ingenious way to defeat his enemy, now he may use the rasengan now but thats only b/c he wants to master it. and everyone like Itachi wants naruto b/c of the Kyuubi.
Sasuke has a inferiority problem b/c in the begining we say that everyone wanted to fight him but now that everyone saw what naruto can do with his power, Sasuke gets jealous and goes around bitching about how he cant compare to Naruto, its like dragonball z(with goku and vegeta) but in a different situation
yeah, he relies on kyubi chakra to save his ass.Quote:
Originally posted by: Knives122
As for Naruto he sometimes does the same thing with his shadow clones but, when that doesnt work he goes outside the box and thinks of a ingenious way to defeat his enemy, now he may use the rasengan now but thats only b/c he wants to master it.
you forgot, lee - gates.
Every character relies on something.
Chouji (their clan) relies on red diet pills. (clan specialty)
Neji - relies on byakugen. (birth right)
Sasuke - relies on sharingan. (birth right)
Kiba - relies on animals. (clan specialty)
Shino - relies on bugs. (clan specialty)
Naruto - relies on kyubi (birth right)
Once Sasuke completely developes his sharingan. As well as the mange sharingan @lvl1 he wil be a match for Itachi. Itachi is strong but his real strength is his mange sharingan, and the speed of his jutsu. after a while with Oro, copying techniquescopying techniques, and what not; once the mange sharingan isnt an issue Sasule will be a match for Itachi. Itach is going to have a fight...and a tough one. certain skills and techniques are bad matches for other. sharingan vs sharingan match is going to come down to chakra lvl and high speed taijutsu the worste match for a sharingan user according to Lee( wich sasuke has ). With chidori, Lee's speed and most like by time he fights itachi he'll have @least Kakashi's speed, Itachi will lose.
seriously even Tsunade would have troubles with Itachi
Sasuke has more potential that Itachi, itachi knows this and noticed. remeber when Sasuke asking Itachi for help wth throwing- he said he noticed Itachi's way was better... do you remeber how Itachi was suprised that he noticed that at such a younge age. he wasnt but 3-4 when this took place. Itachi grew up having the training and luxuries of living in a noble family. Sasuke had the name but thats about it. Once he was in an environment where he was challenged he was able to grow, and grow rapidly. i no Sasuke fan. but Oro, wants him for a reason. he was #1 rookie for a reason. Itachi left him behind for a reason. he knew that Sasuke would be able to meet or exceed his ability.
Itachi's strength is his mange sharingan this is the reason Oro fears him, and jyraiya, as well as Tsunade would aso have a tough time defeating him. but in no way would he be able to "shut out" any of the 3.