wow never doubt my foreshadowing skills, I called the rock lee thing a long time ago,
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wow never doubt my foreshadowing skills, I called the rock lee thing a long time ago,
Topic Title: Naruto 209 discussion <u>*heavy spoilers*</u>Quote:
Originally posted by: monkeyboi
nooooo you ruiners!!!!!!!!!! when is inane coming out with 209
Topic Summary: Naruto 209 duscussion
Created On: 03/19/2004 02:42 PM
Here my theory goes down the drain, boo. All the kage bunshin gone within 2 page, boo [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
Did Lee really recovered? Or just put on some stopgap measure after the surgury had fail?
Next chapter: Despair!
i dont know about u guys, but im still giggling like a little girl over the outcome of the chapter.
well tahts just me, i have problems which im aware off...
/walks away.
btw, Sasuke is going to hunt after Itachi, i believe he used orochimaru to gain strength i doubt he's going to go after Oro.
Ya go, Saske...Kukukukuku!!!!
i knew from the first second i saw Lee in this chapter that you were gonna go crazy like this [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]Quote:
Originally posted by: Hotsuma
Ahem. Now that I'm done celebrating.. What if this isn't Lee? It could be Gai, transformed as Lee. You never know. As much as Kishimoto wanted him to return, I also believe it's more logical that Lee's still in the hospital. Unless, Tsunade whipped up a miracle treatment to Lee - that's even better.
But, in any case.This chapter owned everything. Heck, even if that wasn't Lee, I'm glad that you got to see Lee again.
mmmh, you have a point.... it could be Gai disguised as Lee for all we know!!!
...yeah right.
His accent was Lee's and none others.
Now I'm getting a feeling that all in all, Sakura _may_ appear, but not with a jutsu or anything... instead, she might just kick Naruto out of the way (just because Naruto wouldn't dare to touch her) and help Sasuke escape, or she'd go overly-dramatic and say something like "You'll have to kill me if you want to go away!", which wouldn't work either because Naruto wouldn't let him touch Sakura...
So nope, I don't think Sakura will appear.
Maybe Shino...? If Lee can recover from a near-death surgery in half a day, Shino can come back from his mission and catch up with them as well!!
OMFG!!! LEE!!!
Sorry, thats all I have to say, I'll have to try and figure out whats happening with Shika...
didnt Lees appearance strike anyone as stupid?
if Naruto doesnt stand a chance against Kimimaro at kyuubi how the HELL can Lee even hurt him
Lees just gonna get beaten on seriously
not so much as stupid but more or less a way to let naruto continue on to capture/fight sasuke
and alot of the time naruto isn't using much of kyubis power the seal prevents it and only allows a lil bit out at a time
so rock lee should be able to handle himself especially if he gots his speed back
and i wonder what would have happened if naruto did get hit with kimimaros bone sword i bet kyubi would have healed him and more chakra would have come out
i bet lee is only here to make sasuke look good again
Lee couldnt even take on Gaara in original form, you're saying he has a chance against Kimimaro?
if he even puts up a fight the whole things stupid, especially after just coming out of an operation
Lee's back YOOSH!
where the fkajdsviosjdaoj can i download this?!
Originally posted by: Come Come Paradise
i think a lot of u will enjoy this one ~_^
Thanks to Come Come Paradise for posting this link
i know you're all happy that Lees back but unless this is DBZ he shouldnt be able to fight Kimimaro for long at all
Lees shown us what he has, and Gaara beat him down without even going into demon form.
thats the japanese one..... i thought it was translated?
Well, Lee's appareance did strike me at kind of stupid, but my joy for the beautiful green beast of Konoha to be up and about kind of overshadowed it... for a while.
Also, I don't think we can really compare Gaara and Kimimaro in terms of powers... Gaara depended, above everything, on his sand, while Kimimaro seems to be much more of a taijutsu/weapon user. Given that Lee is an extreme taijutsu user with great speed (equal to Sasuke's, even superior without his weights), things shouldn't be as uneven as when he battled Gaara...
Remember that here in Naruto, there's (so far) nothing that can be considered absolute power. There's always someone who has an advantage over someone else, at least to some degree (YES, I know Itachi is all powerful cuz hes so kewl!!1!), just think of the Slug/Snake/Frog triad.... there's no absolute power.
So Lee might just be good enough to defeat Kimimaro... sure, he was just operated, but Kimimaro was practically dying!! Remember him, all connected to weird machines and all...?
(...even so, I still feel Lee's a bit out of place...)
OMG i jus read the chapter KEWWWWWL!!! seemed abit corny lee being back so quick but lookijng at it now it was a really nice plot twist seeing as things were begginging to get irratating in the story. I hope theres other nin coming with lee, who do u reckon woulda made up the other team?
i reckon shino should be there for sure as well as hinata sakura ino thatd be ok. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img][img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img] [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
"(...even so, I still feel Lee's a bit out of place...) "
may as well have had Sakura kick Kimimaro out of the way really, thats how big the difference in skill level has changed since Lee fought Gaara