Hotsuma is right cause if they are all high level ninjas like shark guy and Itachi they wouldn't care about Oro until he gets in their way.
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Hotsuma is right cause if they are all high level ninjas like shark guy and Itachi they wouldn't care about Oro until he gets in their way.
i think oro is least of their worries since i think Naruto is far more profitable to them ...coz they could unleash or harness the powers of Kyubi ...while Oro is just an idiot...who just keeps showing his snake like tongue to everyone....i mean...come....have some good high level jutsus....other than sensi jayshu...whatever
Originally posted by: MemnochTheCaT
Yeah too bad the 3rd has a slight case of death. I think that someone will eventually will sucessfully remove the seal, because Sasuke is one of Kishimoto's favorite characters, and it would be undeniably lame as hell for him to always rely on the curse for strength, just like it would be lame for Naruto to rely on Kyuubi forever. Both Naruto and Sasuke need to find and perfect their own strength without relying on cheap sources, otherwise they cheapen themselves.
EDIT : To Sangai, adding a seal to an existing seal is modification. Sorta like if I took an existing image and painted something else in the middle of it .. modification. Either way, Oro's handiwork was erased like it was never there by Jiraiya, with no sweat.
why is it lame relying on kyuubi forever? Kyuubi is naruot's tool nothin wrong with it.
is it cheap for sasuke or itachi to rely on the sharingan forever?
Sasuke received his sharingan from his father, Naruto received kyuubi power from his father.
Sasuke was born with sharingan , Naruto was born with kyuubi power .
See that's where you're wrong. When a person leaves an organization like Akatsuki, it puts everyone at risk. That's why Oro is more in their way than Naruto. I'll explain it this way:Quote:
Originally posted by: Hakeem_21
Hotsuma is right cause if they are all high level ninjas like shark guy and Itachi they wouldn't care about Oro until he gets in their way.
1. Naruto is something they want to acquire.
2. Oro is like the pebble in their shoe, or rock in their road. Especially since he knows what kind of shoes they wear and what road they are travelling on.
Naruto should be insignificant to Akatsuki, since he's not an immediate threat. Oro is an immediate threat to their security and plans. They haven't killed Oro yet, most likely because they can't.
That's getting way too far ahead of a game, you don't even know.
It's also very possible that Oro doesn't know the full extent of Akatsuki's plans. Akatsuki is pretty secretive, and from what we've seen so far, not too hasty.
Originally posted by: Hotsuma
That's getting way too far ahead of a game, you don't even know.
It's also very possible that Oro doesn't know the full extent of Akatsuki's plans. Akatsuki is pretty secretive, and from what we've seen so far, not too hasty.
We know that Oro knows about Akatsuki trying to acquire Naruto. Think about it, Oro is one of the lengendary sannin. He would have known about many of Akatsukis plans.
dont you think it would kill sasuke to get the seal removed l mean you saw how much strength Jiraiya used on naruto to undo the seal oro did but if he did that to sasuke that would sorta be like braking his neck and who is the leader of Akatsuki?
Akatsuki is an extremely secretive organization. If they knew everything there is to know about Akatsuki, and their intentions, the villages would've surely sent some Anbu teams to scope it out.
hahahahh right.Quote:
Originally posted by: Hokage-IV
...Naruto received kyuubi power from his father...
...Naruto was born with kyuubi power .
Anko had a cursed seal too, or does she still have it? if she still has it, then it's a seal that cant be removed very easily, since the 3rd was still around when anko got her's, otherwise he would have removed it for her. If Anko doesnt have it no more, then forget what I typed above =P
anko still has it. i bet it can only be removed by orochimaru.
Makes sense.Quote:
Originally posted by: hiten mitsurugi
See that's where you're wrong. When a person leaves an organization like Akatsuki, it puts everyone at risk. That's why Oro is more in their way than Naruto. I'll explain it this way:Quote:
Originally posted by: Hakeem_21
Hotsuma is right cause if they are all high level ninjas like shark guy and Itachi they wouldn't care about Oro until he gets in their way.
1. Naruto is something they want to acquire.
2. Oro is like the pebble in their shoe, or rock in their road. Especially since he knows what kind of shoes they wear and what road they are travelling on.
Naruto should be insignificant to Akatsuki, since he's not an immediate threat. Oro is an immediate threat to their security and plans. They haven't killed Oro yet, most likely because they can't.
But we know Oro's basically immortal - so what would be the point. It's like the pebble's built into the shoe - so they just have to live with it. Maybe they hop on the un-rocked foot?
Oro is not immortal if you kill his shell of body first then kill him again! If he hadn't a shell body when Tsunade kicked his ass in the sannin fight with all their summonings he would be dead now!
How can you say akatsuki cant kill Oro! If there other guys like Itachi or better in akatsuki they would kill Oro easily. Oro is not a god!
lol seriously. oro is super strong but i'm sure akatsuki can whoop him.
LOL! Taking the analogy a little bit too far.Quote:
But we know Oro's basically immortal - so what would be the point. It's like the pebble's built into the shoe - so they just have to live with it. Maybe they hop on the un-rocked foot?
That's the thing about these secret organisations..... there are many things that even the strongest, most high-level members don't know.
Oro isn't a god but then why hasn't Akatsuki killed him yet. This is what we know of about people who have left organizations:
1. Oro left Kohoha. All of Konoha nins know about Oro, and are to alert the third immediately. They are to confront and kill Oro.
2. Zambusa left the mist; Mist village sent hunter-nins for his head.
3. Sasuke left Konoha; Konoha sent a team (4 genins and 1 chunnin) after him.
Tsunade was fighting Oro without the ability of his arms. It was a handicap match and Jaraiya was there.
and kabuto was there, jiraiya was drugged, and tsunade fought most of the battle with her fear of blood.
maybe orochimaru leaving wasn't a big deal to the akatsuki. why bother with orochimaru when his goal differs from akatsuki's?