ROFL. That would make a funny screencap. Just add the stamp OWN3D!!!Quote:
Originally posted by: sangai sakusei
go jiggly puff the ninja pokemon
*out of nowhere comes a huge windmill shuriken and slices him in half
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ROFL. That would make a funny screencap. Just add the stamp OWN3D!!!Quote:
Originally posted by: sangai sakusei
go jiggly puff the ninja pokemon
*out of nowhere comes a huge windmill shuriken and slices him in half
Aren't we kinda drifting away from the subject, And No any screenshot's with Jiggly Puff would be cool
It'd be interesting to pit the ninja's jutsu against Dark Schnider's spells (from Bastard!). And the Paper users from ROD, that could be fun too. And Bolt Crank from Eatman, snacking on shuriken and popping them out of his hand at a rapid pace. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img] Video game people to shove in. . . Hmm. . . OO! OO! Mai Shiranui from Fatal Fury! More happiness for Jiraiya! And have Son Goku (from Saiyuki, NOT DBZ) wander through and team up with Naruto. That'd be fun to see as allies or opponents. My first exposure to anime was Robotech, and my first real anime was Guyver (in like 3rd or 4th grade), so I there are a lot of weird possibilities that will fly out of my head (some that are just too WRONG to post).