well......considering the trend.......he HAS to beat her in some way that nearly kills him as well.....
considering that he feels the same impact delivered to the victum of his jutsu, i would think that he would indeed catch her in his shadow, have her command the summons to attack her, and then shikamaru and her both would recieve serious wounds
i mean cmon....all the other genin's are doin it.....why cant shika sacrifice himself too??
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (AssertnFailure @ Feb 18 2004, 06:01 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> well......considering the trend.......he HAS to beat her in some way that nearly kills him as well.....
considering that he feels the same impact delivered to the victum of his jutsu, i would think that he would indeed catch her in his shadow, have her command the summons to attack her, and then shikamaru and her both would recieve serious wounds
i mean cmon....all the other genin's are doin it.....why cant shika sacrifice himself too?? </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
he doesn't feel the impacts. Ino is the one that does. Remember during the preliminaries how he made Kin smash her head against a wall? Nothing happened to him.
He has to fight the woman, it's his signature. http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/wink.gif
Lucky she's such a good match for him.
He will mary her. Think about it. Shikamaru's dream is to have a normal easy-going life and marry a normal (read obedient) woman. And now he'll get stuck with Tayuya... poor Shika http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/cool.gif
yea i remember that - read my shika's shadow thread in the anime section.
someone said that naruto punching gaara hurt shika...
the animators really fudged this thing up....
Actually, it isn't so much a matter of being messed up, but rather a complex relationship.
When Shikamaru smacked Kin against the wall, he followed her movements, but he did not have a wall to get smacked against -- hence his head just stopped sharply, no injury done.
However, while he controls the mimicked movement, both bodies need to move in the same manner. So when Naruto punched Gaara, the movement it made in Gaara (sharply back and to one side) was translated through the Shadow Imitation. Shika didn't need to feel the actual punch, just the disconcerting movement of almost slipping a disc.
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Arctyc @ Feb 19 2004, 03:19 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> Actually, it isn't so much a matter of being messed up, but rather a complex relationship.
When Shikamaru smacked Kin against the wall, he followed her movements, but he did not have a wall to get smacked against -- hence his head just stopped sharply, no injury done.
However, while he controls the mimicked movement, both bodies need to move in the same manner. So when Naruto punched Gaara, the movement it made in Gaara (sharply back and to one side) was translated through the Shadow Imitation. Shika didn't need to feel the actual punch, just the disconcerting movement of almost slipping a disc. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
good reasoning there. heh.. slipping discs..
well, my question is this: is it possible to have him shadowbind other people and have them fight for him? if so, he could probably use that on the summoned giants and at least have them fight for him, trumping the flute technique. a bit of a stretch, but still possible. unfortunately, he only has five minutes of shadow time, and it looks like he used up about 30sec-1min of it already... Tayuya has yet to go to level 2 himself... (btw, didn't the Inane translation say that Tayuya was a guy?)
yeah i'm pretty sure he's a guy. The only girl I thought was Sakon...or is that Ukon? Meh one of them
my memory is a little fuzzy but wasn't tayuya the one that kimimaro ( <-- that right?) said that he will definitly kill after everything is over? maybe this will somehow factor into the tayuya vs shika fight. who knows maybe knowing he is going to die he lets shika go http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/biggrin.gif its somewhat a stretch but i'm hoping it explains that (if it already hasn't and i'm too stupid to notice) but its just a thought.