That's so messed up of chuushin to steal from inane.
They still bitch about Inane's slow releases (which is still up on their "news" btw) and then they go and jack the release and pretend it is their own. That's just messed up.
Also, all of the donations have gone to non-existent "server upgrades" that aren't happening. I think that's just sketchy.
what's next? chuushin's responsible for narutofan hijacking?
good job inane on the releases. kudos.
as for chuushin, no one needs you, you can take your whiny asses home.
chuushin hasnt stolin anything
id like to show you that you dont know what your talking about chuushin says that inane has released there chapter and never once have said WE released OUR chapter
heres the proof (look in the white box and even in there news section they always give mention that its inanes version the only thing they have done was change the file name so that its just Example: 203 they never say chapter 203 by chuushin
Stop trying to defend them for hells sake.
If Xplo, who is one of the higherups at mangareaders/INANE says that they ripped them off, I have to believe him.
That screencap could have been taken after the fact and they could have changed it to cover their asses.
Sorry, but I just believe the Inane guys over anyone.
look at the date on the image in the news part it says febuary fourth it hasn't been changed
but if you guys dont like chuushin thats fine
but i feel the need to defend them for some reason especially since Xplo was and is over there harassing people
Hooray for Kiba!
All the Genin are doing a good job of making me appreciate them more. Chouji got backstory, Neji get smart and now Kiba got noble. Will Shikamaru become brave? Woot!
That said, I hope none of them die, now. Each of them have become cool.
well shikamaru is brave he just isn't motivated maybe this will motivate him to become a better ninja
since Ukon and Sakon are separeted i doubt killing Ukon will stop Sakon.. would be kinda stupid
so if Kiba does kill himself to kill Ukon then Sakon is free to go do whatever (its abit weird but none of the sound 4 seem to have really died so far, they all look like they can return)
I'd like to clarify a few things.
First of all, Chuushin has NEVER stolen ANYTHING from Inane. EVERY single news post I make regarding Inane's latest release says INANE right on it. Not to mention I leave every logo intact, and have always mentioned Inane in release information. How that can be classified as stealing is beyond me.
XpLo is a moron, sorry to say. He's a french 'tard that doesn't know his right from his left. If you must believe him over me, fine, but you can have a look at Chuushin for yourself and see that I'm not lying.
We've never stolen anything, and we do not intend to.
@Hatake: What that screencap shows is STILL visible on Chuushin, I haven't even updated it yet. You can go look for yourself.
@BakaShinji: Waiting until Sunday WAS a painfully long wait, whether you want to admit it or not. Inane has just proved it doesn't take that long. Furthermore, I have NEVER said that donations are going to 'server upgrades'. Any and all donations we get that are in excess of our monthly bill simply pools in paypal. I could take a screencap of the account if you wish. Lastly, your comment regarding NarutoFan is senseless and uncalled for.
Hope that clarifies things.
Let me be the 1st to become a shikamaru hater http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/biggrin.gif
U KNO Y?! CAUSE im the 1st!!!!!!!! FIRST HATER! UNO, WUN, IL, YEA 1st!
1st shikamaru hater here!
and exactly why do you hate shikamaru all oyu said is that you wanteed to be the first is there any reason behind this other than being the first
i dont hate any of the characters, they're all there for a reason.
yeah most of them are there for a reason, and are not that bad...
I am not sure how hot this thread will be this week...we really only saw one fight again, looks like Kishimoto is back to his lazy ways.
So we really won't have a lot to talk about other than what hapened in one fight.
Oh well, at least we know their are more to summons than living things. Unless that Rashomon fortress was a monster thing or whatever.
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (UltimateDBZ @ Feb 13 2004, 09:36 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> I'd like to clarify a few things.
First of all, Chuushin has NEVER stolen ANYTHING from Inane. EVERY single news post I make regarding Inane's latest release says INANE right on it. Not to mention I leave every logo intact, and have always mentioned Inane in release information. How that can be classified as stealing is beyond me.
XpLo is a moron, sorry to say. He's a french 'tard that doesn't know his right from his left. If you must believe him over me, fine, but you can have a look at Chuushin for yourself and see that I'm not lying.
We've never stolen anything, and we do not intend to.
@Hatake: What that screencap shows is STILL visible on Chuushin, I haven't even updated it yet. You can go look for yourself.
@BakaShinji: Waiting until Sunday WAS a painfully long wait, whether you want to admit it or not. Inane has just proved it doesn't take that long. Furthermore, I have NEVER said that donations are going to 'server upgrades'. Any and all donations we get that are in excess of our monthly bill simply pools in paypal. I could take a screencap of the account if you wish. Lastly, your comment regarding NarutoFan is senseless and uncalled for.
Hope that clarifies things. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
mmm kay - well, it's all just supposition.
explain yourself then. - narutochuushin?
it doesn't take from the fact that inane is asking people to stop supporting you guys.... ehh?
That's merely because XpLo has a personal vendetta against me, and for some reason has the dillusion that we're stealing Inane's work, when that has never been our intention, nor our action. I can't help the fact that they're lying about Chuushin and slamming us in their releases. All I can do is spread the truth.
It's not like it takes a genius to waltz over to Chuushin and see for yourself that we're not stealing their work, claiming it as our own, removing their logos, or anything of the sort. Just see for yourself.
Exciting chapter. I hope Kiba finishes the job next chapter. I wanna see Shika fight (run away, but win through pure skillz).
you guys ultimatedbz is telling the truth go look at the site and see for you self baka shinji im assuming your the same one sitting in the chuushin forms
chuushin hasn't done anything that XpLo said they did
also as for kiba i really hope he doesnt die for that matter i hope no one dies but neji got a big ass hole in his side so he might be one of the people to die but i hope not and kiba might die if he keeps stabing himself
If anyone's gonna buy the farm it's Choji he said he would die if he popped the red pill.
It would look kind of weird if he was still alive.
i dont think so in chouji's case he has a chance to recover his chakra some how but neji who has a softball size hole in his side would bleed to do death unless he knew of some way to make a chakra force feild around his wound but the way they ended his fight i would think that neji is already dead
it would really suck if every one died it would kinda end the series for me the reason for that is that naruto character wouldn't have any friends to build his character off of and it would hurt the series naruto would almost be back where he started no friends
they arent really his friends though, not many people in the series actually like naruto they just deal with him being around lol
as for people dying - as they left it i doubt any of the sound 4 will die if the genins dont, they took less damage then every single genin.
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (sangai sakusei @ Feb 13 2004, 11:42 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> i dont think so in chouji's case he has a chance to recover his chakra some how but neji who has a softball size hole in his side would bleed to do death unless he knew of some way to make a chakra force feild around his wound but the way they ended his fight i would think that neji is already dead
it would really suck if every one died it would kinda end the series for me the reason for that is that naruto character wouldn't have any friends to build his character off of and it would hurt the series naruto would almost be back where he started no friends </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
Nah man. If Dosu can survive having his head crushed against the ground (or lifted up dirt) at the velocity Rock Lee drove him into the ground, bleeding to death probably won't kill Neji by far.