The art may looks a little weird, but the animation will rock, just like in ep 30
And it seems like Temari is going to fight Sasuke o_O yay! I dont mind the fillers if Temari is in them ;P
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The art may looks a little weird, but the animation will rock, just like in ep 30
And it seems like Temari is going to fight Sasuke o_O yay! I dont mind the fillers if Temari is in them ;P
Supposedly Wonderful Days was a very well animated Korean movie, but it bombed their due to the storyline.
It's not supposed to be a generalized slur -- but you need to consider that there is no concrete identity for these outsourced animators for which the blame to be fixed. What we know is they are not Nara Animation, and they are not nearly as good as Nara Animation.
It is possible, though I don't know if true, for a company to exist in Korea that does excellent work in the field of animation. Its relevance to the current situation is questionable, for while the subpar work is obviously done from a group different from the norm which we have become accustomed, it is almost certainly all done by the same third-party group, whoever they are.
What I wonder is how this money/team size/timelining issue is working out so far for the producers. They can't be any happier than us fans when it comes to having half of their episodes tweened to hell. There must be a factor at play for why they cannot a) move to a bimonthly airing format, b ) budget new hires and training for Nara Animation to handle the workload, or c) find a different outsourcing company.
keeping the quality in a long eps series shouldnt be hard for naruto. just look at inu yasha. ive seen 'bout the 1st 30 eps and each one was as great as the one b4. the quality in that was always awesome. poor poor naruto
i think it looks like the fight between oro and sasuke.....
or not ?
Someone should Photo shop Oro into Santa Claus.He has the weight to go with it,and maybe a hokage elf because he is so damn small in that episode.
well said
Oro looks more like Chouji at the moment
i just dont understand how something of that quality can be accepted?
its just weird... wouldnt they have a minimum standard or something
everything about that preview was just ass, all the jutsus looked stupid and out of place, oro was a fat man and the 3rd looked weird
LOL, I'll just saw it, Oro look like a fat man. they should think before they make naruto. Because everyone loves naruto.
Hotsuma: If i'm not mistaken i think futurama was animated by koreans. I think there are a lot of "american" cartoons that are animated by koreans.
yeah the characters seemed so different from the episode before, the only thing that makes them recognisable is the clothes they're wearing
i think it would be jsut like eps 33 i believe with oro/sasuke fight.. man the drawing was kinda bad but the animation was super awesome.. if its the same team that did ep33 doing the hokage fight then im fine with it..
tsunade lover.....
hehe yea hes does look fat in the eps preview of 71, but tis just a preview dont rellay know if its going to look like that
Is there anyone that has actually confirmed and have proove that it's those damn koreans again? or was it just something screwed with the preview? has anyone said something about, announced it on some site?
It's the image quality, mostly.
Here are some side-by-sides.
71 looks way better than 70, crack fiends
its the same animation/quality as episode 30 (sas vs oro)
look at the way temari is drawn and look at the part where sasuke is jumping
and i loved the animation and also the quality in that episode... but especially becuz the animation was so fluent.
I think what people are trying to say is the detail in the animation is not as high as Ep 70. Like they had to rush it.
what an indepth coverage...
you guys are bashing on KOREAN animators..because if you are just calling them "korean" b/c they are from korea, its nice how you guys keep saying "those damn korean animators" or "those koreans are screwing up good episodes"
honestly, dont try to cover up racist comments with facts...
either way, just by looking at a preview, if you dont like it, do you have to watch it?
I dont know what are you all talking about, just saw episode 71 raw and its just AWESOME, the animation was badass and the art was pretty good, a little weird at some points... but IMO this one is up there with 48 and 30 xD
pd; Oh, and it was done by Nara Animation & Gainax