that was kinda of gay but then again if they didnt spit up then naruto wouldnt have learned kiyochose no jutsu i think its spelled right correct me if im wrong, but back the subject, lets c, plus to me i think that kakashi favors sasuke over naruto just becasue sasuke has a sharingan, but it was a good thing that tehy did though
well yea but i am not just talking about Naruto......we are foregetting the waste of a character "Sakura" who was put in team 7......why wasn't she trained by Kakashi.....i mean he should have taught her a combat jutsu or two....oh hell i am done with this topic....
dam forgot abuot her, maybe its bc kakashi already taught here how to nutralize the genjutsu and that she failed the prelim matches
hahaha....dude just teaching someone a "Kai"(cancel) won't win you a battle.....she needs to learn jutsu's not definations of "chakra". coz thats all she does....she has memorized each and everything.....except on how to come up with new jutsus. i might be going ahead of myself on sakura...since she has very small amount of chakra.....
if she was to learn the medical jutsu....she better train like Lee...and i am sure she won't do that....coz she'll be after Sasuke's you know what....waste of paper and ink.
you guys dont seem to realize, the kyuubi is evil.
if naruto used too much of its power he'd get its evil intentions, he'd lose control.
theres no way that anyone could harness its full power without losing it
well from waht i can tell from where story is @ kakashi's team will all become the sucessors of the 3. Naruto chakra and all is going ot get is arse whooped mostlikely by kammimaro, and Sasuke will save him but still leave. naruto will again shadow jayria, and while Kakashi is supporting Kahona facilitating missions. Sakura( who we all know is a extremely book smart ) will somehow or another get hooked up with Tsunade. granted these are predictions but from where we are in terms of summons alone its logical progression.
Although i think Hinata would be excellent choice for a medical jounin- her byakagan would make it especially easy to manipulate chakra to stimulate healing, as well as detect internal damage... but that was a bit off topic.
well i think before naruto and kim start their fight i mean just like a second before naruto hits Kim....Sasuke is gonna come out with level 2 curse and than kimimaro would want to test his powers against sasuke....as to why Oro wants Sasuke so much.....and Naruto will just watch i guess..
hrmm actaully yeah idint even consider that. Im going to actually hop on that train we know that Sasuke is close to popping as it has been mentions many times up to this point. mmmmboy i cant wait
I think its pretty obvious that tsunade will teach sakura... I think with the trail of half dead leaf genins and the lack of sakura in this saga she will come along to save them with hear freshly learned medical jutsu. Not sure how sasuke will learn his snake stuff from oro with out getting his body taken over tho, unless he can copy it with sharingan but he would still need to sign the blood pact i think...
I remember reading an interview with Kishimoto where he mentioned the importance of the snail, snake and toad triangle. He said that Naruto was toad(obviously), Sakuke was snake and Sakura was snail, there is also a picture depicting this on the cover of chapter 4 in volume one of the manga. It would make sense that Sakura would learn healing because she has such great chakra control.
hm i guess tsunade could train sakura. Just because she is the hokage doesn't mean she can't take someone under her wing.
Weird question. Did sandaime teach Jiraiya, Oro, and Tsunade while he was hokage? Cause in 72 it show him with all of them looking at the hokage mountain and it has his face up there.
If team 7 trained together then Naruto would never have met Jaraiya. Then Oro's seal would have never been un-sealed. Naruto would not have been able to control his chakra or Kyuubi's. Naruto doesn't need to be trained by the likes of Kakashi anyway. It's as Jaraiya said, Naruto's kyuubi chakra is just wasted by doing these low level jutsus. Naruto just needs to hurry up and learn the high level death jutsus (just like the fourth). There's no need to play with little ants.
Besides, the introduction of the super pervert was extremely important.