Seisouhen/Reflections was extremely disappointing for me. I didn't mind Kenshin dying(to leprosy), because it showed his frail mortality. However, I HATED how they mocked the Jinchuu Arc. A small 5 minute clip? That's it? Gah!
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Seisouhen/Reflections was extremely disappointing for me. I didn't mind Kenshin dying(to leprosy), because it showed his frail mortality. However, I HATED how they mocked the Jinchuu Arc. A small 5 minute clip? That's it? Gah!
I have to the first OVA (Trust & Betrayal) has yet to be beaten by any anime I have seen. As a TV series, Kenshin was very good but not as good as the OVA. The second OVA and the movie were awful.
There are such good fights when Enishi arrives with his gang and when yahiko kicks that transsexual guy! and sano's superpunch!
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (JessiA @ Feb 10 2004, 05:16 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> Guys, please stay on topic. I don't know what this thread is about, but I can assume that Cowboy Bebop's end isn't part of it.
Someone complained of spoiling here. I won't warn anyone for that because the spoils refer to years old anime.. however, if you get any further off topic than what this series is about (seisouhen), I'm going to close this.
Edit: I haven't seen this, so I didn't realize that it was about Kenshin, sorry. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
Im new to anime/manga world and Cowboy Bebop was my favorit anime so far but now its ruined for me because of dazz Just because CB is old doesnt mean that you can spoil!! In my opion you or an other mod should have warned dazz couse now he/she thinks that spoiling an old anime is ok. I reported dazz but nothing happend.
Is it really aloud to change the anime so much from the manga, it couldn't be possible, like what they have done in RK... The ending are opposites of eachother... It's bad that watsuki did that.. Were the manga ends, then the real story ends right?, because the cherry blossom is from 16th year of Meiji (1883).. then he didn't have that leprocy, and in that chapter the story ended... Kenshin didn't die then, just in the anime, which was totally different from the manga. All <u>kenshin fans</u> answer we now, Should i trust the manga or the anime?, because the ending is so different, I think the manga, because it was made first.
You should always trust the manga before the anime cause the manga is made first and the anime is filled with fillers.
Well then i'm relieved, Kenshin ain't dead! yay.
You can find the proper RK ending here:
There is also a one shot manga called Yahiko no Sakabatou that takes place after this, but you can find it easily on mIRC. It is a Yahiko showcase.
Well, Download the all manga chapters on suprnova, then there's none low quality.. the good parts begin at chapter 150 -> 255.. start reading again?
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Hatake Kakashi @ Feb 12 2004, 11:48 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> You can find the proper RK ending here:
There is also a one shot manga called Yahiko no Sakabatou that takes place after this, but you can find it easily on mIRC. It is a Yahiko showcase. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
How many vols of the Yahiko manga is there?
you can find them on irc, its as easy as falling in love.
But that Yahiko no Sakabatou is a special chapter that take place after the ending of kenshin manga, but i can't see that chapter as an immportant thing to fill up the other chapters... just fun to check his jutsus when he has mastered Kamisha style
Kenshin manga rule the anime!
interesting.....i kinda stopped reading the manga sometime during the kyoto saga, since it seemed close enough to the anime to me. I was only able to get the first 70 chapters though, cause i was following that one site that seems to have stopped altogether now
I'm assuming the ones you guys got was from that "tales of the swirly ninja" site, but i always thought the quality of the scans were kinda bad compared to the one i was following.
Hhahahahah wow i thought the 2nd OVA was gonan be good... but all it was, was pretty much flash backs.. and besides didn't American make it?! i dunno if im right tahts what i heard but i think japanese ppl woulda make it better