So tempting to come back to ZZZ, too bad I don't have the currency to pull at all...
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So tempting to come back to ZZZ, too bad I don't have the currency to pull at all...
Just downloaded it again to try it out. Got some nice free polychromes just for being away so long.
OMG I can run around using Piper! I am so back! Will keep earning polys daily to pull for Evelyn. Will probably go through the stories and events once I finish Heaven Burns Red chapter 4.
The story got going this patch. Actual stuff happening and it's great fun. First time where the non comic/cinematics were really interesting for me
I also *love* the fact that you can "date" for real now and run together with your favorite characters.
You can even play arcade with them and they join as an NPC.
Lots of free pulls these last few weeks as well, I think they gave like 4k currency for free last week due to "issues", for example they made characters invisible if you zoom in etc. and people were mad, so they said it was a bug and gave everyone 10 pulls the next day, lol.
Miyabi is really strong and funny too. I currently have to hold back and be more reasonable, so I don't go for M2. Was lucky enough to get her weapon very early, I need to be content with that.
After all, Astra and Evelyn are coming and they are freaking cool, especially Evelyn.
She is without doubt the coolest playable character I've seen so far in gaming. (I'm serious)
She looks like the villain you kinda want to play as, but are never allowed to, and the small details with her jacket are just such a great touch.
Although I have to say, she looks like a great version of Sylvia van Hossen from Princess Lover.
I think this patch alone can get you 90+ pulls, this patch has LOTS of additions and extra stuff, new weekly/bi-weekly stuff as well.
And Evelyn is coming 2nd part next patch. So I'm sure you can get 180 pulls for a guarantee.
hmmm. bit too much jiggle
Do you mean if I do all the event stuff to earn the polys?
The 1.4 content, if you do everything (including the bi-weekly format stuff), has more pulls per patch than usual.
I don't have the chart anymore, but it's like 140 pulls as F2P (of which 20 are standard banner)
But that includes achivements, so probably just 135 pulls or something.
It has to do with the new weekly Hollow Zero format.
Either way, you will have enough for evelyn since 1.5 will also have like 100+.
Go get that waki-wobbly-ass-tit-monster.
Patches keep coming, 1.5 looks fun.
I think somewhere along the line, maybe 2.X there will be multiplayer on the menu, or at least AI assisted combat.
2 of my friends started playing again on their own. Miyabi got them back into the ProxyBiz.
Overall I still think this is by far the best Gacha out there atm. The music and cutscenes keep kicking.
The only other Gacha I'm currently looking forward will be Enfield
But it has a lot to beat if it wants to occupy my ZZZ time.
It's so tempting to pull for Miyabi. I don't have an ice team, and she is so fucking broken. However, I feel like I will lose 50/50 on her and ruin my chances for Evelyn...
Is it worth gambling for a lucky draw?
Dunno, Miyabi is indeed extremely strong and you can solo everything with her. She is a team on her own.
But Waifu over power, especially since Eve should be right up your alley.
Next patch will have ~30 pulls alongside everything that is happening, because of chinese new year.
I decided not to go for Miyabi because I already used her a ton in the white event area, and it got very boring because she just spams her skills and never dodges or switches because of her invulnerable frames. Way too OP. Reminds me of Jinshi from Wuwa, who was similarly broken and bored me out of the game.
She has lots of switches actually, but that depends on how you play her.
She can be switched out during pretty much all her animations (Basic5, hold-basic etc.)
It's just that she is strong enough to clear everything so you don't "have to"
But Hold Basic with 6 orbs is for example perfect for switching to Nicole to hold E and switch back with a quick assist after she is done with Hold Basic.
It's actually beyond funny how many numbers are on the screen when you do that.
Yeah, the problem is you don't have to. I tend to play games the most efficient way available, so if I have a strong character, I will not go out of my way not to use them. The problem with that is it gets boring and repetitive.
Also, I don't like her character design at all.
If DPS is the way you measure efficiency, swapping would be a big bonus.
I don't think any ZZZ character holds interesting gameplay when they are on their own, the character kits themselves don't really have that much going on, that's why you get 3 slots after all.
Another very fun and strong swap would be if you own Caesar.
Kinda awesome to do a "charged basic" just at the right moment, so that you can still defensive-assist or E-block the attack with Caesar.
So much daze!
I see what you mean, but then I fall into the "this is much easier and gets things done anyway" pattern. The game has to force me to do more complicated things. I generally don't do self-imposed challenges.
I think I'll skip Evelyn and I feel bad about it.
I have no use for her (literally 0 because I like my other Attack characters just as much)... but she looks so god damn fine.
The biggest problem I have is that she is fire-element.
And I have Soldier 11 which I very much like, that has not only the same element, but also the same role.
Same, I love Soldier 11, but at the same time she is kinda soft and gets bashed around easily. The big problem with S11 is her lack of invulnerable frames. She can be hit out of anything other than her EX and ult.
Yeah, I never have that problem though because I have Caesar on her team.
Astra gameplay is available for content creators now.
She is literally a character you press "E" with - one single time. And then you basically don't touch her again.
Gameplay wise, probably boring, but she sings and buffs while doing it and her kit is amazing.
Not too hyped on Support gameplay anyway as I mostly do nothing with them other than some switcheroo shenanigans.
So if I can instead focus on my other 2 characters (2 anomaly, or stunner+dps), that's fine by me.
Who is your 3rd character after S11 and Caesar? I might just adopt that if it improves S11 dps and survivability.
Caesar S11 Lucy + Rocket Bangboo, but I don't think it actually matters what Bangboo you choose.
Caesar has very good stun, so I don't need a stunner, her defensive assists and blocks are just insane.
I'd use the same team with Evelyn, if I'd get her and not Astra.
Although if you have both, I'd probably go Astra, Evelyn, + whomever (probably Caesar again.)
My prime team will be Astra/Caesar/Miyabi after next patch, but I'll probably use Caesar/Astra on my weaker teams in content where I need 2 or 3 teams.
I will try to run S11, Lucy, Caesar and Rocket for my fire team.
I used to have Caesar with Burnice and Piper because they are my 3 favorite characters (excluding waki factor) as my main team, but I may replace Caesar with Koleda as the stunner. Burnice and Piper is pretty broken as a disorder team, so any character providing stun will be fine.
Got drunk, my wife egged me on, and got Miyabi at 40 draws!
Now I just gotta devote the rest of my resources to getting Evelyn when she drops in Feb!
Is Miyabi Soukaku Lycoan a good team?