I think Kraco's point is since the pair protags don't have that knowledge, they are just going with what common sense or intuition tells them. Getting stronger usually involves pushing yourself beyond your limits, so that is what they are trying.
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I think Kraco's point is since the pair protags don't have that knowledge, they are just going with what common sense or intuition tells them. Getting stronger usually involves pushing yourself beyond your limits, so that is what they are trying.
Looks like it's now 3v3 for Early vs Late release watchers.
Then I'm out of this thread. I'm still watching it, but the fucked-up release schedule has generally made this series impossible to discuss (and not just here). If they weren't offset exactly a week, it might be more tolerable, but it feels like trying to discuss a series where the LN or manga readers are spoiling every post.
I didn't participate much, after all because of time zones I watch anime almost immediately when they are available.
So I always wait for anyone to update a thread before I participate.
Regarding that show, I don't think I spoiled anything.
Episode 7
Fran isn't in a naked apron getup, but damn it looks like one.
How they pulled it off as cute without being inappropriate is impressive.
Lie Detect also buffs lies. That's quite a skill. Though is everything a skill in this show? Such that you can steal MANNERS from soneone?
I guess it's up to the author.
Skill Taker and Parallel Minds aside, I want that unlimited fridge space with infinite expiry date. That's just so practical.
The Japanese really love these experience points based level up game systems. It can work in a scripted game, but when you actually have it in a functional universe, like these isekai mostly try to depict, it's unbelievably stupid. Like here the ugly dude formed a party and then just sat on his fat ass, having other party members do all the work, yet he got stronger as well, thanks to the experience points system. "Nothing wrong about that," said almost every isekai author.
It could be that fool only could act somewhat civilised because of the skill. Without it, he reverted to his very basic and natural character, which was utterly barbarian and uncouth. If he had actually been a civilised person from the beginning, chances are the skill either wouldn't have existed at all for him or there wouldn't have been such a big change. Who knows how that skill system works. In the first place, to go back to the beginning of my post, if you have skills, you might as well have a skill based level up system, not an experience points based one. Experience points with skills can be even worse if you can level up skills purely by using level up bonuses, without ever doing any practice. I just watch the show for Fran and adventure, I try not to think too much about the mechanics.
Yeah, it did feel a bit like that, but on the other hand, it apparently was her dream to be able to behave in a refined manner, even if it's hardly useful in a full-time adventurer's everyday life. It's, perhaps, not all that surprising considering she was a slave. If she saw wealthy, free people from far away interacting with their peers and how they were totally different from a lowly slave, it's not so strange. In the modern world we can have a barbarian like Trump be a millionaire and the president of the most powerful country in the world, but if we jump back a century, the nouveau riche still often wanted to emulate the old noble ways at least superficially, and if we go back even further, there was real desire for all the people who managed to amass some wealth to actually be accepted by the noble aristocracy, which led to impoverished nobles sometimes saving themselves by deigning to allow a rich merchant family to marry into their noble family.
I guess for that show also most of you are a week late ?
Discussions were about ep7 and ep8 was out yesterday.
If you start to discuss the one week in advance Chinese schedule episodes, I'll just drop out of the thread. It's not against the rules, so you just have to make the decision. By the looks of it, Bill seemed to decide to only talk about the episode in the Japanese (and American) schedule, so for the time being I'll participate.
Easy, I was just asking and like I wrote in the other thread with the same problem, I always wait the discussions to be about the right episode.
That schedule thing is a bit of a problem. Also I wonder if the subs are really different/better the week after. But that's another subject altogether.
Same here, I don't talk about an episode unless it is already in active discussion.
Yeah my comment was written last week. I've got Episode 8's initial impression saved on a notepad for next week.
Subsplease: very large files...
I still keep downloading 720p versions! I started doing that all those years ago, when I was watching a dozen shows a season and archived them all. So, no amount of HDD space available was ever enough. Nowadays I seem to find it difficult to keep watching more than three shows, but I still stick to the 720p versions, like I always did. I guess I could switch to FullHD.