It was shochu.
I LOVE this ending. It was perfect. It's been a while since I've seen such an excellently executed exit (alliteration intended). Everything that has happened so far culminated into the conclusion. The harem end was the best part. The two girls love each other anyway and are evidently willing to share. Top dogs deserve that kinda perk.
I love Iris's jealous face. That alone made this show worth it.
The only thing that could have made this final episode better was an announcement of a second season. Kazuhisa did stop the father from interfering, after all. Taking over the world with those two girls by your side and an engineering genius behind you is gonna be awesome. Oh, let's not forget megane shinobi under the desk doing you know what.
Just watched episode 13, and in all it was a fun way to end it. No real big twists or anything like that, but just fun developments all around to finish the series in a fairly high note.
Seems like there are stories to tell beyond what occurred in this season, so maybe a return could be possible (though unlikely), but I say with how the series finished, particularly the last line, it was quite perfect and satisfying in many ways.
In all, glad I gave this series a shot. It was worth watching.
Perhaps the biggest problem in the whole show to me, is that everything rides on the main character being some amazing genius that everybody wants.
However, I didn't feel like we ever saw this at all. We were just told "Oh, he's supposed to be super amazing", and we only ever see him fumbling around with politics like an idiot.
The whole plot line of Iris being Nagisa seemed to be completely irrelevant.
The cartoon cutout villain of an older brother was just too silly.
Even the romance scenes seemed far out of left field. Main guy's little sister talked to him a couple times and helped him with his homework. And now suddenly she's in love with him? What?
The arguments the CEO makes are just dumb. "We can't revisit our decision. Don't you know how companies work?"
Lol, what? That's the whole reason for not considering reinstating A-TEC? He could have easily gone with the flow, kept Kaito, kept A-TEC, and then he'd have his "amazing" engineer, who would never work on the weapons project he wanted anyways.
I just couldn't get behind any of the plot elements in this show.
I didn't like the harem end. I think Mizuki should have had him. She's the best thing in this series.
She did have him, along with a BFF for 3p.