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Vegeta is always at the top of his rage factor... so it's only natural he doesn't have yet another rage level :D
As opposed to Goku who is an airhead that has to let the rage grow to get some more power.
But the arc is progresses as usual for shonen anime, like in the past, several DB fighters show how great the oponnent is by not being able to do much, even Goku, then there's some training+magic, then new rounds where our saviours are up to the fight, and then some power boost :D
On the one hand, I'm glad they seemed to have removed the embarrassing scene of Vegeta singing and dancing from the movie.
On the other hand, I miss the Mai/Trunks romantic subplot. It was super cute.
Does Vegeta even know Trunks is his son at that point? I don't remember.
I didn't watch the movie, and although it doesn't fall into spoiler territory, the less I know the better ;)
As for last ep, well DB slowmotion as usual. Seems like next ep will be some stalling the time Goku learns what are his new powers, how to activate and use them.
Episode 10
So, hopefully the fight will last one more episode, two tops. Just as well, this adaption of the movie has gone on long enough.
Side note, does anyone play DBZ Dokkan Battle?
i hate the kaios/narratorīs voice soooo much. itīs so bad. heīs speaking so slow that itīs really getting on my nerves.
Yeah I know what you mean. Even when he is supposed to speak fast or e.
Hah, completely agree. King Kai's character is in a constant state of panic, but the VA sounds like he's about to fall asleep.
Which, of course, he probably is. Because he's freakin' 84 years old.
episode 11 is out
an episode full of fighting, good.
i only wished that the animation wa on par with modern anime, like hunter x hunter. i understand that theyīre combining the advantage of nostalgia and reduced costs, but still ... there are no dynamic camera perspectives at all, every scene is playing out on a static plane. It could be so much better :/
I just watched this:
My point: I wonder what itīd take for DB Super to evoke the same feeling of tension, desperation and then hope. Weīre currently watching Goku fight the freaking God of Destruction, the strongest guy in the universe, who wants to destroy our heroes planet earth ... and not for a single moment did it feel like something was at stake. The only good/exciting moment was when Vegeta nervously tried to satisfy Beerusī needs and then freaked out after Bulma being slapped. THAT was genuinely exciting, because the outcome wasnīt obvious. With Goku, you just know itīll all be alright.
When Goku turned into SSJ1 after Krilinīs death ... shit was tough! Now he turned into a GOD, and tbh it was pretty lackluster how it all happened.
Death also doesnīt seem so bad, since resurrection via Dragonballs has long since been established. Letīs be real: Even if everybody got killed, theyīd just happily live together in the after world.
So, again, I wonder: Is it even possible to ever again introduce an evil force that actually forces our heroes to display true fear and desperation? Also an evil force that cannot be defeated by simply throwing Goku at it. Sure, in the end heīs likely the one to defeat the evil force, but let there be some proper build up. Have Vegeta and the otherīs their go at it, and not in a pathetic instant defeat like against Beerus. Piccolo and Vegeta fought Freezer and it looked like theyīd be able to win. They fought against Cell and, again, things didnīt look so bad at times. And again against Boo, it looked as if Vegeta could defeat Boo ... when his absurd regeneration powers surfaced.
Giving them hope, giving us hope, is what made these battles and evil forces memorable.
An actual villainous enemy.
Because Beerus isn't really a bad guy. He's just a bored guy with too much power trying to find someone strong enough to have a fight that's actually interesting.
He's basically the same as Goku.
Yeah, there's no Freiza tension here. Because Beerus is nothing like Freiza.
A completely valid complaint. The Dragonballs make death cheap.
And even if they weren't, the dread of death comes from not really knowing what happens to those that die, or if you'll ever see them again. However, knowing that for good people, death really is a paradise where you get to live with your loved ones, because characters have already been there and come back again, takes all the tension out of dying.
You're arguing against the weight of the entire series here though. Every arc, the number of characters that can reasonably fight the villain get smaller and smaller.
The problem with Dragon Ball Z has always been that there's too many heroes and not enough villains in a given are. Most arcs only have 1 or 2 villains of consequence. Even in arcs where they do have plenty of other villains, like the Ginyu force, instead of doing the interesting thing and having them all fight different heroes, you just have the main hero come in an beat pretty much all of them.
How much more interesting would the Namek arc have been if, instead of just Piccolo being resurrected and brought to Namek, all of heroes has been brought back then. And instead of the Ginyu Force being defeated, 1 by Vegeta, and 4 by Goku, if they'd all been in separate fights with separate heroes?
It's an important lesson that later series like Naruto and One Piece learned and improved on, but Dragonball seems to still be doing the same thing it always did. One villain that beats up everyone but Goku.
They can, but it would be spoilers from the movie to explain how. I don't know what our policy on that is. The movie is old obviously, but to people that haven't seen it, talking about the end of the movie would be spoilers for the end of this story arc.
I think one way to create a true feeling of danger and despair again, would be to make use of what has been established long time ago: Dying while already being dead makes you cease to exist. No more revival via dragonballs. Problem: Youīd have to permanently kill off popular characters and I donīt see that happening. Of course, there could be another work around thatīs just infinitely harder than collecting dragonballs, like, say, you donīt really cease to exist, but you cease to exist in this current universe. Wasnīt it established at the end of Dragonball Z or so that there are multiple universes? That would be a nice concept: Have Goku and the remaining friends travel to another universe, preferably using one of Bulmaīs inventions, and then continue similar to the Freezer-arc. Ha, even more awesome: Toriyama could apply "science" and say that every universe features different physical laws, meaning that Goku isnīt really strong anymore in another universe. That would allow other characters like Krilin to take part in battles again.
Anyway, something needs to happen to make it exciting again.
Well, movie spoilers, but:
that's also established at the end of the movie. Beerus tells them that there are actually 12 universes, some of which are full of people stronger than the ones in this universe. And the way it's presented at the end of the movie is very clearly, "This is the new frontier of adventure for our heroes." So they're obviously going to travel there in future arcs.
And they can bring back the tension by having the Dragonballs not work in the other dimensions. And maybe even having death be completely different in other dimensions.
episode 12 is out
haha, how i missed all the static shouting and power charging :D
Itīs totally random how some attacks cause universe destryoing waves and others dont, lol.
next week should be more exciting
I was wondering how they would show the scale of their power but yeah...2 and a half clashes of fists would destroy the universe? That is pretty damn powerful.
Makes you wonder how future battles will even happen then. I mean, if the power levels keep rising, how can they even fight in any universe? lol
I'm guessing they are going to do that like how they are doing it in Draginball Multiverse ( awesome webcomic ). Since there are 12 other universes I'm sure there is one that is completely empty and the gods can just fight there.
btw i see so many people everywhere mentioning Resurrection of F as if they have watched it already. I cant seem to find anywhere to watch a subbed version of the movie. Anyone can help? :>
The only subbed version I saw was a bootleg that someone recorded at a theater in Thailand or some place. And that was a few weeks before the movie came out in theaters. After that, they just sort of dropped off. It's supposed to be coming out on blu ray sometime this month though.