That's still a lot. I'm only 7 inches taller than my wife, and she looks tiny beside me and can easily hide behind me too.
EDIT: Yes, she's an actual human female, not a 2D poster or 3D dakimakura/figure.
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That's still a lot. I'm only 7 inches taller than my wife, and she looks tiny beside me and can easily hide behind me too.
EDIT: Yes, she's an actual human female, not a 2D poster or 3D dakimakura/figure.
Well, we also always wonder wether we're the same species or not :D
Regarding anime voices: by the end of the anime I was wondering if Takeo's VA lost his touch a bit. Rather than exageration, his voice felt forced at times. It's possible that the gap they wanted between Takeo and Rinko was a bit hard on the two VAs.
People having actual wives. Jealous. Sad. :(
It's not all sunshine and rainbows. Grass is greener and all that.
I still love my waifus.
Well, the story of the meeting with my wife and I is textbook girlish/shoujo romance.
I had some stories before, but eventhough I liked the girls at the time, I knew it wasn't a life lasting feeling.
Then I met my wife in a BBS IRL meeting in 2001. Among all the people I shaked hand or exchange cheek kisses with (French greeting, or rather latin europe) she's the only one I did not kiss/shake hand with because of the huge emotions I felt seeing her.
And she's had the very same reaction.
That first shared emotion led to mails that led to sharing the same roof.
Love at first sight that managed to settle and a basis for a long lasting love.
Before then, I honestly thought those stories were only existing in romance books/movies/anime
My story is way less fluffy and lots more dramatic. I had to steal my wife away from her (former) cult and family (who was deeply embedded in the cult) in order to save her from severe anxiety and depression.
I was her mom's boss and got to know her through that. At first, she called me "Onii-chan" because she always fantasized about having an older brother, but then things developed in a weird way and we became a couple. We kept it a secret at first because her family wouldn't approve, mainly because I'm not part of the cult, and a bit because of our age gap. She was 19 at the time, and I was 30. I even did a dogeza in front of her crazy dad to approve of our relationship, but he didn't, so she ran away from her family. Her family no longer talks to her because of cult rules.
That said, she is the happiest she has ever been according to her, and I made it a goal in life to fulfill her dreams (ones that could never happen in her previous life) one by one. So while the ending is nowhere near in sight, I at least avoided the tragedy tag.
Before all this, I always thought these kinds of situations only existed in soap operas...
Alright, when I find my wife, I'll tell you all about how I met her inmidst of a secret intergalactic space war. She's an anthromorphic space vixen and very shy, but when I closed the proto-Higgs gate near Pluto by hypercharging exotic sun matter near the entrance point, she finally could feel save again. Since then, we've been snuggling in bed most of the time. She's so fluffy.
Wish you all the best.
I wish myself the best.
MFauli can have second best.
I wish the best for all of you ;)