I'm not thinking as far ahead as marriage, but I'm hoping for something more than a confession to Natsu. So maybe a proposal.
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HS - Season 2 Episode 01
YESSSS! More Baby Step!
I don't really know what to say.. more of the same goodness I suppose.
Argh, its so frustrating to see Maruo lose match point after match point in the matter of seconds :/ Come on, if you´re so good at analyzing the opponent, do so within the given time. sigh
And yeah, more of the same. Which isnt a bad thing.
I guess this is the arc for him to realize how big the world is and how being a pro isnt just a (mental) decision. We also get remembered that he actually is a noob and is still learning even some "basics" everytime he plays. Basics that should help him define his tennis (I liked the mention about how grass and clay players have different approaches for each sufarce). I really like this show even is its slow paced.
Another good ep. The expectation was that Nat-chan would be the trigger to get Maruo out of a losing streak, but strings thankfully turned out to be the answer. While I'm cheering for their romance it's best if Maruo's tennis can stand independently as his own.
Now that he has started winning, I hope he keeps at it. This anime likes to show the hero a glimpse of light, only to throw him back to hell, so Im a little afraid Maruo might get himself another couple of losses yet again. This anime seems, at times, absurdly hellbent on not making the hero appear as truly competent, skillful, powerful. That´s okay, too, ya know. As long as it doesn´t reach Echizen Ryoma-levels, it´s all good.
HS - S02E03
And so his immediately next match is a thrashing xD.Quote:
Originally Posted by MFauli
The romance chatter was the highlight for me here. Everything else is same old.
Meh, too much realism here. I´d have preferred a close match against Souji. It´s somewhat frustrating to see Eiichiro fail this miserably. At least he won against Alex.
And poor A-chan, was about to fall in love with Alex´ sister, only to find out she´s just 13 years old ... gotta wait one more year for dat japanese legal age of consent :D
I've found these first 3 episodes to be fairly boring. I kinda enjoyed when he first arrived to the States, the novelty and change of scenery did it good, but since then nothing of interest has occurred.
Episode 4 is out somewhere, in all a solid episode.
man, it takes all of luck for Ei-chan to get a win, eh? Really hope he continually manages to impress once he´s back in Japan. Im growing tired of the overly realistic tone they´re going for here. It´s okay to WIN!
It is okay to win, but don't forget that this guy's gone pro. Ei-chan still needs to win that Junior comp before he's even there.
If he wins easily after two weeks of training then this would be right up the shounen power-up alley. I particularly liked that they pointed out control wanes as you get tired. Ei-chan still needs to train his body even if he's not going down the power/speed route.
HS S02E05
Oh Takuma, I feel sorry for you but annoyed at you at the same time. Not gonna happen though.
Yeah, that is annoying. Spend 10 years doing nothing, then get jealous when another guy actually hits on her. lol
Btw is Takuma pro already? Must have missed that; but since he´s ranked 500, he´s gotta be, right.
Next episode looks like filler-stuff, meh
I'm actually not too sure. I think he's gone pro because they said he was in a slump sometime. The thing is, I can't remember what Souji's big deal was if Takuma was already a pro.
And let the games begin... Up to episode 7 now.
Nice to see Maruo's progression in real matches, good start to the tournament.
That 1st round thrashing was a delight to watch. That's what you get for looking down on Maruo! (It would have been better if it was Araya though, this guy felt good partly because of misinformation).
The downside to these tournaments is that Maruo now has plot armour. If he'll stop playing tennis on the first loss, it's not going to happen.
But he can lose the all japan... And with a twist still continue his tennisman carreer.Like losing in the final on bad luck and he gets a sponsor or anything resembling a plot twist
Or his parents can just, you know, support their talented and hardworking son with loads of potential?
HS - S02E08
As always, the movements are great to watch.