Episode 10:
That was the most intense make out session ever.
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Episode 10:
That was the most intense make out session ever.
This show makes no excuses whatsoever, and no apologies for being an excuse to draw horny chicks making out with some dude. Oh, and he fights gods or some shit like that. Good show.
They totally fucked in the novel didn't they?
Regardless, my dick was diamonds.
Apparently not. (scroll down and read the first 10 comments or so)
Anyway, it was highly enjoyable. I wonder how much fun (or embarrassment) VAs have with this sort of stuff.
HorribleSubs - Episode 13
The last girl seems kind of tacked on. Her experiences don't compare to any of the others, and her desire to be with him seems to be solely based on her ideology that a Japanese Campione should have a Japanese partner.
Erica is the best by far.