Seems like pink boobs has the best weapon. I think I remember Shu going into auto-pilot when he drew that in episode 01. Don't know if that has any relevance.
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Lol, owned.
Shu is a bit of a bitch, i hope this toughens him up a little ( though i don't expect it to ).
Nice little surprise at the end. Should be a good lesson for Shu.
If Shu's mother works at the evil labs as a high ranking researcher, it certainly brings together a few more connections for why Shu is getting involved in this. I do enjoy that everyone in this series kind of has this past they don't really want to tell anyone about. Or in Shu's case, wanted to forget about.
How exactly has no one from the evil police state recognized that Inori works with Undertaker? I kind of enjoy this show, but there are a lot of plot holes. Only one of which they patched with the Gai Can See Voids Somehow bullshit they probably made up on the spot when someone on the staff asked how the exact void they needed just happened to be in the germaphobe? It conveniently explained both why the escape plan worked (what if Shu had pulled a fridge out of the germaphobe?) and why Gai wanted the Void Gene for himself. I had wondered how the most possibly deus ex machina laser beam shield/reflector was pulled out, and not something like another sword or a gun.
If only it was Inori who could see the void in people. Now that would be interesting, and keep us guessing at what Shu's void looks like.
This is his void
Kind of like the rules they stated in this ep. The target can only be 17 years old? What the fuck kind of scientific rule is that? And of course all of them conveniently forget everything they experienced.
I think I'll drop this series. With the main character being as he is and all the numerous plot holes patched with chewing gum and duct tape, this show isn't worth watching.
I watch it for eyecandy
along fate and mirai nikki
You know, I have to agree; the first episode hooked me because of the art, the music, and the events that took place... and Inori seemed like she was going to be much more badass than she is. But now I find myself watching it for the same reason as KrayZ33. The plot is shaky, Inori is nothing more than a doll, as someone pointed out in episode 3, and the main character is almost worthless. I still like the music though, and I am curious about the mystery behind everything. And Inori is definitely some wonderful eye-candy. But I don't have very high expectations anymore.
I'm just going to shut my brain off and enjoy the eye candy, like KrayZ33 and Alhuin.
I shall use the surplus brainpower to attempt to discern wtf is going on in Horizon.
The one and only reason to watch this show: EGOIST.
I watch it for the boob exposure and the songs. Supercell ftw.
Saw everything that makes me whole...
Let's hope Shu stays pretty badass from now on. But he kind of reminds me of Yukki from Mirai Nikki. Race to see who becomes more manly!
Shu already wins because he not only decimated 2 armies now, but he killed all of them without guilt.
Maybe I missed it in earlier episodes, so ignore me if this has been said... but did anyone notice that when Shu pulls a Void from someone, the developing mass looks exactly like the Apocalypse Virus? I can't really explain it at the moment (I've tried for about ten minutes now), but I'm fairly certain Voids and the virus (if it really is one) are connected in some way.
Also, to circle back to a previous question, the Void that Inori holds is definitely one of, if not the strongest of the voids that Shu can pull. Maybe not in power level, but the mere fact that it transforms him like it did in this episode is reason enough. His eyes only change when he pulls Inori's Void.
The appearance is slightly different, but I see where you're getting at. Shu's arm ends up looking like a rock/golem, while the virus leaves its patients with what appears to be feathers/crystals.Quote:
Originally Posted by Al
I wonder what happens to someone if their Void breaks. Do they die? Forever sleep?
Hoping we'll see the day as depicted in the OP where Shu fights with Inori instead of just holding her (though I don't mind that, really.) Wasn't too sure whether his moves this episode were made possible with the anti-gravity Void, or whether Inori's Void grants him super-jump too - since that sort of movement is also depicted in the OP.
I'm pretty sure it's her Void which allows his movements. As I said before, when Shu activates Inori's Void, he undergoes a transformation. The most obvious fact is that his eyes change. It seems he also gains super-speed, super-jump, and of course, super-strength. I don't know why her Void is so special, but I'm placing my bets on the theory that Inori is somehow connected to Shu from the past. Maybe Inori and Shu were the cause of Lost Christmas (and subsequently the creation/development of Voids). A long stretch, I know... but I haven't read any other theories yet.
As far as fighting "with" instead of "without"... from what we currently know about Voids, it won't happen. It's almost like pulling the soul from the body, thus why there are no memories, and they lose consciousness. However, based on my theory again, if Inori is somehow connected to the creation of Voids, then maybe she knows, or will find a way to allow her void to be used while conscious, thus being able to fight alongside Shu.
Those unmanned drones are connected to their pilots as we have seen in 1st ep. If drone gets destroyed you'll die unless someone pulls you out.