That was a deadly skill for a cybuddy but fortunately for Takuto, the pilot also had a deadly weakness. And considering that weakness someone called the Galactic Pretty Boy was the worst possible opponent... Well, aside from that somewhat underwhelming fight, I found particularly the cafe scene funny.
The next episode could be good, with Takuto going out with Wako and something troublesome intervening. I'm not sure if I saw correctly but it looked like there could be some fighting also outside of zero space. That would be cool.
Back to the normal formula... at least the opponent was strong... yet her weakness was terrible for her.
Cafe scene was indeed awesome. I laughed very hard when even the little fox glared at Takuto.
Wish they had had next episode this week though. The preview makes it look it will be very good and apart from the usual formula.
I'm sorry to see that nurse lose. She had some nice underboobage going on. It wasn't a total loss for her at least, as she managed to snag herself a guy in the end.
Episode 06
No wonder we hadn't seen Sugata's cybuddy before... I was taken by surprise by the masked girl who could summon such a thing into the real world. It certainly was different compared to the fights in previous episodes, even if Takuto kicked as much ass outside of Tauburn as in it. Though he couldn't handle a whole army of the things.
I wonder what happened to the summoner girl. I have a feeling she won't get out of this just with a broken mask. The repercussions could be worse since it wasn't in the zero space but the first phase apprivoise and it took over her, no less. Just my feeling, though, nothing else.
A very different episode indeed. This opens a lot of possibilities for further episodes. Its obvious at this point that Takuto will get a First Phase for the real world as well.
I wonder if its really just a coincidence that Sugata and Takuto have the same birthday. And boh at Wako not learning about it. She's currently more concerned about Sugata's condition. Which brings us back to the previous question... what did the evil doers gain from getting Wako closer to Takuto? Getting rid of the King Cybody?
Have we seen the dude with the fish maiden apprivoise? I can't recall anymore if it was him who broke the maiden's seal in the first ep. But if it wasn't him, maybe he also has a King Cybuddy? And maybe the villains know the real function and meaning of it?
I don't remember. I would need to watch first episode again since I honestly forgot something like that happened.
But I was under the impression only one King Cybody existed. Though that guy does look a bit like Sugata so maybe they are related.
Since even Wako knew that everybody who has ever apprivoised a King cybuddy fell asleep and never woke up, it's safe to say that while they might be rare, there have been statistically enough of them around for people to come to such a conclusion.
Though what you said could still be true: Maybe there's only one in a generation. However, if the potential for it may still exist in more than one, then the dude, if he has no other cybuddy, could "inherit" the King from Sugata, should he die in his sleep.
Episode 07
gg - Star Driver - 07
So... none of the previous drivers of Samekh had awakened after using King's Pillar, but this guy wakes up from his coma after like half an episode. I thought that was pretty lame. I was expecting him to wake up at some point, but not this soon and pretty much without them having to do anything. He just fell, got caught, and emerges from his coma.
I'm seriously getting Naruto/Sasuke vibes from the preview. I can totally see Sugata defeating Takuto in the next episode and then setting off to become the new Emperor of the Glittering Crux. I just hope the series doesn't turn into to Takuto trying to bring Sugata back from the dark side.
Benio having an orgasm after kissing Sugata, made me lol.
Eh, I just found out that the North Maiden's seiyuu was also Mana-chan's in White Album.
None of the previous Drivers woke up because before, the Glittering Crux and Takuto weren't fucking around in Zero Time.
Also, this is the only good show airing right now. The animation is more than passable, it's lighthearted and fun, and the musical interludes although formulaic really kick off the final act of an episode well.
You know what was lame? That after all the fights we've witnessed we're only now finding out that a little tilt on those bubbles is enough to get the enemies out of there.
If pretty boy wasn't such a pussy he could end all of them right then and there
This show is theatrical enough to avoid such logical solutions. I don't actually mind it because I enjoy shows that are consistently full of tasteful theatrics. And you can't say this show wouldn't be full of taste. Whatever taste it is.
It doesn't bode too well for the friendship of those two that Sugata's first words to Takuto after waking up were a death threat. I hope we won't ever venture into emo drama. I guess Sugata was pretty emo from the beginning (of the series), but still. I'd hate to lose the nice and relaxed southern atmosphere the show has sported.
Ep 7.
I want to know if Sugata is under lil miss pink hair and no chest's control
Is that the real deal? Looks like a fake.
Thankfully my fail is overshadowed by Cal's
Episode 08
Finally got around to watching this episode. I was mortally afraid of things turning emo with Sugata's behavior turning into what it did and that kept me from double clicking the file. And I absolutely don't want to see anything emo in this show.
Fortunately my fears were unfounded. In fact how they solved the issue between Takuto and Sugata turned out brilliant in my opinion. It was very stylish that they were just about to launch a bout when the zero space was initiated. Not giving a shit they just continued the same fight with Sugata taking over the cybuddy for that purpose as if nothing else mattered. That's style, alright.
Episode 09