Ending at Ep 5, that show sure was short...
The ep really had the bits and pieces for a last ep of a season/show.
I wonder what they'll serve us next.
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Ending at Ep 5, that show sure was short...
The ep really had the bits and pieces for a last ep of a season/show.
I wonder what they'll serve us next.
Pretty entertaining episode. I loved how Hattori went all dere dere after she was chosen, even though I prefer Teruya and her straightforward advances. I was expecting Etou-senpai to be the final boss of this series, but even she pledged loyalty to the demon king. So I guess Teruya will be the final boss now.
With that throne scene, his harem is pretty much complete.
Surely the final boss should be the dude who killed Etou's brother. That guy was clearly evil and it looks like he had connections to various factions, the government included, no doubt. He wanted to retrieve Demon King's legacy, so he must have desires to be what Sai doesn't want to be (but is steadily sliding toward).
It's hard to say where Teruya is exactly standing right now, but Etou simply had a major complex about her brother's failure and wanted to become so strong she would never fail. However, now that she knows he didn't fail at all (aside from dying), she's free of such a burden and can freely act like any sensible girl would: Try to become Demon King's chosen woman.
Surely next week's beach episode will answer all our questions and dilemmas
The ED is pretty cute though, you should watch it
Im kinda interested in knowing why Keina is more central on the ending than Hattori.
It was shown in the beginning of either 2 or 3, but Keina had met Sai long before their time in this magic academy... it's safe to say there is much more at work between them than anything Hattori could accomplish. In episode 5 alone, it was Keina that brought Etou underground, which ultimately led to the awakening of the dragon and Sai's domination over it. She was also the one to spark the emission of the dragon's memories, with the bird-pendant Sai gave her when they were young.
She is definitely more interesting than Hattori, and I hope everything is explained soon. I actually hope she claims a better spot next to Sai than Hattori.
EDIT: Archie hacked me and delayed my post!
I haven't found Keina more interesting than Hattori. This episode was the first where Keina actually did anything more than just fly around naked (and invisible). Perhaps if she from now on develops a personality and does actively stuff she will prove more interesting. Otherwise, I'll be happier seeing Hattori in her ambiguous position of both opposing and liking the Demon King.
Also, Alhuin, Keina would have slept through the night dreaming of eating rice if Hattori hadn't woken her up first. That's about how active she has been. She would need to change herself majorly if she wants a spot next to Sai, not next to a rice bowl.
Flying around naked and/or invisible is fine with me!
Anyways, I think it was Archie that brought it up before? But what can we gather from Keina... is she really as clumsy and ditsy as she appears to be, or do you think there is method to her madness? It's true she may have slept through the night in this episode, but once she was awake, she instigated the means of things ending the way they did. Not to mention she is/was able to sneak into Etou's secret room with ease, and knew about her brother's mystery, and she was the one that plastered the maps everywhere which eventually led to Sai being the one to investigate. I think that's being a little more than active.
I think she will end up being the typical, airheaded, clumsy supporting character that becomes this badass, serious, powerful ally all of a sudden when things get too rough, and then once it's over she will return to her original state of mind.
I will agree though that Hattori's position of opposing and liking Sai as the Demon King will make for interesting development.
Korone really turned on gear second in this episode and attacked Sai relentlessly like a machine. But then again, she is a machine... Hattori, on the other hand, was all cute and shy. She's now even more "normal" in Sai's company than in the first ep before she had found out he's the Demon King.
Keina is, of course, appearing as immature as ever but it's hard to say what's really going on there. Although Sai attempted to kiss her, I wonder if it wasn't because she's the only one treating him completely normally, as if he wasn't a Demon King in the first place but only a childhood friend. That should be the reason why he's so comfortable in her company. So, I wouldn't yet bet Zell's left hand on Sai feeling anything especially romantic toward her.
Peterhausen fits right in with the rest of the characters. He seems like a pretty lazy dragon.
Keina is as confortable with Sai as she is with Peterhausen. She seems not to care about appearances, background or title.
Or she is so powerful that she fears not.
After the sea Cucumber scene, I was just having this train of ideas:
"Imagine I want to tell my familly or/and friends about the marvels of japanime and I choose that Ushiro episode before I checked it fully.
As you know, it's always at the worst possible moment distracting things happen, so there's a 99% probability you're out of the room during the sea cucumber scene.
And when you come back, the room is in chaos, older women wanting to kill you, older men with a smirk and children laughing out loud and teens unable to hide their lust"
I've to say that scene was bloody hilarious. Of course it made as little sense as most of the ecchi scenes but when did such a detail stop anybody?
I doubt I'd use Daimaou to introduce anybody to anime, though. Whilst there would be no problems showing the episode to healthy dudes of a reasonable age range, I feel a show like this would be quite a hit or miss case and better suited for people who already know what they want.
I literally chocked on a piece of candy during that scene, the hilariousness of it all almost cost me my life
Mine :(?
You guys know I have a certain weakness towards Redheads, so Keina is my favorite girl, followed by Korone and Hattori. Don't care about Etou and the president girl (whose name I still don't memorize) hasn't made me like her yet.
Still, I can't help to notice Keina isn't a central character on the intro... where Junko seems to be the central one, thus making it weird she gets the spotlight on the ending. Though, like Archie said, she seems to have a story with Akuto, so she definitely is winning on the race.
Bah, lets just have a harem and we will all be happy.
I had the feeling that Keina was Sai's sister or relative.
Always bet something you wouldn't mind losing.
I really like Korone, she's definitely my favorite of the bunch. Keina and Hattori are after and i don't particularly care for the other 2. I'm guessing that Hattori is feature in the intro because she's the "first" girl so to speak and Keina is the childhood friend so she gets the ending. If the intro is any indication though, this is definitely going the harem route.