And i'm pretty sure one of them i gonna be a tsundere tooQuote:
Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
Printable View
And i'm pretty sure one of them i gonna be a tsundere tooQuote:
Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
[Nipponsei] Nyan Koi! OP Single - Nyanderful! [Sakakibara Yui].zip
[Nipponsei] Nyan Koi! ED Single - Strawberry ~Amaku Setsunai Namida~ [Imai Asami].zip
This series has really grown on me. It's my second favorite behind Kimi ni Todoke. I'm looking forward to seeing what kind of impact the twins will have on this series.
I loved Nagi's scared/crying voice. It was really cute.
i dont ever watch eds or previews, so i was actually just very confused when i realized Paku(i stand corrected, below) was voicing Ichinose. i ended up being way too engrossed and entertained by the fourth episode (comedic Yakuza and reverse traps in one episode? priceless) to put much thought into the gender thing until the twist came.
i didn't really get all that much into the mailgal third episode, but this one was greatly enjoyed.
Ichinose is voiced by Yu Kobayashi (Maria+Holic, Candy Boy, Umineko).Quote:
Originally Posted by masamuneehs
Romi Paku (assuming the Paku you meant) doesn't do the male/super girly extremes as well as Yu Kobayashi does.
Lol, to be type casted as a girl that sounds like a dude... kind of a rough category
Holy shit, this episode was awesome! I've never laughed so much before, although I really thought Nagi was a boy. I guess her interests don't swing that way, but rather admire them. Junpei is really slowly building up a good harem, I must say.
Yu Kobayashi...that explains that weird picture at the end of episode 1 and 2.Quote:
Originally Posted by Ryllharu
Yu's artwork
More from Yu
~Mizuno Kawaii!! +1
While I acknowledge Kanako's feelings for Junpei, I can't help but think "Get lost, D-cup!" whenever she intervened. That's how pro-Kaede I am. The ferris-wheel call was (annoyingly) well played, I admit.. I did find some humour in seeing her jealousy bar go through the roof, so it wasn't all bad for me.
Despite what Nagi said about marrying Junpei if he didn't get Kaede by the end of the day, I'm expecting her to be supporting Junpei in the future rather than going back to rival-mode.
I like that a lot. It gets boring after a while when it becomes a humongous harem where it's every-woman for herself. It's a lot more fun when relatively minor characters who don't have a chance in the first place like Nagi turn around instead to help out another's romance. It gives the (often) useless male lead a kick in some direction, allocates screentime towards relationships that actually matter, and creates funny plot/scheming episodes like this one that can spice things up.
Talking about spicing things up, thosejailbaitminiskirtstwins are really getting me anticipating. They must be the priest's daughters or something.
It looks like Kanako lost some serious points to Kaede this episode.Quote:
Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
So being a firm supporter of Kanako's, I did not enjoy this episode. At. All. It hurt to watch her lose so much ground. It absolutely sucks when characters like her never even get a chance because there is some gentle, kind, cutesy OMEGA-KAWAII girl instead.
Strange enough, while I usually hate characters that are like her, I prefer Mizuno over the other two ladies vying for the guy's affection. I don't really know why though. It is probably an issue of character design.
Although this episode wasn't as funny as the last one, I still enjoyed it. Strangely enough, even though I usually dislike guys that have a hard time confessing, Junpei doesn't bother me at all. I guess I've already liked his character before up to this point.
I smell a tsundere...
I wonder if the yin and yang twins will both fall for Junpei or if he's just gonna win the tsundere over as all main harem characters are obligated to
I was a little surprised this new girl already knew about the curse. I thought they would be introduced like the rest with no initial connection to Junpei. More interesting this way, of course.
I'm supporting Mizuno for the simple reason the feelings there are mutual.
I support everyone but Mizuno for the simple reason that she's the obvious choice
I like to be surprised, so i'm rooting for Kanako and Nagi at this point but i'm sure i'll be supporting at least one of the twins by the next episode
Agreed. Personally, I'd like to see him end up with the reverse trap, just because it would be something different. I really like Nagi. She seems to be a really good wingman.Quote:
Originally Posted by Archangel
PV for the ED theme
In the harem anime world, the busty girls almost always lose. It pains me.
The episode wasn't as interesting as i hoped it to be but the twins are pretty entertaining
The whole thing felt a bit rushed and i could do without another tsundere but now that the harem is complete i'm hoping that they develop the relationships a bit better instead of just jumping from one girl to another
Also, although i like her character, Nagi's voice actress is starting to profoundly piss me off. Whatever, the next onsen episode should wash all my worries away
I thought this episode was great. I loved the interaction between the Akari <-> Kotone and Junpei. The Tama-missile was a good laugh.Quote:
Originally Posted by Archangel
I do think what made this episode refreshing was the focus on the cat's relationship. We've delved into the cat world before, but most, of not all of the other cat-requests so far that we actually saw in detail concerned humans. More specifically, the cat problems were more or less a tool to get Junpei with a girl.
Helping out Tama/Noir was largely inconsequential towards Junpei's harem status (until the outburst anyway). That kicked Junpei (and humans) out of the picture pretty much, and after 5 episodes, I was able to enjoy something where Junpei wasn't the overwhelmingly large deciding factor. The tail hug was very sweet of Noir.
Talking about tail hugs, I'll confess here that I greatly enjoy the tail-helix *bump* in the OP.
Every. Single. Time.