Lol Ritsu was pure win this week, I love her facial expression right before she touched Yui's foot.
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Lol Ritsu was pure win this week, I love her facial expression right before she touched Yui's foot.
Poor Yui. I can understand how hard it is to concentrate on tests. Good episode!
Originally Posted by TheBladeChild
Ritsu sure climbed up the popularity ladder this week, but now doubt Mio's still leading by far. These two episodes have actually focused a lot on Mio and fleshing out her strengths/cute attributes, so much that you can't help but like her. Sharing resemblances with Yomi (Ga-Rei Zero) already predispositions her in favourable light amongst the existing Yomi fanbase.
I wonder if she's one of the author's favourites, or if we'll get similar development on the other girls. (Not that I mind them spending time on my favourite Mio :D)
To finish off, I can't remember any other episode of anything that kept me smiling from start to finish.
Part of the Yomi fanbase >>> So that's why I've been oddly attracted to Mio's looks.
Wow new sig already Shinta?
Yup, and avatar too. The entire ED theme has me hooked, especially Mio on the vocals with the cool attire.
I don't know, I find the difference between what things make Mio shy or nervous and the times when she gets assertive to be really jarring. While the revelation that Ritsu is not a dumb as bricks character given her character is a bit of a surprise, Mio's personality just seems very inconsistent, like they slapped on the shy parts just to make her more moe. Those parts of her personality just feel so out of place.
Aside from the physical resemblance, I'm not seeing any simiarlities with Yomi either. Mio is either serious or shy, where Yomi was playful/teasing or mature. In terms of personality, Ritsu is closer.
Yui is still my favorite. She's just really...really stupid. Not flat-out retarded like Yuna from Kage Kara Mamoru (the Banana song), but completely absent minded. I normally hate characters like her, but I suppose her energy and straight-forwardness to learn the guitar makes up for it.
Episode 3: Yui > Tsumugi > Ritsu = Mio
(Eps 2. Yui > Mio > Mugi > Ritsu)
They only share a physical resemblance, but that's enough. It's like the cute, loli-Yomi that we never got.Quote:
Originally Posted by Ryllharu
As for her personality being inconsistent, while I can see where you're coming from, I see her shy/assertive personality as perfectly fine.
She's only shy when it comes to being in contact with people (and usually LOTS of people) who she doesn't know, like the the 7-Eleven counter and performing as lead guitarist on stage. Once you get into her "friends" circle, she's completely open to you, and won't hesitate to pay you out. That's been pretty consistent between her and Ritsu as they've known each other the longest, and this episode, we've seen her do that with Yui (and Ritsu too). I think we can attribute that to both circumstances (making Yui study) and Mio warming up.
I'm kind of like that myself, but replace shy/assertive with cool&quiet/talkative.
It is that contrast that makes me like Mio. It reminds me of myself, especially how she treats her close friends compared to people she is not familiar with (how she sees them, not how she acts, mind you).
Also, I like how she reminds me of Kagami and Yomi all at the same time.
Yui is just great fun. She reminds me of Kushieda minus all the weirdness (which was like 90 percent of Kushieda). I particularly loved how she is viewed by her bandmates, especially how they pictured her rolling around with her sister like a retard.
Ritsu reminds me of Miu from Ichigo Marshmallow. Playful and mischievous.
So mine would be:
Mio>Yui>Ritsu>>>>>>Who was it again? Oh, the eyebrows.
What I enjoy about Yui is that she's not as stupid as she comes off to be, just incredibly unable to concentrate on anything at hand. I was surprised to see her get a perfect score, but it was hilarious afterwards to see her forget her chords and mix them as "x and y".
The entire scene at Yui's house was great, including the complete awe they had for Yui's sister. I laughed the most when Ritsu snuck up on Yui's foot, though the entire episode was wonderful.
I don't know if I could rank the 4 just yet; all 4 just seem to blend together real well.
currently im at:
Yui>Ritsu=Mio>Mugi(only because she didnt do much this week)
Yui all the way, which explains for my new sig and avatar. Thanks again Shinta!
personally, I'd say Yui is top, with Mugi coming in a super close second. then Mio, followed by Ritsu.
Mugi is scarily similar to a chick I kinda know irl O_o
I just can't like a girl with such eyebrows, not to mention I have never been a fan of the Ojou-sama types, particularly the ones that make or bring food (like the girl with Mai in Kanon) just to make them seem useful. Still, it is my personal preference. I don't find anything wrong about her.
In general, I like Mugi's type, but this time she's just completely overshadowed :o
Her getup in the ED was also the least appealing.
Ranking based on ED fashion sense would be:
lol, i only watched the ed in the first ep.. didn't pay much attention. i don't pay much attention to eds usually :\.
yeah, when i first saw pictures of all the chicks, Mugi was easily my least favorite just because her eyebrows are like overpowering.
but then i saw her eyes and hair and I was like "top! top girl!!" but I think that the eyebrows are what keeps her just below yui.
I'm not usually into the rich chicks either. like the pink haired girl in lucky star. she was my least favorite. but I guess mugi is different. to me anyways. maybe it's all just in the eyes O_o
K-ON EDSingle - Don't say "lazy" by Yoko Hikasa with Aki Toyosaki, Satomi Satou and Minako Kotobuki
K-ON OP Single - Cageyake! Girls by Aki Toyosaki with Yoko Hikasa, Satomi Satou and Minako Kotobuki
<3<3<3<3<3<3<3 Mio
Yui and Ritsu and Mugi are all cute as all hell and I like them more than enough but with Mio it's like a whole other level. Like, I want to take her home and dress in cute outfits and hug her.
Yui's ADD personality is cute from an observers standpoint but she'd get on my nerves if I had to rely on her for anything. Similarly Ritsu's genkiness is fun and infectious but if there was serious work to be done it would just distract. Mugi's delicious treats would cause a similar problem. But Mio, Mio is reliable as well as moe so she's my hands down favorite despite the fact that I think they're all fun characters.
Just wait till you're relying on her to make a public announcement ;)Quote:
Originally Posted by Yuki
OMFG. The songs are out... The songs are out..! The songs are out!!!
I have been waiting and waiting. I read it would get release April 22, but I guess it came out a day early. The only thing left now is the ED of Cross Game.
@Buff - That would be a satisfying sight in itself for me.
yeah, that's what I was thinking. that, or when you make a loud noise, or talk about something slightly scary or gross, or do any little thing and she freaks out O_O!! and she's way too high maintenance for me.. looking at it from a realistic perspective, Mugi would be the choice.. just because her overly politeness and high lifestyle standards would be the easiest to deal with. though I guess realistically Ritsu is probably the most normal.. but uh.. we are keeping looks in the equation...Quote:
Originally Posted by Buffalobiian