An Excerpt from Article 1, Section 8 of the US Constitution which describes the powers of Congress.Quote:
Originally Posted by Hayami
In the case we're discussing it doesn't matter what state he lives in, it matters that the material was purchased from another nation (it could have been another state as well) thus the transaction is under the jurisdiction of the Federal Government. Congress can restrict or regulate interstate or international commerce in any way it sees fit provided it does not violate the constitution in doing so. Restrictions on obscenity are commonly upheld as a valid exception to the First Amendment with several Supreme Court cases backing up the practice. For this reason there is no judicial issue with passing laws which restrict obscenity other than that the law employs the judicially mandated Miller Test in classifying materials as obscene.Quote:
The Congress shall have Power To....regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes;...
Read up on the Miller vs California Supreme Court decision. It is what established the 'Miller Test' and that is what requires that issues of whether something is obscene be put before a jury in the community in which the offense is being prosecuted. The alternative would be the Government having to decide on a universal standard of obscenity for everyone everywhere. The idea behind letting the jury decide is that 12 people in Iowa may have a different sense of obscenity than 12 people in Miami and this should be taken into account when judging what is obscene.Quote:
Why are some random 12 persons from your state to decide what is likely to deprave your morals (or what has sufficient artistic/scientific value to allow you to endanger your morals) ?
It's not about being 'more dangerous' it's about law and jurisdiction. The Federal Government has jurisdiction over interstate and international commerce and there are Federal laws against trafficking obscene materials across state lines or into the US from abroad. For the purposes of this issue the Internet isn't treated differently than from a phone or mail service (See United States v. Thomas, 74 F.3d 701 (6th Cir. 1996)).Quote:
Why does it make a book so much more dangerous if it was imported or even merely transported across state borders, especially in the age of Internet?
Originally Posted by Hayami
This question essentially asks why obscenity is considered worthy of an exemption to the First Amendment (albeit poorly worded) which is a question still debated in legal circles today. Looking at the other commonly upheld exceptions: "Defamation, Causing panic, Fighting words, Incitement to crime, and Sedition" it would appear that the purpose of exemptions to free speech protection is to give Congress leeway to prevent speech that would or could very likely cause harm to individuals. Unfortunately what constitutes 'harm' is a pretty gray area but with legal matters the more often the same interpretation is reached the stronger that interpretation becomes entrenched as precedent. If the courts ever change gears and decide that there's no harm in not regulating obscenity (fat chance) or there's not enough harm in not regulating obscenity to warrant exempting if from the first amendment protection (maybe but again, not likely) then perhaps anti-obscenity laws will be struck down but fat chance of that happening while there are still monotheistic religions and parents in this country.Quote:
The whole concept reeks of Middle Ages' dogmatism and hopefully will be revised soon.
Personally I would agree that obscenity laws are outdated and in my opinion overly restrictive but I don't believe that the Founding Fathers put much thought into establishing looking at things other people might not want to see as a 'right' of citizens. I wouldn't look to the courts for much support on this issue beyond the Miller test which at least gives the final say on what is 'obscene', and thus exempt from the First Amendment, directly to the people rather than to the Government.
If people don't like these laws they can and should try to elect officials who will change or repeal them. It is not the role of the courts to legislate, only to keep the legislature from overstepping its Constitutional bounds. Though realistically the idea of Congress voluntarily over turning or relaxing any anti-obscenity legislation almost laughable. It would likely amount to political suicide for anyone who supported it. There is no tenable way to convince parents and social conservatives that 'obscene things' should require anything short of a Herculean effort to obtain even if they must be legal to possess under the constitution. I doubt that Congress will ever be populated by enough individuals capable of ignoring the family values and social conservative voting blocks to ever relax any obscenity standards