it looks like Danzo and Madara could be brothers to me. I mean has anyone else noticed Danzo is missing his right eye, and Madara may only have a right eye as far as we know at this point. could Madara have taken only one of Danzo's eyes?
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it looks like Danzo and Madara could be brothers to me. I mean has anyone else noticed Danzo is missing his right eye, and Madara may only have a right eye as far as we know at this point. could Madara have taken only one of Danzo's eyes?
In every flashback we've seen Madara with 2 MS, besides the statue on the valley of the end also has 2 eyes, so i don't think that's the case.Quote:
Originally Posted by Gundorado
I was always under the impression that Madara had 1 eye and the other was given to Kakashi...
Not every villain was Obito in his previous life.
Or so you sayQuote:
Originally Posted by Elessar
Madara is Tobi is Obito is Mizukage is Danzou is Kakashi is Hattori Hanzo is Gatoh is Raidou is Tazuna is Kurenai's unborn baby is 4th tail Jinchurriki.
What, you guys didn't know that?
I suspected it
Thats what I was thinking when I saw kakashi in this chapter. I was imagining Gai coming to his rescue and them teaming up (and possibly failing) against pain.Quote:
Originally Posted by Rikudo
You know why Gai isn't there? Because he's really Madara.
I never really thought about Danzou's eye until now and it makes me very worried regarding "major revelations".
What I don't like about Narutos new jutsu, ie blowing the shit out of mountains, is the fact that he doesn't need to blow the shit out of mountains... He normally needs to kill one person in front of him.
That's kind of what I was thinking... he just needs to suck less at avoiding someone else's attacks and actually connecting with his. This new move just seems to be trying to overload the opponent rather than using a clinical strike, which is what a ninja should be doing.
Yea, but remember, Naruto has his own way of the "ninja", which includes being loud and an showoff. Sure, he should be all stealthy and use precise techniques, but we all know, that's not like him at all. So I guess, if he's gonna go that direction, he go balls to the wall (at least, that's what I think Kishi thinks).
Doesn't look like he blew up a whole mountain, it looks like he cut off the tops of it so im guessing alla destucto disk, he can throw the resenshuriken or another wind technique he just learned.