Originally Posted by Yukimura
While I really liked Mami Kawada's OP songs for Shana and Shana II, PSI-missing just feels like it's missing something, especially in the TV version. When I listen to the TV version I keep expecting the song to make a dramatic upward shift at the end of the crescendo sequence but instead of shifting it just flattens out. It feels like such a shift could/should happen at about :52 in the OP version and/or at about 1:02. The music has been building leading up to those points but then bleh, the excitement is allowed to dissipate without capitalizing on the potential.
I'm comparing to things like ~1:07 into the TV version of Joint (Shana II OP1) where the music builds to a more 'explosive' point and then the song puts out even more energy than it was before for a while. Another easy comparison is to Hishoku no Sora (Shana OP1). There she does a similar thing, not fulfilling the promise hinted at by crescendos. However, Hishoku no Sora keeps the pace and energy pretty high throughout so the crescendos are less pronounced, and the absence of climactic shifts at their ends doesn't leave one feeling so under-energized. The PV verision of PSI-missing doesn't feel like it suffers quite as heavily from this (especially the second verses crescendo) so hopefully the CD version won't either.