Originally Posted by Abdula
He seems pretty quick on his feet but I haven't seen anything yet that would suggest that he is as fast as Sasuke. Even if he is just as fast as Sasuke it doesn't explain how is able to beat Sasuke with his sharingan on. This is the same Sasuke who just a few chapters ago was able to not only follow but keep up with the movements of Itachi who imo, other than the fourth, is the faster character we've seen thus far.
Thats what doesn't make sense to me, it seems as if Sasuke was just playing around before feeling his opponent out and he wasn't even using the sharingan but now he is, so I don't get it. The other thing is, if this guy is that strong now, without transforming or using any of his bijuu abilities, how is Kishi going to explain Hawk defeating him later? I also want to know why Sasuke is using Naruto's battle tactics, I mean since when does he go around charging at his opponents.