Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
Can't answer that for you since I'm only downloading the Shoku-dan releases.
The suppressor seems kind of weak for something vampire hunters used to tame vampires. I would have thought something a lot harsher and longer lasting to be used. Not only does it last for say, a minute max, but you have to get up to the neck of an out-of-control vampire. Oh well.
More interesting to me was what Akatsuki said about Zero. "Sometimes there are dangerous ones, ones who refuse the tablets." Then we see Zero, who drops his case full of tablets, and conveys the idea that his body or mind rejects them. Back when he hadn't awoken, he was consciously refused the tablets, but in the end, used them to suppress his pain. Now that he's fully transformed, it seems he can't take them.
Is that a message to hint at what kind of vampire he'll become? We saw some rather savage Level Es, all of which were dispatched by either Zero or the Night Class with relative ease. That makes me wonder, exactly what kind of vampire does one such as Ataksuki consider to be "dangerous"?