Originally Posted by Otaku-Legends
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Originally Posted by Otaku-Legends
Wierd, I had thought that someone had posted that download already... if not I would've done so myself, thanks for putting it up.
Edit: By the way, should we be expecting subs for every episode by Gonzo? Or is this just some promo shit they're putting up for the first couple of episodes?
the first anime i've gotten around to seeing in awhile. it made me chuckle in a few spots, particularly where it made fun of other anime cliches. I didn't know how i'd like it, since it seems just as silly as Gurren Lagann. the fact that it's like a .hack parody is good, because I don't really dig the typical anime humor most of the time...
I loved when Utu suddenly announced he was going to get married, and the guy was like "Why say that now?" and then he died. That got a good lol out of me, even a chuckle when it was rehashed. Forgetting his name too.
I liked the first episode. I'll watch this when I want something light and not so moody.
I take it you've only watched the first episode... second episode is completely different from the first.Quote:
Originally Posted by masamuneehs
You could say that the second episode is the real start of the series, kinda like Haruhi.
Ahhh... finally I've gotten to watch episode one. I liked it! Of course, from what you all are saying, this is just a mock beginning. So, I'm off to watch episode two.
Edit: Watched second. Very interesting series. If Gonzo continues to upload to Youtube, then I'll be set! A nice surprising end to the episode... definitely didn't see that coming.
So the main character is going to form his own party...Like most anime. I hope we get to see quite a bit of Neeba's though, since their's looks like they're the pro. The two girls are interesting enough.
i wish they hadn't gone for the cliche 'form your own party' route...i'd rather see him join neeba's party and struggle as he gets better.
as it stands, i predict jil's party will venture up the tower facing many roadblocks and will occasionally get thier asses saved by neeba when they encounter a monster they can't defeat....undoubtedly neeba's party will come out of nowhere at the last minute, as always.
Which is often silly, since if they're that good you'd wonder why they're behind.... the fangirl blonde and Neeba reminds me so much of Sakura x Sasuke, except Neeba seems like a decent guy.
As for the plot, they went up to save some villiage or something, is that correct? But when they got there, it was grazed. So there are inhabitants in the tower itself, with the rest of Uruk is on the ground. Inhabitants large and organised enough to form an patrol feared by the monsters. Just makes me think why the guys on the ground are fussing more than the ones in the tower itself.
They went to save a caravan, didn't they? I get the impression the town they are now in is the only friendly place in the tower, and it's probably at the bottom. So, when you leave the town and start to climb, you'll just encounter monsters. And likely the higher you climb, the tougher the monsters. The patrol is probably just keeping the perimeter of the town itself clear but obviously even the road to the town from the outside of the tower can be perilous, or maybe the caravan was transferring some sort of a resource to the town from elsewhere in the tower.
The arcade game I mentioned actually had no town at the bottom of the tower, but indeed it did have harder creatures as the hero (Gilgamesh at that time) climbed and climbed. I remember playing that game. I hardly ever got above the fifth level of the tower. Also (and this isn't from a reliable source), but I think that The Tower of Druaga the game was the first to boast 100 completely randomly generated levels. Oh well... that's starting to get me off topic.
Edit: I'm really interested in finding out exactly what the Oracles are capable of doing, besides shielding and healing. From what the second ep. shows, it seems as though they're kind of like WoW priests...
So, the town they went into in the second episode is certainly inside the Tower? When I first saw it, I thought they simply went to a nearby town leaving through the lowest floor or some shit. Might need to watch it again, can someone confirm?
If you look at the outside of the Tower at the final frames of the first episode, you can see intertwining and sweeping...bark? Growth? Superstructure, whatever, at the base of the Tower. It kinda looks like a tree.
When they approach the city in the second episode, and the camera pans out to cover the whole city, you see the same exact formations from the inside, with the appropriate amount of light streaming through the spaces between the intertwining growth (for lack of a better term).
Here's the online feed of the 3rd episode... I think I'm going to wait till someone releases some encode of it myself:
http://www.bosttv.com/gonzo/the-towe...odes/druaga03/ = Be careful with the description, it contains spoilers.
Here's a raw while we are at it:
Here's the release by O-L:
I see Coopa is as ridiculously strong as Jil hauling around the drunkard wizard's huge, and obviously very heavy staff case.
We've also got an reincarnated? heroine, and Jil finally has a real sword.
I love generic adventure shows.
this is getting more and more interesting...
i hope Jil will get a bit stronger with that sword. i don't want another "naruto" ^^
i really wish we'd get more monster battles....this show is getting me into RPG mode, and just in time for summer.
Kinda lame though, Jil getting gilgamesh's sword this early on...i'd have preferred it if he either found it at some upper floor in the tower, or it was given as a gift for/reward for finding some artifact about midway through the series.
well the monster battles start now i guess..
and btw, how many episodes does this anime have? 13? 26?
btw we don't know if Jil is able to use the sword right now, it seemed very heavy so i guess he doesn't have enough strength right now to wield it :P
i want to see Jil in gilgamesh's golden armor :( and that big shield on his back was awesome too.... he looked like Jil when he was young, maybe Jil is "JILGAMESH" ^^
Well, couldn't wait for some group to release this so I went and decided to watch the online version. Speaking of online version, is there any difference in quality among the three version? I only watched the youtube one because it was the only one where the full screen worked... am I the only one with this problem? It was quite shitty quality. With that said, wasn't there a group of people in GW that wanted to do some anime releases a while back? What about picking up this series, all you need is a timer, typesetter, and encoder. You already have translations available.
Anyways, about episode 3:
I thought it wasn't as good as episode 2, and quite random... it didn't have a good progression to the events; though I assume it was simply to finally leave town with a full party at the expense of good storytelling. Let's see if episode 4 is better, I'm hoping for some good action now that they're in the tower. I know that the shitty quality of the online video didn't help any.
well i dunno about this ep in particular, but with some of the other shows, there's definitely a difference....not so much from low to high quality, but the Hi-def whatever option is fairly decent. That patchiness and pixelation isn't there at least, so the episodes are watchable. Unless you're like DS and want everything in a 700 mb super hi-def format, the crunchyroll versions will suffice.
As for the fullscreen issue, it works fine for me. just right click and fullscreen.
Lol, I know how to work the fullscreen... it simply not coming up. Well the youtube version was quite bad, maybe the crunchyroll version is better... but it's not working fullscreen for me so I can't enjoy it.