this looks like gameplay, see for yourself
sorry but microsoft is done...gta on ps3 is going to release at the same time as halo 3 [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
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this looks like gameplay, see for yourself
sorry but microsoft is done...gta on ps3 is going to release at the same time as halo 3 [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
I think its all about the gameplay, but man when I 1st saw the PS3 I was like, is that a vcr?
i think it looks pretty cool, its almost just like the ps2 only rounded edges on some parts. the controllers are...ok, atleast they arent horrible like the x-box controllers.
dont diss controllers, its always a matter of taste
Read my last post - it isn't. No one *ever* says "This is a game engine running on the PS3." Because it isn't.Quote:
Originally posted by: -Sharingan-Kakashi-
this looks like gameplay, see for yourself
also read my post
Huh? So?. People who have the xbox will get Halo3, people who have the ps3 will get GTA. And people like me, will get both.Quote:
Originally posted by: -Sharingan-Kakashi-
this looks like gameplay, see for yourself
sorry but microsoft is done...gta on ps3 is going to release at the same time as halo 3 [img][/img]
youre missing the point, some people (a lot of people) will only buy 1 console, a deciding factor for a lot of people will be the games for each.
So pretty much they're even then. I'll be buying the xbox since I need Halo3 badly (ending purposes from the last game, and its a good game). And with GTA, Its just a good, popular game (thats all I know from that game).
for gta, i would rather w8 for pc version ( but im getting al three consoles )
Gta is boring and leaves you feeling acomplishmentless (I think I made that word up hahaha). The only way Gta will have any chance of being half as good as Halo 3 and other badass online games is if Gta goes online, making the game a masive multiplayer. Otherwise it will be the same ghetto shootin, pedestrian splatter game just as its predecessors.
Edit: Oh btw Sharingan-Kakashi, those controllers look horrendous. You must be retarted if you thing they look better than Xbox 360. And why does everyone still say the controllers for xbox are too big? Do they even make the original controllers anymore? The Xbox 360's controller is the same size as the current Controller S. So right now it looks like you better go get a third hand if you wanna use that controller effectively.
You might wanna look at the sales for GTA vs Halo. The whole point wasn't if YOU liked it but rather if more people like GTA than Halo.Quote:
Originally posted by: Kagemane_no_Jutsu
Gta is boring and leaves you feeling acomplishmentless (I think I made that word up hahaha). The only way Gta will have any chance of being half as good as Halo 3 and other badass online games is if Gta goes online, making the game a masive multiplayer. Otherwise it will be the same ghetto shootin, pedestrian splatter game just as its predecessors.
I don't see why so many people think that Killzone is such a large leap from current that it must be pre-rendered. I'm not saying it isn't but claiming it looks too good to defend X-Box's "upgrade" might leave you disappointed I think.
I'm not saying that you guys are defending x-box but you might be, some people at my school were. *shrug* =)
P.S. Rubber duckies own x-box =P
Xbox is the most powerful gaming system out right now. Missed that detail, didn't you. Sarcasm is not your thing.Quote:
Originally posted by: Jessper
Rubber duckies own x-box =PQuote:
Originally posted by: Kagemane_no_Jutsu
Gta is boring and leaves you feeling acomplishmentless (I think I made that word up hahaha). The only way Gta will have any chance of being half as good as Halo 3 and other badass online games is if Gta goes online, making the game a masive multiplayer. Otherwise it will be the same ghetto shootin, pedestrian splatter game just as its predecessors.
thank you jessper, theyre x-box fanboys and cant seem to grasp what i am saying because theyre so busy defending their soon to be dead console. btw san andreas outsold halo 2 in 2004 just so you know.
of course it outsold, there are more ps gamers than xb gamers, so a "it outsold" comparison isnt gonna cut it, cause it isnt objective
It is true X-BOX360 is the powerful gaming system out so far, just wait till the PS3 fully finishes. I also like the idea of the X-Box Live allowing you to download games onto your hardrive
people only buy ps3 because all there friends have it so they can borrow games they don't have, whats with the trend on playstations half the people who own one dont even have the games which are only sold for PS2
Okay, Halo Vs. GTA. I pick Halo, thats, that. Don't give us that shit of graphics, gameplay, and which one sold more. You pick a game, play it, and decide if you like it or not. People have different tastes.
dumbest. comment. ever. obviously a game needs good enough graphics and good gameplay to say if you like it or not. also, i doubt a shitty game would sell a lot of units.
deblas heres a question, WHY do u like halo if its not for graphics and gameplay?
EDIT: and sry to bring down crashes but PS3 will be around $500. i dunno if this was alrdy said but i did see the question b4...