I just got a wii today. My code is 6482 6960 0909 6978
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I just got a wii today. My code is 6482 6960 0909 6978
I'll add you later nests, hwk time though. So later....
I got my Wii sooner than expected. :)
My Wii code is: 5110 5119 4009 5539
Bah, I'll have to wait to add all of you once school starts up again.
Nice two more people to add. Make sure you guys all add me too.
I'l send you the Naruto later I havent use my Wii for the past 3 days so I'll get to it rigth now
I added everyone on the list. Does it work the same way as the DS? Where both the Wiis have to have the other person added for it to work?
I've also got everyone added into my address book.
Quick question: Do you have to send your Mii's to your friends for them to show up in your Mii Parade? Or does that just happen automatically once your friends with someone and their Mii is set to travel?
From what I can tell it happens automatically.
And I guess I might as well put everyone's in my wii today as well.
edit: everyone is added.
Yes both Wiis have to have each other in their address book. I havent added the most recent ones to mine yet, but I'll do that the next time I get the chance.
Miis set on mingle will transfer to other parades automatically....but I think its a delayed effect.
@ Knives: lmao at your Saddam Mii you made. XD
@ LaZie: Are you sure you added me? Your still showing up gray on my address book.
Added you NarutoMaster
Ok, so I finally added the new guys to my address book.
Also, It appears my address has changed, since I had to get my unit replaced.
Nests, I tried sending you a message the other day...did you ever see it? If not, then maybe everyone has to update my address before I can communicate again =[
No I never did. You should put your new address it also looks like we cant change the number either so will have to erased and create a new name.
What was wrong with your Wii?
By the way it looks like XanBcoo and Raven never added it me
Er yeah, forgot to mention that my # in my first post has been updated.
The problem I came across was a bunch of small vertical lines that persisted on my screen both in-game and in the menu, regardless of which tv or cables I used.
They were able to transfer my miis, address book, notes, saves, and wii shop data, but unfortunately my address has changed and, more notably, I can't edit any of the miis I created anymore =(
Am i too late? >_>
0677 9701 6430 5832