Episode 2 by Live-evil
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Episode 2 by Live-evil
Intense and intrigueing, I can see why everyone was so excited about this show now. It's a battle of wits but both sides are probably going to be chock full of surprises. The last scene with Light and L mirroring one another was excellent, showing that they are like two sides of a coin. I can only hope Light is able to stand up to L's abilites with his relative lack of resources so the game cango on longer.
I've heard about death Note before but never checked it out. I gotta say after the first 2 episodes i'm impressed and i'm now reading the manga
Goddamn! This anime is pretty f*cking interesting. Never heard of Death Note before though.:rolleyes: Anywayz, to me, the personality of *Kira* ownz. I don't know how he was in the manga, but it ownz now.
I'm definatly keeping with this.:cool:
Episode 2 by Toriyama's World
Which one is better so far, live-evil or TW?
i prefer TW over live-evil.
anyway, cool episode! L's voice is alright. This series will definitely go all the way to the top , i hope.
Haven't watched the episode yet, but TW has gone back to using the official spelling of Ryuk, which is a good sign. I just with TW and Live-eviL would do a joint, TW provides translator and L-E the editors, the releases would be much better.
Man, this anime is GREAT!
Does anyone know, if the subbers are going to release DN every week like Naruto or Bleach, or are they taking longer for their releases like Eureka Seven, Mushishi, etc.?
I cant wait for ep 3 >_<
Agree wholeheartedly.Quote:
Originally Posted by Budweineken
L-E has much nicer presentation overall, the choice of fonts & colors. But their translation is a little iffy. Haven't watched Ep2 yet, but in Ep1, there were one or two translation errors.
If L-E and TW were to do a joint, most likely we would be able to get the best of both worlds. Great translation and awesome styling. What a pity.
episode 2 was pretty freakin awesome. The "showdown" went perfectly, and I actually like L's computerized voice, which is rare. Haven't heard enough of the real voice to make a call on that one yet.
this show rocks, hard.
maaaaaaaaaaaaaan....i just watched the two episodes and omg...i had so many chills! haha
i liked the bit in episode 2 where he was telling ryuk what humans are really like, when faced with a question such as ''is it all right to kill someone evil'' people have to put up a facade in public and say no. Light seems to understand humans pretty well and it's almost as though Light is the real face of humanity...
haha man i haven't been this excited about an anime series in ages!!! briiing on ep 3!!!
>.< I think this might be the first anime I like thats better than its manga. I just watched ep 2 yesterday and I think they did L perfectly. I still cant wait to hear his real voice. I just noticed a couple of spoilers but I dont want to mention them :( Cant wait for next week's ep.
I caught up with the two episodes and wow, this series truly is something else. The idea of two invisible men hunting each other is pretty original. I think this series could rival the plot of Monster.
The show is pretty amazing I'll give it that. This is the first mystery-esque anime I've watched and it's definately well worth it.(might read the manga if I get the chance).
I think I'm really going to enjoy this show.
I just realized, since theres only 37 episodes, maybe they're only going to do half the series? Because it would be possible to end the story at the midway point if you (mangareaders) think about it. What do you guys think? At this rate, can they possibly fit it all in 37 episodes?
I guess they can if you seem to think so, based on the manga storyline.
i suppose that would be ok but i'd rather if they were to do a 2nd season and finish all the manga, this anime has potential to be alot better then the manga base on how well the voice actor and music composer succeed in creating the theme of death note.
Ep 1 didn't really impress me that much so when I downloaded ep 2 I just let it sit on my hd for a couple days. Just watched it to kill time before Lost and man that ep was sick. The music mixed with them talking at the end and Ryuk's little talking inbetween was great. This is shaping up to be a great series.
Im really liking the anti-hero feel to this show. Ryuk, "L", and "Kira" are some of the best characters I've seen in awhile. Really looking forward to episode 3.