Originally Posted by Death BOO Z
While I'm perfecrly aware that not everyone killed in Lebanon was a terrorist, it's puts some perspective about the situation, no one's innocent.
Are you saying the killing of innocent civillians is justified?
here's terror as i see it.
And my take on your view. Ofcourse not all may agree with, but a hell of a lot of people do.
use of violence against citizens in order to achieve a certain idiology.
Like Zionism and Apartheid right?
the kidnapping of Shallit in the gaza strip wasn't a terror act, it was a military commando mission by the Hammas, which is a terror orginazation.
According to Israel and its allies. Russia for example does not consider Hammas to be a terrorist organisation. There are many people who consider Israel to be a terrorist state.
Hammas also happens to be the elected government of the Palestinian people. But then again elections don't mean jack right if foreign powers don't like the results?
the kiddnapping of the two soldiers wasn't a terror act, but the missle fire on the north (international agreed) border was a terror act.
Again the word terror... it seems to people like Bush and his ilk use this as some taboo word against people the don't like and they must be hated by all with a vengence. And I suppose this is noble warefare and not terror?
One of the problems of the inoformation media is it's tendenc to decide who's right by counting the victims.
No, less than 3000 people died in the 9/11 attacks and hundreds of thousands have been killed, tortured, kidnapped and humilated in Afghanistan and Iraq yet a lot of the world media still tries to justify this so called 'War on Terror'.
the lebnon people had over 300 killed, the israel had about 30 civilians (not soldiers) killed. sound's like simple math, right?
Yes, seems simple enough to me. And this was over a week ago. Since then many more Lebanese have been killed, and I can't remember any Israeli civillian that has been killed (I could be wrong, please correct me if I am). Whereas on the Lebanese side you have had many more killed, with the Qana massacre killing over 50 civillians, including disabled children.
then again, consider that a good amount of the lebanonise had hizzbhalla explocives in them,
I'm sorry, are you saying that as of yet unproven claims of the existance of Hizbullah weaponry being kept in houses has somehow spontaneously exploded by itself?
on the israel side, however, the goverment built safe underground 'rooms' for the citizens
Interestingly enough according to early reports on Sky News Israel has not built any underground shelters for the Arab populace that live in Israel... could you confirm whether this is true or not?
I'm biased towards israel. I can't be anything else.
Yes you can. Your a human with a conscience, you should use it. You should wake up and see what you and your army is doing to the people of the region and the world as a whole. The only governments that support you are the US and the UK. I can't speak about the US, but the vast majority of the people in the UK are against Israel's actions.
And this isn't an anti-Jewish or anti-semitic thing. There were Jews who were marching against Israel's actions in London. You don't have to be a Muslim or an Arab to see the injustice here.
the facts are:
A. Israel has left south lebanon six years ago and didn't ingage in any offencive action.
B. Hizzbahlla has used this time to stock rockets and missles and targeted them on israel, including weapons from Iran.
C. Hizzbahalla has attacked Israel soldiers and fired rockets at isreal cities.
Israel gets its weapons from the US. Without the US, Israel cannot fight any war. One week into this conflict and the US was flying in bombs in an emergency, and has continued to do so since then.
Also, show us even just one building that has been destroyed by Hizbullah rocket, just one, like what Israel has countless Lebanese villages, towns and cities.
The Israeli attack is justified, by the UN's 'laws of war', if a state is attacked from a building that has both innocents and terrorist/enemy soldiers in it, the said state should go after the said building, terrorist shouldn't be allowed to use innocents as human shields.
What the UN says is irrelevant to countries like Israel. It chooses to use the UN when it needs to, such as in the case of Resolution 1559 and ignores it in the case of resolutions 194 and 242 and clause two of resolution 338. It's chief ally the US ignores the UN and selectivley applied internationals norms, as was the case with the Iraq War and the application of the Geneva convention on the prisoners in Guantanamo Bay (to which it says the Geneva convention will now apply).
In conclusion I will say to you that Israel is fighting a brutal war, it is attacking helpless people and it is not achieving any of its stated objectives. I would also advise you on a more personal level not to take part in this war any longer. It is clearly unjust and I hope you can arrive to this conclusion also.
Take a look at this link... this is what you are helping to do. I warn you though some pictures are disturbing.. This is the other page, also disturbing