Originally Posted by mage
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Originally Posted by mage
Oh, I thought Hidan was the one with his face covered. Nevermind.
- bxgreatone87, proud admin of the My Little Pony Love forumsQuote:
Originally Posted by bxgreatone87
One of the reasons I love Gotwoot and stil hang around it (on and off) is mainly because of the assholes. They tend to keep stupid newbies away, and they also have good spelling. Yay for Gotwoot's assholes!
Are we really sure we don't know wher Hidan is from? He has three small stripes/blotches on his headband. Isn't that, I don't know, Hidden Grass or Hidden Rain?
His village symbol looks kind of like the weapon he uses, maybe that has something to do with it:
haha....sometimes being an asshole makes the forums a little bit more interesting, anyway.
Narutofan's forums have declared that the symbol is either an error or a new village. And we all know that narutofan's home of the most anal retentive narutards.
I bet a few of them rewatched the entire series to see if they can catch that symbol.
Wonder if Kakuzu is going to pull out some Hero Water LOL
I don't know if it's me being jaded from years of various forum memberships, but I sincerily believe that the "assholes" here are just people who aren't afraid to be serious when the situation calls for it. Such as in this case, adressing that a guy can't spell worth shit, which he can't.
That's what makes this forum kick so much ass, too. None of that "lol you get banned if you use offensive words once" shit like babyface forums such as Narutofan do... and *shudder* the forums.. HORROR.
Someone hit puberty.Quote:
Originally Posted by bxgreatone87
I had not noticed the "new" symbol.
Probably a mistake.
Remember Kishi gave Zabuza a Konoha hitai-ate.
Question: What the fuck is Hero Water?
Is it suppose to make you big and strong like in Space Jam?
It's from the second Jump Festa OVA where Naruto & Co. travel to the Waterfall village.Quote:
Originally Posted by Knives122
Yup thats right. Someone quoted me about waterfall village taking part at the chunin exam but I cant find them in the manga please tell me where.
So far the only things we know about waterfall village (thanks to anime) are that its a very small village without any good ninja and without kage. So finding an akatsuki from that village cracked me.
The hero water was like a chakra booster. You get high amounts of chakra in exchange of your life if your old. That said, even naruto overpowered a jounin that used that water.
This goes offtopic but I think that you guys are too harsh with bxgreatone87. I personally prefer someone with bad grammar that tries to give his opinion than another one with good grammar that is an asshole.
What I dont undestand is why no one made fun about kakashi having a tailed monster sealed.
For the moment being I'll think Kishimoto made a mistake and Hidan is from Hidden Rain (or maybe the hidden rain revamped their symbols!!), since to add a new country now that the manga is so ahead would be stupid...
Or what, would it be Hidden (Random Japanese Food) Village as in the anime fillers? lol, wonder what a Hidden Tea Village headband would look like.
And Hero Water is basically much like Space Jam's magical drink, as it gives courage or something along with the chakra boost.... which was pretty useless in the OVA, if I remember correctly.
Check out the chapter where Kabuto explains the chuunin exams to the rookies prior to the 1st exam. He lists off all the villages involved in the exam, and waterfall was one of them.Quote:
Originally Posted by Edort4
Does this help?
Isn't the hidden village of sound in Tea Country?
I don't quite remember where did Orochimaru took over.
lol, Hidan's been in 2 chapters and already there are fanarts, fanfictions and fanclubs dedicated to him all over the net..
Do not underestimate the popularity of Naruto!
I bet 70% of those are yaoi pairing him with Itachi, Kakuzu, Deidara and just possibly Sasuke or Naruto.
Suddenly I feel happy I decided never to immerse myself into the Naruto fandom.
I think the new jutsu kakashi is going to teach naruto is something to do with combination of kagebunshin and rasengan. they are naruto's sigs moves. maybe naruto is going to make a kagebunshin that with stands more hits, and it can make a rasengan. a clone that can with stand, and have almost the same power as naruto.
Originally Posted by Naruto_RNG
That would be the gayest shit of all time. Worst power up in the world.... if you call that a power up. I don't think that will happen to plain, simple, and stupid. no offense!