I would recomend the manga people say it doesnt suck and this does
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I would recomend the manga people say it doesnt suck and this does
Pick up either Mai Hime/Otome or One Piece instead.Quote:
Originally posted by: Lucifus
I'm want to pick up on another weekly anime, would you guys recommend this one?
I really need to start watching Otome before it ends..., these guys doing what I think is the "final battle" at ep 19 is hella-gay
That has to be the shittiest "final battle" in history.
Originally posted by: Lucifus
I'm want to pick up on another weekly anime, would you guys recommend this one?
Yeah. Black Cat is evil. It starts very promising, but then gets steadily worse and worse until it finally fell to the muds with this episode. Things like this make you only angry: You can't help but feel they wasted a great idea totally.Quote:
Originally posted by: Aeon
Pick up either Mai Hime/Otome or One Piece instead.
Originally posted by: Lucifus
I'm want to pick up on another weekly anime, would you guys recommend this one?
Pick up Black Cat the manga instead!Quote:
Originally posted by: Aeon
Pick up either Mai Hime/Otome or One Piece instead.
wow, episode 19....
talk about getting ahead of yourselves... (as darkmetal said, the anime is now ahead of the manga...)
the fact that both Sven and a (useless) Eve fought Preta Ghoul as a 'dramatic fight' is BS.... that chump River could have handled him (although, after catching up in the manga, I must say that River really isn't a chump, he's just poorly developed in the anime)
Shiki, Doctor and the other two Apostles didn't help Creed at all.... come on now...
I still don't see how Train managed to break both Sepheria's sword AND Creed's Imagine Blade with the same shot (tho I really enjoyed how they animated the Level 2 Imagine Blade. that thing is wicked).
Creed's childhood makes me want to cry. Best part of the episode. Putting Saya's song over it and doing it after he lost was perfect.
At times this episode seemed to 'run out of resources'. We'd have lots of fast pace fighting with tons of frames every second, then static shots for anywhere from 5- 45 seconds... Whoever made this really has no idea what a 'budget' is do they?
What happened to Kyouko, Charden, Rins, Belze and Naizer? (tho in Naizer's case I guess him and Belga are both dead)
How come IV and XIII are with Doctor, Shiki, Eathes and the new Apostle? They were always portrayed as being the most loyal Chronos Numbers....
edit: shit, double post. Sorry bout that.
XIII is Train, The guy with the thing on his head (Yu Yu Hakusho?) is number II, I assume your talking about the tall guy on the far left with the old Vegeta and Co. I don't think they showed his number yet. And is Eathes the name of the old Vegeta looking guy? I know he's involved with Chronos but I'm not sure how the structure of the organization works, is he like a board member or something?
Manga potential for an anime is great, but they totally screwed the anime. I'll check out the manga, though never read one before.
@Aeon, Mai Hime/Otome huh? Sure, I'll check it out, loved your last anime recommendation. =)
shit, sorry, I meant number VIII. Eathes isn't the old guy either... In fact, I'm pretty sure that character (along with the old guy) are making their first appearence in the anime in these final seconds of episode 19. Eathes is the blonde with glasses, above Shiki. Does that face seem familiar to anyone?...
The guy with the helmet and the black haired guy on the other side of them are the two Chronos Numbers I was talking about. Neither of them are number II. II is Belze, big blonde guy who hasn't gotten alot of screentime, he was in the first opening though.
Originally posted by: Lucifus
Manga potential for an anime is great, but they totally screwed the anime. I'll check out the manga, though never read one before.
@Aeon, Mai Hime/Otome huh? Sure, I'll check it out, loved your last anime recommendation. =)
Mai Otome is a great show and is among my favourites... but its nearly over. Other good shows I think are Eureka 7, Solty Rei (nearly over too) and Zipang (my favourite this season although its only this season because its being subbed at the slowest possible speed). Mai Otome and Solty Rei and light-hearted (kinda) while the other two shows are darker.
Well, episode 20 is out from Oyasumi... I guess we're about to see what the next story is going to be like. Obviously I am not filled with enthusiasm. Anytime an anime passes the manga it's a bad sign, and this anime was getting pretty bad before the main story ended.
Anyone know how many episodes this series is supposed to last? At first I'd heard 50, but the way they rushed the main storyline and the apparent lack of resources/$ that seems to pop up from time to time makes me think this show is getting axed at 26 episodes.
Black Cat Episode 20 - Oyasumi fansubs
I think I read somewhere that it was over at 23, and I'm really tired of seeing Sepheria lose. You would think she would be pretty unstoppable being the top Chrnos number. Anubis looked awesome(reminded me of Red XIII, he must be the best number after Jenos of course.
Well, it looks like "save the kidnapped princess" story will end this series, if this indeed ends up being 23-26 episodes long. It would have made a bit more sense to just end the whole thing with Creed, but I suppose they wanted to tell more about Eve.
One strange thing about this series is Train's character. He hasn't actually developed at all after the first episodes, when he transformed from a hitman to a sweeper. After that he has gone through zero change. Basically that means he has degenerated, because zero growth is actually regress. This is strange, because the whole series is named after him, so you would assume he would be the focus.
Well, it wasn't such a good show anyway, so I suppose it's not so strange after all.
man this show is so disappointing I don't even feel like watching it anymore. It started out great but now it's just boring.
In otherwords: technically to me the show ended when Train beat Creed, so I'm done with it.
good thing the eps are on re-writable dics :D
yea, this sucked. Chronos and the Apostles working together? They totally missed the best fight in the manga also.
so overall would you guys recommend watching this show or not?
a strong no.Quote:
Originally Posted by outkast7053
read the manga instead and pick up one of the news series like Ergo Proxy or Eureka7. Or you could always go for a classic oldy like Legend of Galctic Heroes or Now and Then, Here and There.
edit: I've given up on this show. I might still post the links to torrents, but I'm not watching it anymore. Quite a shame
How this show end so fast? Creed already beat? That not happen yet in the manga! :( :( Stupid shitty anime spoiling tha manga... I never heard of such a thing happen...
This show started good. Now it crap, crap on a crap cracker. I declare Martian Law on this anime creators!
eps 21