It's so goddamn overrated
Originally posted by: Honoko
wow, i'm glad i'm not the only one who thinks million dollar baby was hugely overrated. i watched it after it won the award so you can imagine the big "wtf" that was running through my head at the end of the movie =P and the "wtf" was in a bad way.
another thing that's overrated: college, in terms of education in the US, at least. 30 years ago a college degree could actually land you a job. today, we go party our asses off, and then come back home four years later broke and still unemployed. oh wait, is that applicable only to the class who graduated in '02 right after 9/11? or is it still true today? there was this weird rumor that the economy was getting better....
shit, i graduated from college just over a year ago and i still haven't gotten a real job in my desired field. it fucking sucks. i hate working "college jobs" and doing freelance crap.
It's so goddamn overrated
Hey, you guys have no right complaining about jobs when you haven't even bothered to contribute to this thread:
It's so goddamn overrated
Don't think you people can help me, cause I live in Norway. One of the reasons I haven't posted there.
It's so goddamn overrated
the most overrated thing to me is......... everything. everything sucks. another thing that is overrated is the internet. wer all doin tha same thing evryday (EX: lookin for porn, pictures, e mailing your little girl friends, ect.). yadaimean.
It's so goddamn overrated
people are overrated....honesty the world is made of more idiots than anything else.
It's so goddamn overrated
Originally posted by: God#2
As for me......
People are overrated. People suck. Luck at the world around us. Take a few seconds and actually do that. K. We're all blaming eachother for bad shit that others start because of us (not speaking about anyone specifically). Were not kind, loving cratures. We're not evil either. We're all dumb. Hell, not just the people causing trouble, but the people who think theyre gonna make the world a happy place w/ out wars and shit. That aint happening. People suck.
thank you
birthdays are overrated, why? lets see, one year of your life has gone[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-disgusted.gif[/img].......and now you must celebrate i dont know why. i hate birthdays you usually have to buy presents, FUCKING BUY using your hard earned or lucky in finding money. Example: my mom got pissed cuz my dad came home at 8 pm on my birthday 4 days ago, my mom thinks i cried in my room when i was listenong to music and checking the forums. honestly, i could of cared less about my dad coming home at 8, my mom doesnt get that.
It's so goddamn overrated
^^^^^ I thnk domestic problems are overrated.
It's so goddamn overrated
It's so goddamn overrated
Originally posted by: XanBcoo
I don't think the point of this thread is to contest what other people think is overrated (again, overrated does not = bad). Just list something.
I think (and NO ONE will argue with me here...) Paris Hilton is overrated. It's a wonder to me why this stupid, lazy-eyed, lazy-assed, slutty blonde is famous. Stupid whore really pisses me off.
ok thank you lol, paris hilton is so dam annoying lol, she not funny, nor do i even think shes attactive -.- lol ( not ugly, though not hot -.- lol )
neways i suppose waht i think is overrated is mc donalds french fries.. lol, i mean there good n all but there so skinny and compared to crispy spicy seasond wedge fries, filthy mc nastys fries suck -.- lol ( not to mention there extremely fattning -.- lol ) but there usally salty ( if not i just add some salt -.-... im a salt freak lol ) and there not bad so i enjoy them, but still There not the worlds best fries -.- lol
It's so goddamn overrated
Originally posted by: Honoko
That would be true, if they weren't so tremendously useful
It's so goddamn overrated
Yeah, one can't live without Yet Another Sound Recording Device Thingy #2982429 aka iPod
It's so goddamn overrated
I don't expect you to comprehend the practicality without seeing with your own eyes how well it works when combined with itunes.
It was enough to make me consider buying a mac.......
It's so goddamn overrated
No, Ipods are so overrated. Theyre coming out with smaller and smaller versions like every 3 months. Nobodys even gonna be able to buy all the new Music recorders and shit like that. Besides, if you cant find something to do outside of your house without listening to music, well then [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-frown.gif[/img]
Edit: @koasoner: What about anime? Don't you think its UNDERATED????
It's so goddamn overrated
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
I don't expect you to comprehend the practicality without seeing with your own eyes how well it works when combined with itunes.
It was enough to make me consider buying a mac.......
You are aware that itunes works on PCs to right?
It's so goddamn overrated
It's not iPod that is overrated, it's that shitty program iTunes that is overrated... Couple more practical programs out there to accomplish what you need instead of that crappy program... Anapod Explorer to name one...
It's so goddamn overrated
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
I don't expect you to comprehend the practicality without seeing with your own eyes how well it works when combined with itunes.
It was enough to make me consider buying a mac.......
what, the fact that the mac's OS platform is unix-based wasn't enticing enough for you to switch over? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
It's so goddamn overrated
Drinking is overrated.
It looses it's glamor after you reach 21.
It's so goddamn overrated
Originally posted by: God#2
Besides, if you cant find something to do outside of your house without listening to music, well then
I walk 15 minutes to work each way.
I walk 25 minutes to my friend's house each way.
I find uses for listening to music along the way.
You'd be surprised how many people in LA walk around with Ipods.
Yes I'm aware Itunes is for PC too, I have it. And the main reason i like Itunes is because it's the most efficient sorting tool i've ever seen. I just drop in folders and folders of cluttered mp3s scattered around my hard drive, and it sorts them all into one convenient location/sub-folder structure system. Even updates them on-the-fly as I edit their tags, and you can drag and drop album covers right off the web.
I just love how macs handle media in general. I'm also a big fan of the expose.
However, macs tend to choke super hard on flash swfs, which unfortunately is what I create for a living.
Edit: Oh yeah, also can be hooked up in your car or your office computer. It's nice to be able to bring 60 gigs of music to somewhere for 8 hours a day.
It's so goddamn overrated
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
And well, if a chick becomes so infatuated with a guy she's never gonna meet, then that girl is not worthy of my presence anyway. So technically, he can't steal any dames from me [img][/img]
....shut up!!!!!!!
And no I'm not infatuated with Johnny Depp!! Nor with any guy who might as well have been a porn star.
Harry fucking Potter.
Gods, so fine, the books are good and whatever, I've read them all, too, but...!! Can't you people realize Rowling is just following a formula?? Even the goddamn characters are formulaic!! Harry Potter might as well be called Gary Stu!! Jesus!! Even amongst my fellow Literature Major colleages you can't speak badly about Harry Potter or you get lynched.
Sometimes I wich someome threw a brick at Rowling.
The Gaia Online forums.
If you ever want to meet a complete idiot, or a moron assholes who believes Mussolini wanted to help the jews and the gypsies, or that the USA never invaded/too military action in Panama, search no longer: Gaia online is full of those.
Corpse Bride.
Man, I was looking forward to it. I *loved* Nightmare Before Christmas (and from way before the teenage gothic wannabes even found it) and I was really looking forward for Corpse Bride.
But it sucked. So badly, too.
But everyone else seems to have Burton's dick up their ass, "Wha---! Like, you haven't heard the lyrics, right? They're like, SO deep and cute!!" When you have morons singing the badly-written songs all day long you just wish for... I dunno, a piano falling on top of them.
It's so goddamn overrated
Ipods aren't overrated, just overmarketed. You'd think if you had the hottest portable entertainment gadget (this price tag south of the PSP...) you wouldn't have to put so much into marketing... Ipods are great (the new video Ipod is a fucking gizmo! with cords you can get good quality on almost any TV or computer and carry your favorite shows wherever you go!) and useful.
Drinking = overrated? Thats a matter of taste, although I also hear that after you reach 21 some of the fun goes out of it... Personally, I think Heavy Drinking is overrated, while sophisticated and moderate drinking is actually quite underrated.
New to the overrated list: Colognes (especially all those Axe, Tag etc shits) A decent shampoo, the right deodarant and a good bar of soap will still get the "ooh, you smell good" from the opposite sex, and that's really all you're going for. Also, people tend to overuse colognes and just smell too much like it, stinking up their rooms, hallways, everything! Plus, half of the 'different' colognes smell so much alike... it's really not making you special.