thanks to that, today i learned people who make fake parking permits are idiots.
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thanks to that, today i learned people who make fake parking permits are idiots.
Yesterday I learned (actually, more confirmed what I had always suspected) that the Power Rangers are not only based on old Japanese Sentai shows, but the the in-costume scenes, monsters, and zords are all the EXACT same footage from the original "Zyurangers", just with the voices dubbed over. Trippy...
Edit: lol, ironic...
Originally posted by: Chaoskiddo
we wouldnt want them to think GW is a home from 10 yr olds who talk about power rangers.
Last night I learned how to control myself while dreaming, i.e. elusive dreaming. Shit its fun, I was in the Phillipines (I think) and I stood there thinking "wow, is this a dream?" after that I was able to control what I was doing. I went to a shop and bought some chocolate. It was pretty good. Woke up after that.
To elaborate on Zhan's post...the term is "lucid dreaming" and it describes the condition when one is concious of the fact that they are dreaming, therefore having control over pretty much everything within their little dream world. I've heard a good way to practice lucid dreaming is to train yourself to look at clocks. Apparently the written language recognition in your brain is completely shut off while you sleep/dream. So in theory (I've never tried it - this is coming from my Pysch prof.), you could look at a clock in your dream, see that it's either blurred or just gobbledy-gook, and come to the conclusion that you're actually dreaming. Once you're past that step, you can pretty much do whatever you want.
Lol, it's funny that Zhan bought chocolate because I've also read that most people either have sex or fly during their first Lucid dream. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
I don't need acid to think I'm flying?
Shit this solves everything.
Today I learned that the proposal to 'save' Social Security in the USA is only a quick fix plan. It will not 'save' the system, but push back the date of collapse (where tax revenue can no longer finanace the neccessary payments to citizens) 10 years. So, rather than being fucked in 2051, we're going to get fucked in 2062. Great job Bush...
On Saturday I learned that gravy is very hot.
Today I learned that unless one sets themselves goals in life they will drift along from one task to another without seeming to have done anything.
On the lucid dreaming thing... I did this about 10 odd years ago. I kept having the same dream over and over again where I was running in the street round a corner with some other kids... until one time I stopped at the corner and I said to the others 'Hey, this is a dream'. I stopped running and I started to walk. I think I did it one other time too but I can't remember. Was pretty cool though.
Today I learned that eBay is my friend and great money can be made from it.
Today I learned that my doctor is a fag. When you have an appointment with him you wait for him for around 4 fucking hours in the hall without anything to do until he calls me and the day that I'm running a little late, he doesn't even wait 20 minutes for me. I hope you die bastard!
Today, some fucking asshole tried to tell me that Santa Clause isn't real. MY ASS HE ISNT REAL! I saw him in the mall!i even sat on his lap. But hes a real jerk though, and drinks alot of booze. WHAT? HE TRULY ISNT REAL? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ![img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img][img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-shocked.gif[/img]
No, but seriously, today I learned that vocabulary quizzes suck.
dude? we said no 10 yr olds, who has vocab quizzes anymore damnit? I GOTTA TAKE THAT PICTURE DOWN!
Yeah I was just gonna say. Vocab quizzes? That's so...elementary school.
I know[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img]Silly me.
be lucky you are still getting voc. tests. they are all easy and soon you will face essays and short written questions!
I already do.
o...k be lucky so you are still getting voc. test because if you didn't you would get the short written question answers and essays and crap!
Just asking, How old are you?
Ohh boy. You should enjoy your voc. quizzes while you have the time. The real work hasn't even begun.
I would guess he is most likely 13 or 14 based on his current school difficulty level.
@Mite Gai: your a genius ( im not being sarcastic)
Edit: okay, just by saying that it still seems sarctastic. Im seriously not sarcastic.