Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
There is alot out there in fanart/fiction you need to see.
Or I could not since is all fucking stupid.
I agree with Assertn that this thread had to be here. It's supposed to be impressions from people who haven't read the manga. Well, I, like I imagine most people who haven't read the manga, don't even go into the other two Naruto forums, so I'd never see this. If anything, he should just change "possible minor spoilers" to "manga spoilers" in the title. But everything was explained before I clicked the very first links, so I knew exactly what I was having spoiled for me when I started doing this.
As for Sakura
I think that it's great she has a big zero on her back. It's good of her to advertise her value like that!
The only thing that's different is the shorts, but those aren't even shorts. It's like a skirt cut up into strips that are held together by straps. She still wears those black spandex things underneath that she wears now.
Are those seriously the best pics? Man, Kishimoto must be drawing like shit since the jump.
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
Originally posted by: DarthEnder
Are those seriously the best pics? Man, Kishimoto must be drawing like shit since the jump.
There the best pics for showing and not spoiling too much but I tell you there are better ones specially of Sakura but it will be too much of a spoiler
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
I kinda like the post time jump sakura. Is it just me, or did they finally give her a chest? I coulda sworn she was flat as all hell before. Its not much of one, but at least she doesn't look like a little boy with pink hair anymore. Oh, and Naruto is finally taller than Sakura, huh? At least it looks like he taller, so he had to have aged.
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
Sakura's hair has a more frayed look now, and she wears boots too. Also, it's hard to tell but naruto's alot taller too.
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
I coulda sworn she was flat as all hell before.
She was also 12 as all hell before. Give her a break.
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
That doesn't seem to matter much in most anime. I mean, look at how Hinata was in that bug hunt arc. Anyway, my point is from what I've seen of the other characters she is the most undeveloped of the bunch. Christ, she even said in like episode 3 she was below average in those categories besides her forehead. Just comparing her to other females her age in the anime.
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
Wait, you people keep mentioning this "time jump". When does this time jump occur? Isn't there supposed to be another arc or two after the fillers? or do we time jump right after the fillers end and those arcs are all post-time jump?
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
In the manga, time jumped instantly after that scene where Naruto agrees to train under Jiraiya at the hospital etc.
But the anime takes that chance to add a bunch of fillers, of which we are currently viewing the result.
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
There's also that short chapter before jump which was shown at the beginning of the Baka Bros. arc (where is shows shikamaru seeing off the sound nins, Lee training w/Gai, etc etc). Of course they left out the part just before he actually leaves to train w/Jiraiya. I thought that was a cool scene and I hope they include it later on.
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
They must likely will, probably at the very end of the filler arc. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
if they do no one will notice because the filler would have caused everyone eyes to melt by then
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
So how far is the jump? 3 years?
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
Originally posted by: Deadfire
Yes to answer the before questions that was Fan art as well as the following for the outfits after the time jump
And for something different
nice! lol
they are well made
sakura breast is rather big on the last pic, no?
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
Don't give details that the anime viewers don't already know.
GotWoot Moderator
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
Originally posted by: BioAlien
sakura breast is rather big on the last pic, no?
I'll give her 2 cm at best.
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
Spoiler removed.
GotWoot Moderator
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
Spoiler removed.
GotWoot Moderator
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
Spoiler removed.
GotWoot Moderator
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
Let's keep the **** out of this discussion
Spoiler removed.
GotWoot Moderator
Post-Filler Character Pics (Possible Minor Spoilers)
Originally posted by: XanBcoo
Of course they left out the part just before he actually leaves to train w/Jiraiya. I thought that was a cool scene and I hope they include it later on.
hmm, i sorta remember there being something at the end of that, but what it was exactly escapes me. you mind Pm'ing me the details (or the manga page).