I've caught up with this series as well. The last few were kinda frustrating and redundant. I get it: he's dirt poor and needs money in order to keep racing. Now that that's established, can we please move on? Hoping ep 23 gets better. Downloading now... (thanks, seanos, for the link)
They do play that card a lot alright -- but thinking about it, it would be a huge issue, and something which would constantly plague one's mind...
I did like the call he got telling him his father collapsed from being overworked...
just finished watching episode - very good episode.
It cleared up a lot, and got characters seeing each other's motives some more.
Looks like some racing in next two episodes at least ;)
Yeah, it was a fairly good episode... wonder if Monami blushing while talking to Naomi is foreshadowing something that might happen between them. Hopefully the next couple of episodes will be racing episodes. Also, it seems that the series will be 52 episodes long. I'm thinking that the first season will end with Capeta being champion of the current class his racing in, then we'll get a time jump of maybe 2 or 3 years when he's ready to enter the F1 circuit, where Naomi is racing, as the setting for the rest of the series.
This was an OK episode, full of nostalgic moments for the characters and such. Seems like we'll get another Monami and Naomi moment in the next episode, lets see if it sparks some anger in either Nobu or Capeta.
This freaking slow pace is killing me. Freaking end the fucking race already, next two episodes or so should be good.
all the races in capeta always take their sweet old time. It's really irritating, even when I was marathoning it. But anyways, I look forward to the next couple of eps as well. There better be a good payoff from all this suspense.
I keep thinking he's gonna somehow apply that trick he was always entertaining the kids with-- the thing someone said is completely useless-- how he turns on just two wheels. anyone remember that ep? As soon as someone said it was a useless technique my brain automatically stored it away as a future application in a race hahaah :p
The problem is not the races taking their sweet time, it's them taking their sweet time leading up to the race. Seriously, how many times do we need to see a scene on how good Shiba is on rainy days. That's the only thing I hate about most sports anime, they like to repeat the same shit over and over.
Does anybody who maybe has close links with the A-E staff know if they are planning to releases the last few episodes in a batch? I looked around on the forums but I was scared of all the spoilers =/
jesus i feel just like a little kid when i watch this show i wanna run over buy capeta's team and start cheering =D
episode 31
i cant be the only one wwatching this any more. this episode was so great i was like inches from my tv watching next episode will be so intense =D
You're not. I'm just waiting for the next couple of eps to come out before watching this entire race in bulk =P I hate waiting in between and this anime is notorious for dragging out the suspense. But I do expect a damn good race, after all this buildup.
Finally a race were we don't see Capeta fucking complaining throughout the whole episode... Next episode should show the conclusion of the race, should be a good one.
wow im still shaking I even cryed a bit i mean he raced his ass off i was standing in my chair what a great race makes up for all the weeks of watching him go through hell hes freking iron man!!!
if you stoped watching start watching again this is one of those moments people!