The 3rd episode is my least favorit so far, its wasnt dark enough to fit the theme of the series.
I hope they break from the pattern or at least start revealing more about this strange family that deals in fate and death and whatnot.
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The 3rd episode is my least favorit so far, its wasnt dark enough to fit the theme of the series.
I hope they break from the pattern or at least start revealing more about this strange family that deals in fate and death and whatnot.
Shinsen released up to episode 6...
No torrents at the moment.
Yeah, I'd like to know if it breaks from the pattern as well by eps 6, since I've heard 4 is just like the rest of them. This seemed like it would be really interesting, but it's too episodic without giving any additional storylines.
No the pattern continues...[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img].Quote:
Originally posted by: Ryllharu
Yeah, I'd like to know if it breaks from the pattern as well by eps 6, since I've heard 4 is just like the rest of them. This seemed like it would be really interesting, but it's too episodic without giving any additional storylines.
I just started watching this series, currently starting ep 3. The first portion of the OP sounds a lot like the Witch Hunter Robin OP.
Episode 8 is interesting. It seems there just might be a story behind this series. Although I like the individual episode style right now, a story wouldn't hurt.
hmm does anyone watch ths show? it a pretty nice series;)
well the second season is out, just surprised no one mentioned about it
hope shinsen or ayu will be subbing it:)
Episode 1 by Shinsen
Second season of Hell Girl,3..._shojo_fu.html
Just happened to finish the first season about 3 days ago.
Interesting first episode. This was one of the series I was waiting for since the first season ended.
So in the end, the whole bullying thing turned out to be a collective effort by the whole class? Or was it just the teacher and that girl? And there also appears to be a second hell girl?
I think the class knew about the girl but didn't know about the teacher.
Second Episode out.
Episode 2 - Shinsen
Ayu just released the first episode should be much better then the Shinsen one.
h264 AAC
Episode 1 - Ayu
Ayu release again.
Episode 2 (h264 AAC) - Ayu
Well, seems like no one cared to discuss the second series of this. I merged the threads...
Here's the complete torrent for the second season by Ayu for those interested:
Anyways, season 3 just started, Jigoku Shoujo: Mitsuganae, and here's the first episode by Aero:
The third season of Jigoku Shoujo.
Jigoku Shoujo, the Hell Girl. Enma Ai, what has become of her? At the end of last season she became separated from subordinates; so what will happen to Ichimoku Ren, Hone-Onna, and Wanyuudou now? What stories of hatred, lasting grudges, and revenge are being prepared for us this time?
This new season promises to have a newly powered-up Enma Ai and a number of "reunions", so look forward to it!
(Translated from the Jigoku Shoujo Ketai Website)
Greatness, I asked Kraco to make a thread way back, but he didn't really care about hell girl so he didn't.
Anyway, ill definitly be following this series next to mission-e.
The last few episodes have been great. It feels like it's better than the last season, though I can't say I remember much from it.. I doubt I ever finished it. Latest episode:
Episode 5 Aero mkv
Episode 6 Aero mkv
Good episode once again.
Couple of spoilers below:
Well, Enma Ai got hurt during the "porting to hell" sequence this time. I'm wondering whether it'll be forgotten next episode or if it is of importance. The episode seemed to make quite a big deal out of it though, with her coughing both before and during the boat sequence, while speaking. Just saying, nothing like it has happened before. She's never gotten hurt before actually, as far as I remember. Might be nothing, or might be a detail that'll be brought up later.