Originally posted by: Uchiha Barles
Originally posted by: Strike Freedom
All nighters are avoidable if you studied properly during the quarter/ semester. And please don't give me any excuses or BS to counter, if that makes your ego feel better than so be it. I am not trying to sound like a prick, sorry if that is the case. But take it as a helpful tip next time: Study throughout the quarter/semester!
Yeah, I'm pretty sure theres not a single one of us that doesn't know this, thus they don't need the advice you just gave. I'm sure you know that. Because you know this, and you gave no useful advice to surviving an all nighter once its in process, the whole purpose of your post is to point your finger and give the people in here the holier than thou attitude. Thats prickish. I know you apologized for it in advance, but its probably because you just don't feel like hearing a response to it. I'm not giving you that satisfaction.