Check This! Sasuke is Owned!!!!
Originally posted by: BOARD_of_command
I'm not saying police are right for the things they do. When you work in a specilized field like law enforcement, generalizations begin to take place in your mind. I agree that cops are not the holy defenders of peace that everyone wants them to be, but they do their job whether we like it or not. Our society put the institution there and you're complaining about human nature getting in the way.
I wanted to make this exact point earlier, but forgot.
Thanks for bringing it up.
Check This! Sasuke is Owned!!!!
As I have already explained, the cases I have cited are not the basis of my opinion, but support it. There is plenty of academic literature on the topic of racial profiling in American police forces. The third link you quote has about 40 academic studies. With respect to the BBC article, the study they cite was compiled from the police's own records.
Terra has finally made a good point (after I made it first): for this sort of study to be valid, it has to draw from a small region (in order to get meaningful statistical quantities -- there's no point in finding that a mean if it is swamped by the standard deviation). (Now Terra's contribution[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img] In turn, one must not extrapolate to larger regions. The studies I have linked to cover the largest cities in the country. In total, one can conclude that in any of the 40 largest cities in the country, one can expect to find that black people are between 2 and 10 times more likely to be wrongly hassled by a cop. Keep in mind that most people in the US live in a major city. There are probably outliers in rural areas, but they still don't detract from the claim that most cops are assholes.
Terra: Dave Chappelle is a very funny black American comedian. You've probably seen him in some American movies even if you don't recognize the name.
Check This! Sasuke is Owned!!!!
Dave Chapelle is not a good comedian, just thought i'd share that. He is second rate. Jim Carrey and Ben Stiller, now those are good comedians. Chris Rock is good to.
Check This! Sasuke is Owned!!!!
umm the links above does not work lol
Check This! Sasuke is Owned!!!!
Originally posted by: zait
yeah that cop is giant
LOL, Sasuke owned by the Baka brothers and Tsunade (not to say the cops are dumb just big). Oh, and if you don't do anything wrong then there is no reason to worry about being arrested. You DESERVE to be arrested or whatever the punishment is if you do something wrong. Oh, and I don't know about Chris Rock being that good of a comedian, he usually starts off great, but doesn't really know too well where to end a joke and carries them on too long. Stiller is good though I unfortunately have never heard Carrey. Dave Chappelle is not that bad either he can be funny at times and not at others.
Check This! Sasuke is Owned!!!!
WELL COPS ARE STUPID, unless its a family friend[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img] but anyway not to be "something" but guys shut the fuck up and talk bout the pic or start ur own fucking thread
back on subject the fat cop is gay he has a little extra hip movement if u notice
Check This! Sasuke is Owned!!!!
Originally posted by: poopdeville
police are eight times more likely to search a black person than a white man
thats cuz a black person is eight times more likely to be selling weed then a white man
Check This! Sasuke is Owned!!!!
Originally posted by: Assassin
Originally posted by: poopdeville
police are eight times more likely to search a black person than a white man
thats cuz a black person is eight times more likely to be selling weed then a white man
omg racism alert.
Check This! Sasuke is Owned!!!!
Wow, this topic turned into a battleground quite quickly...
My two cents, from someone whose had a lot of interactions with police is this: Not all cops are bad, but there are the quintessential "bully graduated high school, couldn't live without his street authority and decides to become a cop to bully more people" ala Harold & Kumar go to White Castle. Those are the guys who usually end up being local police in their hometowns, because they feel they should still have some "turf authority" in their old haunts.
Then there's the whole issue with racial profiling. I don't like that all my friends (and girls especially) can get out of speeding tickets and don't draw attention out on the street, but because i have a dark complexion I get slammed with every minor violation they can think of and get zero slack.
And for Assassin, how many white people do you know that've sold weed? How many black people? Speak from expirience, rather than just trusting the puffed up stats. Like I said, minorities get less slack. What do you think the ratio of caught with weed to prosecuted for the crime to convicted for the crime white people have when compared to minorities? Lets not even bring in the who can afford better lawyers and what kind of stuff cops are on the watch for in 'whiter' neighborhoods as compared to ethnic hoods.
This thread has gotten way out of hand. Either return to the topic now or it will get closed. This goes out to all participants.
GotWoot Moderator
Check This! Sasuke is Owned!!!!
.................................................. ....LoL ok ok but anyway I figured out why that kids a loser.....he did'nt even have the sharingan
Check This! Sasuke is Owned!!!!
Let's move the cops discussion to this thread to make any more arguments on the matter.
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and this is a new pic for me, the guys on that forum said it was tradition or something.
Check This! Sasuke is Owned!!!!
Originally posted by: poopdeville
So you claim that the statistics I presented are invalid? Because it obviously follows from the claim that black people are eight times as likely to be searched than white people that cops engage in racial profiling. This is straightforward knockdown racism. They are not doing their job (stopping and catching criminals, helping people) when they hassle an innocent person for no reason other than the fact that they're black.
If you don't claim they're invalid, then your claim that my reasoning is not rational is completely spurious. The "good work" police do is not relevant to the claim that police also do bad things. And they do these things a lot.
First off...let me point out that Cops aren't assholes, PEOPLE ARE ASSHOLES. Cops just happen to be people and are thus bound by the same laws. Let's not get started with the whole racial thing. Statistically you are right, cops are more likely to question an minority, Negroid or Latino over a Caucasian. Why is this? Partially cause they are racist, there ARE racist cops yes. But lets look at another statistic. Percentage-wise which racial groups commit the most crimes? DO you see where I'm going with this. Its just a fact. There are exceptions to ever rule though, I'm by no means say ing that Caucasians are any better people, just that by the numbers don't do as much. Do the cops handle it right? Usually not. Should you hate cops...usually not as well. Cops are very useful, personally I've needed their services twice sending my Schizophrenic Drunk Mother to Jail for attacking my Dad and me. Now, we stay in close contact and I make frequent visits home to check on her. The fact is they are needed. There are just as many good cops as there are bad ones, if not more. But as the media is so frequently quick to do, they will always point out the "pigs" and stereotypes far more often than ones just doing their jobs.
Grow Up.
Had you looked up a few posts, you would've noticed that people are trying to stop talking about asshole cops in this thread. If you want a response to your post, I suggest putting it up here
GotWoot Moderator
Check This! Sasuke is Owned!!!!
LMFAO wow this pic is hella funny, a sasuke cosplayer trying to shoplift then when he gets caught he changed clothes and goes back in LOL what an idiot and it's hella funny too that after he got arrested he was worried about his cosplay clothes LOL
Check This! Sasuke is Owned!!!!
he was still in sasuke clothes though? WTF?
Check This! Sasuke is Owned!!!!
probaly he got arrested cause he was using chidori lols