Best Gundam series?
The fact is that a correct as possible post will sound and look less dumb than a rushed post that isn't constructed correctly. This has nothing to do with weather the person has a life outside of the internet or not, for everybody's sake i hope all of you got a life outside the internet.
You won't be taken seriously and you will be looked down on if you don't construct your posts correctly and use proper spelling.
Why did you feel the need to post about spelling anyway?
As for G gundam, the second half of the show more than makes up for the random jumping in the first couple of episodes. There are some plot twists at the end i can assure you that you won't see coming.
Best Gundam series?
i also appreciated the character development in G Gundam, but i do have a small quibble with chibodee...i dont kno wif that is how the rest of the world sees americans, but he was so fruity and dumb it almost made me not like the show, but i got used to it eventually. Yea, i'd day Ggundam, then 0079, and then the 49 or so episodes of seed i was able to watch are my favorites
I mean come on?! a skinny white guy with pink hair that's suppsed to be the heavyweight boxing champ??! ehh..its still my favorite gundam show [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif[/img]
Best Gundam series?
- the Original MSG (eh, watched it when i was younger, absolutely loved it)
- Gundam SEED (its basically MSG but cooler, one of my all time fav anime's)
- Gundam: Wing (sorry, i just didn't like the show simply due to the horrible characters)
- Mobile Fighter G Gundam (meh, i watched both Sub and Dub versions from beginning to end and i still didn't like it)