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LMAO, ur post made me laugh a lot. I only laughed that much seeing Jona getting punched. The post was so, hmmmm, lively "I HATE SHINN WHOO HOO". OMG, So funny.Quote:
Originally posted by: aznimperialx
not gonna overdo it
weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee shinn suxors the balls [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
How can anyone like that retard??? eww, shame on you shinn lovers [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
Wow, this has gotten a bit out of hand.
If you have to be retarded and post entire posts in CAPS or just being an idiot don't post at all. This thread is for Shinn haters to discuss the dislike for this character not for idiots to increase their post count.
At least it serves to give us an idea of the mental capacity of your average Shinn hater.
Very true. They can't even follow simple instructions.
umm i'm not sure i have anything wrong with shinn even though i like kira better i'm not going to be like you idiots going "DAMNIT SHINN BEAT KIRA NOW SHINN=LOSER!!oneone!"
bigdady if you call
not overdoing it, i really dont want to see you when shinn owns another person you like.Quote:
not going to overdo it
dead, you joined just to bash shinn?
@Chaoskiddo, could u explain to me how u know @bigdaddy843 hates shinn because he beat Kira?, did he post it somewhere because i dont see another post from him in this thread, please send me the link. OR do u read minds?Quote:
Originally posted by: Chaoskiddo
umm i'm not sure i have anything wrong with shinn even though i like kira better i'm not going to be like you idiots going "DAMNIT SHINN BEAT KIRA NOW SHINN=LOSER!!oneone!"
bigdady if you call
not overdoing it, i really dont want to see you when shinn owns another person you like.Quote:
not going to overdo it
dead, you joined just to bash shinn?
If he hates SHinn, maybe it isnt because he defeated Kira, as i have stated, i hate Shinn from Phase 2 or 3, from the very beginning, not because he defeated Kira (Still Shinn isnt as good as Kira, for various reasons, not just because Im a Kira fan).
Anyway, ill be waiting for the link where @bigdaddy843 posted he hated SHinn because he defeated Kira.
@bigdaddy843, dont post everything in CAPS, its annoying.
lol...i haven't been on for a while.. and there is a Shinn hate Thread...Shinn hate is getting out of control...LOL
Shinn is suppose to beat Kira that battle...he had it all planned out...that battle no way Kira would have won...but that battle didn't display Shinn tatic's skills or coordinator power good, and fast apdaption skills like Kira displayed in GS and it doesn't nessary make Shinn stronger than Kira....why..let me explain. Rey and Shinn had it all planned out...
Knowing Kira had the "no killing policy" that is where the victory lies for Impluse. Shinn know Kira won't aim for his body...so there was some attacks Shinn could dodge, he would dodge... but if one of his Arms and Legs are broken because he wasn't "good enuff" he would used the Implused Ability..with is being able to replace his arms and legs which is did...after Kira Sliced his one of his arm and leg....he thought he won...and he was really worried about AA...then when Kira was off guard thinking that he already had impluse beat ...Shinn switched packs...and replaced his legs and arms, he went dashing into Freedom with seed mode on...and took down Freedom...
Shinn DID win the battle Fair and square...but it dont display thse Skill i mention, and now Destiny MS is a different, i dont think he will be able to use the same tatic's against Kira like he did with impluse...
now Kira gotten his newtype powers Kira would OWN shinn like a ANT
its would be like Michael Jordan Vs Glenn Robinson...no comparison....
Jesus Christ, this topic isn't for character fighting and comparison - it's a place for people to vent why they hate Shinn. Is that so hard to understand?
GotWoot Moderator
Now there is a Kira Hater Heaven too.
Shinn is seriouly hating at the wrong country....Shinn's hate makes no sense...its war, family dies,why is he hating at the country that tried to protect it...i guess we all try not to hate Shinn but...one of the main reaon why so many Shinn hater is because of what Shinn done to the other fans favorite characters.....not jus Kira lovers hate Shin...
Athrun fans = hate Shinn
Kira fans = hate Shinn
Cagalli fans = hate Shinn
Meyrin fan = hate Shinn
Murrue fans, Mwu Fans, and basically everyone in AA somewhat dislike Shinn or neutral...at best
Shinn is going against AA....one of the main reason GS fans watch GSD is because of GS and Shinn is screwing up AA basically screwing the Characters we loved in GS...its not ovious that alot of people hate Shinn.
WTH, this is the second time someone posts something i was just thinking of doing. Shinn should hate the EAF no Orb, but we know his head is screwed so there is no helping it.
i'm an athrun fan but i still like shinnQuote:
Originally posted by: naruto-kira
Shinn is seriouly hating at the wrong country....Shinn's hate makes no sense...its war, family dies,why is he hating at the country that tried to protect it...i guess we all try not to hate Shinn but...one of the main reaon why so many Shinn hater is because of what Shinn done to the other fans favorite characters.....not jus Kira lovers hate Shin...
Athrun fans = hate Shinn
Kira fans = hate Shinn
Cagalli fans = hate Shinn
Meyrin fan = hate Shinn
Murrue fans, Mwu Fans, and basically everyone in AA somewhat dislike Shinn or neutral...at best
Shinn is going against AA....one of the main reason GS fans watch GSD is because of GS and Shinn is screwing up AA basically screwing the Characters we loved in GS...its not ovious that alot of people hate Shinn.
terracosmo and PSJ, I notice you guys like to tag team frequently, any reason for that? BTW, Shinn should not die, but if he is going to die it should be by Athuran's hands.
lol sry Chaoskiddo, I was at work so I had to make it very short [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img] oh heck im still at work [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img] ...... ok ok lets see, I didn't join just to bash Shinn, im gonna bash rey too [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img] nah just kiddin, im just gonna bash shinn hehe, no oh k.
Alright the thing is that I just can't stand Shinn, and i really like Kira, when i watched the fist episode of GS last year i was like wow, the thruth is the only other gundam series I have ever watched was GW and for me to see a kid with no military experience and just getting in the SG and mess up all of ZAFT plans was so freakin kool [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-cool.gif[/img] and i do understand why many of you hate him, i mean, GS its a rip off of the original series and Kira is a lil of a cry baby but then again i never saw the original series and I relate a lot to kira, just a regular guy, he just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time (or the other way around [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img] ).
Now, in the other hand we have Shinn, some guys may like him just because he is not Kira, and this is true, thats the only reason they like him which to me is really stupid, he is even more of a cry baby than Kira, and by a lot, he is very impulsive and very coky eww he joined the military which gives him a lot of advantages over kira. He also hates ORB which is really stupid, i mean, really, why does he hate ORB? for doing the right thing? It wasn't ORBs fault when his sis and parents die, I know he must not like the fact that they die because of FREEDOM but then again that makes him a very selfish person, hes just doing it for revenge not for justice, he's got to come to his mind, it was freakin collateral damaga, not even that, FREEDOM really didnt wanna kill any1 at all, nor he wanted any1 getting killed in that battle. SHINN IS A FREAKIN DUMB ASS .......... ok gotta go, boss gettin pissed [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img]
Does it matter? I'll let Terra answer it if he feels that it's necessary.
I hated Shinn in the begining of the show but after taking down Kira and Athrun he has matured a bit and seems to becoming a good character. I like both Athrun and Kira so the statement that many hate him because what he did against our favourite characters is wrong, i know many hated him from day one.
I hated him from day 1 [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img] weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeQuote:
Originally posted by: PSJ
i know many hated him from day one.
Oh. It seems that Shinn haters x Kira haters is going to be a Jihad [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
I figured I would get such a response, my thanks anyways [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
Curiosity killed the cat, satisfaction brought it back!
Regarding someone mentioning a Jihad....
Another thing, a Jihad never had a violent meaning behind it. A Jihad was originally intended only for religious purposes to signify a struggle on earth in order to reach God. Yet, you have some ignorant islamic groups who are taking it out of context, and now people in general see it as a negative word. But then again what do I know, I drink Jesus Juice (implying I'm christian for all those who fail to understand).
Lastly, I believe that there should be a truce between Kira & Shinn haters. There is no reason to hate, both groups of people should want those two characters to come together in peace, hug each other, hold hands, and become a loving and respectful couple. HEHEHEHE. Peace is the key to a resolution.