lol i know what u mean eps 3 was kind of lame and boring
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lol i know what u mean eps 3 was kind of lame and boring
wtf episode 3 was just power rangers!!??
Ep 4 by Shinsen Subs!!!
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Originally posted by: turkish-shikamaru
wtf episode 3 was just power rangers!!??
Ep 4 was interesting... and really ep 3 was just a filler... we learn much more in episode 4... and there will probably be interesting revelations in episode 5 too!
I just saw episode 4 "the best episode so far"
This series is pretty much Trigun with mechs, don't deny it, we all know it.
It's been interesting enough to keep me watching so far, and I kinda like how the opening shows more people after it introduces them (like Carmen and her weapon, which didn't show in the second eps open, etc). Van's seiyuu definitely doesn't really seem to fit his character, but everyone else so far was fine. I'll give it a few more, but it probably won't be in the top half of the series I've seen.
I just can't see how people didn't like eps 3. I guess you just can't appreciate a good parody. Not only did they do Power Rangers, they even topped it off with a "burning fingers" G Gundam final hit.
I can't wait until they revel who the man with the claw is.
I liked ep 3... but it was still just a filler... nothing happened story-wise... damn, I can't wait for ep5!
Episode 5 kicked so much ass, but it was a little creepy.
Ray is pretty cool, the fighting between Ray and Van were damn cool.
Ray is awsome, but I meant the whole twin thing.
So eps 5 kick so much ass then i got to see it and the fight
This series has gotten somewhat better from my impression in the first episode...
They need to get better villians, instead of these suckass punks...
Only thing that is keeping this series together for me is some pretty cool action sequences and the hope that the guy with the claw is kickass...
and for some reason i think that Wendy's brother is the claw guy... or at least i think he wasn't kidnapped... but instead joined forces with him or something...
Originally posted by: Budweineken
This series has gotten somewhat better from my impression in the first episode...
They need to get better villians, instead of these suckass punks...
Only thing that is keeping this series together for me is some pretty cool action sequences and the hope that the guy with the claw is kickass...
and for some reason i think that Wendy's brother is the claw guy... or at least i think he wasn't kidnapped... but instead joined forces with him or something...
Yeah, that seems more likely. I think that the acual bad guys are in shadow in the opening, like the "good guys". I can't wait for them to apper. Van will kick thier asses.
Wow... episode 5 was NICE... the two clones were weird... but anyways, Ray is a neat character!!! and I liked the way Twins were getting wounded in the same way!
ya rays cool his armor was awsome
I've had that thought in my head as well.Quote:
Originally posted by: Budweineken
and for some reason i think that Wendy's brother is the claw guy... or at least i think he wasn't kidnapped... but instead joined forces with him or something...
Too many condiments.
I'm not too sure of this one yet. I'll watch a couple of more eps before making a final decison.
GUNxSWORD Episode 6 is out. Download the fun here: