the thing of rey taking over minerva could be tru. cuzz when they talk about athrun and that he was a traitor u see rey. it can't be coincindence(dunno how u spell it)
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the thing of rey taking over minerva could be tru. cuzz when they talk about athrun and that he was a traitor u see rey. it can't be coincindence(dunno how u spell it)
Originally posted by: Motteh
i can't get the harotori link to work
is that just my internet browser acting up or do more people have issues with it?
thanks in advance
First thank you for the clarification.Quote:
Originally posted by: Guardian_2000
My edited previous post doesn't even exist. And what spoilers are in my prior post. They are all events that have occured before ep 27. Damn what are you smoking?
Oh i remember the speculations bit. I said that cause I think thats the name of my thread i created or it was the description. You can post theories, ideas, spoilers or speculations there.
You edited your post after it was edited, the problem was that you referred to a spoiler thread for further speculation (i.e. things that can be revered as spoilers). There is a possability that you, while editing the post, did not notice the first edit. If so, please excuse that misunderstanding. The rule you broke was, again, referring to a spoiling thread to fuel your evidence in the argument with PSJ. If you do not understand what's wrong in such posts, you need to think again. Good day.
GotWoot Moderator
I don't believe it was edited when I edited it. Then again I was on the screen for awhile. But thats still only one rule. Why did the mod say I broke two. Plus they seemed particularily hostile. Is there a listing for these rules? Sorry if I am repeating myself. I just want to get some answers. I take it its okay for me to put the newer harotori link in my first post for newcomers. I believe I was told thats okay in another thread. It would be nice if the original contents of the post weren't deleted. Since I don't recall if thats exactly the context of my post that was deleted partially. Looking at my other posts I've been good about posting spoilers. And if I refered to that thread I call it by my spoiler/speculation thread. I didn't even put up a link. I just think the situation could have been handled by the mod alot better than the way they handled it. Atleast from what I've seen in other topics this isn't how its always done.
The off-topic discussion about this issue stops here. Please refer to this thread:;enterthread=y
GotWoot Moderator
thanks alotQuote:
Originally posted by: Maverick-DBZ-
Originally posted by: Motteh
i can't get the harotori link to work
is that just my internet browser acting up or do more people have issues with it?
thanks in advance
Damn, the creators of this series area good at stopping things just when they start to look interesting. I want to see Cagalli take down Yuna... Although probably the Phantom group will somehow find out about Steller and call off the fight so that she isn't hurt. Although Neo seems beholden to the earth forces in some way and is being pressured for results, not really volunteering to fight. I think that's what they were trying to get across with the silly fish in the little tank, that he's a prisoner or somesuch thing.
I don't think we have any evidence yet on the Chairman's true intentions. He seemed concerned about Lacus returning to space, but not flipping out, and no ranting about how she must die or anything. Rey is probably looking into the lab and trying to figure out why he remembered it. He'll probably come up with some infromation about the whole cloning thing later on and they want some background for the revalation.
For those of you who like the SEED-Fansubs group.
i dont think they will call of the fight just to save stellar, i mean they took her out of stings and auels memories for a reason and i dont think that reason is to save her.
ep 27 was crap. flashback ... flashback ... flashback ... flashback ... flashback ... flashback ... and more flashbacks ...
the real story in that ep happened after 11 mins. what a waste of the first 11 mins ...
I was holding on to a vague hope after watching the episode where Rey finds out about his childhood.... or at least see's the base. I think to myself, ok maybe he'll show a little more personality now... maybe he'll start becoming a good pilot now.... maybe he'll develop a personality now... i'd even settle for him speaking more... but no...
In the end, Rey has become even more of a backseat character if such a thing were possible. he's hardly even in the intro anymore. I am officially giving up on this useless character. He had potential in the beginning but now he's just... nothing.
as far as seed destiny is concerned, my favorite character selection for gundam seed destiny has changed slightly.
Since Rey's failure to live up to the hype, he is no longer one of my favorite main characters. on the same token, shinn has not proven himself to me yet. and Asuran has fallen pretty far in my book as well... so, remaining favorite male character... Sting... (the only one who hasnt gone nuts over a word yet and he's got an overall cool personality) and Neo and Kira.
Fav. Female characters... Well Luna is on thin ice right now. she's becoming too much of an obsessive and her infatuation with Asuran and (soon to be Shinn probably) is really killing her character and sending singals that she can't cut it on her own. My favorite GSD female character must thus be who she was in GS which is Lacus. this recent episode really proved to me that she's still got her flare... and i'd also go so far as too be hopeful mirallia's character. she's showing a bit of personality herself.
Seems like the chairman is working with Jibril, since it shows them both looking at the Destroy blueprints, which is probably that gigantic gundam in the OP. Also it keeps showing scenes of Rey sneaking around, so Rey is probably some special Extended sent as a spy by the Chairman-Jibril alliance.
The way Jibril talks to Neo sounds like Neo owes him greatly. Jibril probably saved him when he was Muu La Flaga and gave him an opportunity to live as Neo.
I don't know about this, well the saving him thing. I just don't see Jibril as the type to be anywhere near a battlefield.Quote:
Originally posted by: BOARD_of_command
The way Jibril talks to Neo sounds like Neo owes him greatly. Jibril probably saved him when he was Muu La Flaga and gave him an opportunity to live as Neo.
*watches Seed-Fansubs sub*
ummm....Juno instead of Yuuna?? lay off the crack, guys. yeesh ><
Good episode, sets up another battle with everybody in it. Guess Cagali's going to be heartbroken once again, but I'm sure Cpt. Todaka's going to do something drastic... Hopefully the Archangel and Minerva don't get in each other's way.
i want to see the archangel vs the minerva, chances are that kira will take everyone down in an instant if shinn doesnt go seed on his ass, if that happens it might get interesting. we might to see if he really can compare with freedom like arthur thought hahahaha.
Shinn's piloting skill lacking, and his mobile suit lacking, I don't believe hes gonna compare very well. Besides we can't forget that If shinn is there Athrun will probably be there. And he would try to stop shinn from fighting. Kira doesn't want to fight if he doesn't have to. Like the episode where he didn't attack Savior before. So if for some reason they fight its Shinn's fault. I hope he'd get his ass kicked by Freedom.
Well he already got a part of his mobile suit sliced off by Freedom before, so knowing Shinn's attitude he'd want to get back at Kira..... Shinn probably has the potential to improve on his piloting skills, as he will be going head on with Kira in the near future.
This is overall a very good point. It seems the Chairman is putting all the problem people on the Minerva and they are pushing for neo to take them out. In turn this would be a good reason to keep Stellar on the ship and for the EA not to be the slightest bit ticked off about the "loss" of Stellar.Quote:
Originally posted by: BOARD_of_command
Seems like the chairman is working with Jibril, since it shows them both looking at the Destroy blueprints, which is probably that gigantic gundam in the OP. Also it keeps showing scenes of Rey sneaking around, so Rey is probably some special Extended sent as a spy by the Chairman-Jibril alliance.
The way Jibril talks to Neo sounds like Neo owes him greatly. Jibril probably saved him when he was Muu La Flaga and gave him an opportunity to live as Neo.
So far the plot just doesn't add up why send 3 faith members to the same place where they are unable to act freely and are clearly being targeted when instead they could use such members to further reinforce multiple lines.
i hope so to, i was joking with the comment about arthur.....Quote:
Originally posted by: Guardian_2000
Shinn's piloting skill lacking, and his mobile suit lacking, I don't believe hes gonna compare very well. Besides we can't forget that If shinn is there Athrun will probably be there. And he would try to stop shinn from fighting. Kira doesn't want to fight if he doesn't have to. Like the episode where he didn't attack Savior before. So if for some reason they fight its Shinn's fault. I hope he'd get his ass kicked by Freedom.