I wonder what's Mustangs's next move
Well now pride doesn't have a choice other that running, i really don't think he can take Hohenheim on, especially with ed and 3 ki sensing fighters beside him, even with the gluttony power up
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I wonder what's Mustangs's next move
Well now pride doesn't have a choice other that running, i really don't think he can take Hohenheim on, especially with ed and 3 ki sensing fighters beside him, even with the gluttony power up
I don't know what his next move is going to be but really, does it matter.Quote:
Originally Posted by The Archangel
If you think Pride is going to run, then you really need to learn the meaning of the word. It doesn't matter whether he can take them on or not, he is Pride he isn't going anywhere.Quote:
Well now pride doesn't have a choice other that running, i really don't think he can take Hohenheim on, especially with ed and 3 ki sensing fighters beside him, even with the gluttony power up
yeah, i have the same feeling about Pride standing his ground. he wouldn't even grimace when Mufasa was beating on him in the dark, I don't think he'll back down. He's clearly scared of Hoenheim though. But now that he's absorbed Gluttony (i have some beef with that, btw, if Homunculi could just merge like that I don't see why they didn't do it before when they were in some tight spots), I don't think he'll run either.
Roy revealed something very important in this chapter, that the bombing of the President's train was all Grumman's work. He was also smart enough to figure that Grumman might be setting him up, showing that he doesn't really trust the guy much at all. However, it's not good that Sloth and Father are in Central still, not to mention the army of human transmutation soldiers that are hidden there (cue Lady Armstrong to take care of that one, we hope). And his intel was dead wrong about Selim being with the Fuhrer.
Good move taking Wrath's wife hostage though. He totally handed them that card when he was talking to Hawkeye, but I still think it'll prove to be surprisingly effective.
Also, now we finally know why Roy is such a sex fiend!
It was also good how they used tons of light to destroy shadows in this chapter. Good switch from the 'pure darkness' to keep their enemy in check.
Good point, i forgot about that.Quote:
Originally Posted by Abdula
FMA #88 is out.
Hmmm this chapter was kind of a letdown, i wish we could have seen what gluttony pride could really do. But i'm glad kimbley is back in the game, his character is quite entertaining to observe.
couldnt al just kill pride/glutony inside since he didnt have any powers in the dark?
I'm not quite sure he'd be able to do that. But one thing I like about the manga is how fleshed out the character of Scar is. Like, he's an admitted terrorist, but its not like he does it for shits and giggles, there's actually a purpose to what he does (like most people like that). Oh, and good show of Hoenheim. I lol'ed at the "2nd to none" and the fact that he thought Pruttony(?) was "scary" . He really does have a lot of power though...almost too much.
He probably could if he wasn't Al. Can u honestly think that he could killa child like pride even knowing that he's a homunculus?Quote:
Originally Posted by deadlydreamx
love that Kimblee's back. Hoenheim was sure a lot like a more subdued, older version of Ed in this chapter, wasn't he? His smart ass remarks surprised me, since I always thought he was more of a 'quiet, simple guy who stumbled on immeasurable power' type.
i like the strategy of just neutralizing Pride/Gluttony. But I thought it was a little too soon to have him break down and start talking like that to Al... doesn't show much of his namesake, does he?
Greed is never going to make it. What a stubborn bastard...
Kinda...off your guys' topic...but does it take Viz long to translate manga? I read there are already 20 volumes out in Japanese and only 17 in English.
If you're going to take pity on yourself, don't kill people in the first place.
Don't avert your eyes away from death.
Look forward.
Look at the people you're killing in the face.
And don't forget them.
Don't forget.
Don't forget.
They won't forget you either.
(because KiMBLEY's FUCKING BACK!!!)
Chapter 89 - scanlated by 'anonymous'
edit - mother of god it's awesome
90 is out. It's a wild ride, folks!
Olivier Armstrong is just awesome.
I already knew those freaking mass-produced humonculi was going to go berserk, i wonder if they are easier to kill seeing as they were created by regular humans.
Kimbley is back, next chapter will be amazing.
Chapter 91 is out
I love Kimbley, very good chapter I wonder how strong Al got with the phoslepher stone. Envy seems to be back on her feet, I wonder what is her aim since the manga and the anime is alot different, they never really mention envy motives.
"you'll never get away with this, you cunt!!"
-from a former central high rank officer before squash to death
Chapter 92 is out online.
One Manga
Great chapter. We get to see more of Al's ingenuity, definitely love seeing him in action. Lol at Sloth being the fastest humonculus, makes perfect sense, and it looks like Kimbly may have finally gotten what was coming to him, in dramatic fashion too.
Chapter 93 at OneManga
well, there are ridiculously good chapters, and then there are 'shit the bed' really ridiculous chapters.
chapter 90 was one of those. Hoenheim is making a case for being the suavest good guy of them all, moreso than Mustang. There were several awesome shots, notable (profile of Father's face, eyes invisibile, next panel of Pride alone in the darkness, rattling on Alphonse's helmet, then a double encompass of Father in full light with his eyes open), also the Immortal Army soldier reflected in the single lens of the nameless scientist's glasses.
The, "that's right, I'm your daddy. And you're a good child." scene was awesome gore factor to elevate the clones. Pride triumphing after all was an excellent twist, and, of course, Ms. Armstrong is the only girl badass enough to deserve Kimbley.
chapter 91
love Kimblee's face when Pride responses to "so you ate Gluttony?" And then just sitting back when Al escapes into the dust, remarking smarmily about how he could clear it but... The guy is such a class act. And a sharp dresser! Best bad guy in the whole shibang as far as I'm concerned, especially since he doesn't have Homunculus level powers.
Heinkel was boss. What a tough fucking dude.
The good guys deserve to have Envy escape for letting him stay alive that long. But, well, he's back to being sexy, which I'm all for. The bad guys really can regroup very quickly in this manga, one of the reasons I enjoy it so much.
Ms. Armstrong was pretty surprised back there (and me too), when shit-bag general actually took a stand and didn't order his troops to stand down. Her line to Sloth was gold.
Hoenheim. So badass... he's never gonna make it...
Chapter 92
Alphonse with the Stone. Badass. He even pulled out the "Imagine Blade"
Kimblee was looking sorta silly, getting talked down on by Al like that (it was a good scene though, and it really brought Al's character (and Ed's, I suppose) into a very bright light. Give 'em the fourth option, Kimblee!
Oh Armstrongs. You put the sparkle into my daffodil. and it's amazing how there can be a dude getting squashed by a giant monster made using the souls of thousands of people in one panel, and then a comic relief panel making a joke out of exactly that. the humor is always there, just enough.
Sloth gained about ten levels of character development in this chapter too. I was wondering how he could be laying like a heap of slag at Father's place in one chapter and then be attacking Armstrong the next. Dude must be hooked up with the super stoner dope.
chapter 93
things are looking bleak for our heroes? Who can save them?
Yoki. What a fucking out of the blue save. Seriously
And Pride sent them on a goose hunt? Or...
....oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!
Hawkeye's "bullets don't work on anything these days!" was the cutest thing she's ever done.
Envy even tried to get Scar to remember he used to be pissed off at State Alchemists. Then he goes and talks big, even decides to talk ridiculous shit to Mustang about killing Hughes. Oh, Envy! Don't you know you're the ONE Homunculus most grossly outnumbered by good guys?