Terra you look like Edward Scissorhands
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Terra you look like Edward Scissorhands
i live in edinburgh (...UK incase ur ignorant)
Originally posted by: BOARD_of_command
Terra you look like Edward Scissorhands
And yeah, I AM a legend. By far the sexiest moderator around these parts and stuff.
I second that! And I've always thought Edward Scissorhand was rather attractive, too...
So did I. I'm such a wannabe.
I bet I could kick Edward Scissorhands' ass.
On a related note... has Gakt contacted you about being their frontman yet, Terra? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
That must sting. Not only did you lose out, you lost out to the lead singer of Evanesence.Quote:
Originally posted by: Mut@t@
take off the kimimaro sig. you don't deserve it, you dirt.
More like miyavi
Your knowledge of the pale and pasty is superior.Quote:
Shame on you.
That is one weird piercing... Definitely one of the weirder ones I've seen
i shall hang my head in shame ;_;
That's scary jing. That's exactly the Miyavi picture I use as avatar on several forums, as well as MSN icon momentarily.
If you dont count that weird piercing shes kind of hot
"She" has a bigger penis than you.Quote:
Originally posted by: Deblas
If you dont count that weird piercing shes kind of hot
edit: Just so there can be no question as to the meaning of my previous statement...
La persona en el cuadro es un hombre!!!
WTF?!? I thought that was a woman too...
hahaha deblas is a fgt.
that she is a he.Quote:
Originally posted by: Deblas
If you dont count that weird piercing shes kind of hot
hey mut, where do you come up with your material?
Thanks Deblas. I wouldn't have found out if it wasn't for you.
You're kidding right? Thats a girl right?
Oh God...I have all those pictures...and i did... Oh god...
This is why guys should try to look like guys, not the other way around. It just makes things much easier.
ahahaha are u serious thats a dude!?
i thought it was a chick too wen i saw that pic
i can't tell if this was intended to be an insult or not...Quote:
Originally posted by: _naruto_X
hey mut, where do you come up with your material?
I knew it was a guy. something about the face...
And well I kinda knew it was Miyavi too [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
oh man you thought that was a chick? you guys need to get out more there is no woman that looks like that.....
ok so heres a pic of me... enjoy
hey i get out plenty, and he really did look like a she, even if "she" was like a freaky goth thing with a weird piercing.
heh i didnt expect u to look like that psj, lol thought ud be asian like everyone else, no offence meant to anybody who is stupidly sensitive
Nah PSJ is of pure viking-breed just like me.
PSJ you look a lot like Ewan Mcgregor
Plenty of weird looking goth girls in my school like that.Quote:
oh man you thought that was a chick? you guys need to get out more there is no woman that looks like that.....
no, that was a compliment.
Hurray for androgynous men! They are all so pretty, and confuse boys into thinking they're girls therefore entretaining us girls.
OMFG. your fucking kidding me. I thought she was a chick!!!!! im gonna be sick. (looks for rope to hang himself)Quote:
Originally posted by: Souryusen
"She" has a bigger penis than you.Quote:
Originally posted by: Deblas
If you dont count that weird piercing shes kind of hot
edit: Just so there can be no question as to the meaning of my previous statement...
La persona en el cuadro es un hombre!!!
EDIT: I really need to learn the difference of japanese names for males and females
Originally posted by: Pervert-Sennin Jiraiya
oh man you thought that was a chick? you guys need to get out more there is no woman that looks like that.....
Originally posted by: Winged Dancer
Hurray for androgynous men! They are all so pretty, and confuse boys into thinking they're girls therefore entretaining us girls.
Evanescence is AmericanQuote:
Originally posted by: Deblas
EDIT: I really need to learn the difference of japanese names for males and females
You guys are making me laugh... loudly.
huh? what are you trying to say BOC. I know its americanQuote:
Originally posted by: BOARD_of_command
Evanescence is AmericanQuote:
Originally posted by: Deblas
EDIT: I really need to learn the difference of japanese names for males and females
hell yea a pure viking just like terra...
and i have no obssesion over japanese music or ppl i just think its obvious that that is a guy, its something about the face and what you can see of the body that just rules out a female. and if there are goth girls that look like him im sorry man i cant think of a hell like that good thing there are no goths at my school, we got like one semi-goth guy.
is santah the girl in the sig?
impossible. HE looks to much like a girl. what is the world coming to!!
deblas dont double post
to me he doesnt its someting about his face its slightly more manly than girly. its hard to explain really...Quote:
Originally posted by: Deblas
impossible. HE looks to much like a girl. what is the world coming to!!
hey Santah. are you the girl on your sig??
lol u sure thats a girl?
cos my confidence in spotting the opposite sex has now been shattered
Originally posted by: Deblas
hey Santah. are you the girl on your sig??
wtf is up with people repeating what i say?
you said that? I just said it cause im curious. wtf do I want to repeat what you say anyway.
The pic in Santah's sig is probably herself.
its my gf.
*edit* sigh double post
oooo... nice [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
I thought that Miyavi was a girl too...[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif[/img]
I thought I could easily see the difference between cross-dressers and real chicks, (when somebody posted a link to http://www.bakla.net [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-disgusted.gif[/img] I knew it were all guys) but now my self confidence had been crushed.[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img]
does your gf know you're showcasing her to a bunch of anime freaks?Quote:
Originally posted by: Santah
its my gf.
Yes, I asked her if she would pose for my sig. Hence the writing on her hand.
at least u got permission, id hate to see her face if u put her up here without asking and she got photoshopped to death
Aw, and I was hoping there would be another girl in the forums... well, just Eurasian and me then.
And me!!!!
(Before someone else seizes the opportunity to say it)
isnt 2 girls plenty for 500 guys? and i have also noticed that ppl repeat what mut say, mut maybe you have become a loved mod and everyone wants to be like you even tho they dont want to admit it...
jing you put up the wrong pic of miyavi. this is a better pic
i can't believe i missed out on the miyavi talk..i love miyavi..or maybe i'm just jealous. no man should possess such beauty!!! terra, nice pics. i do sorta see the resemblance between you and miyavi but i idolize you more.
psj, it's sorta hard to see your godly body underneath all those clothes. =D j/k *hugs*
i think eurasian's said what we've all wanted to say for along time terra (well not me, but most other ppl). its about time u showed some skin [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img] (just make sure the skin is above the navel)
wow PSJ, i didnt know you were a fan of gang rapeQuote:
Originally posted by: Pervert-Sennin Jiraiya
isnt 2 girls plenty for 500 guys?
there are alot of things you dont know about me [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img] [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
@eurasian, yea kinda hard but its cold here.... *hugs back*
so assasin if you want to see more of terra you like him which means you're gay?
Terra is not the kind of man who doesn't grant the wishes of his fans.
Edit: Though this edit makes it seem like I do!
Why Terra, thank you very much, now I'll have to stare at my screen for a while and I'll be late for school.
Keep the change, honey. ; )
looks like you could take an eye out with those nipples
You won't believe how much of a trauma I had for 'em back in the day.
But now I've realized it's my destiny to pierce them one day!
(Though I don't like piercings)
I feel some what violated and disturbed, But hey if you look good doin it who cares.
Kinda like playing with a katana on your backyard. ^_^
haha even the guys thinks its okey, terra you really have the power to make everyone love you [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img] wtahc them nipples tho.
Watch them? What do you want me to do? Cut them off? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
It would only be weird if the flamboyant and androgynous Terra had flat ones instead of ones that actually are visible! (like girls' mostly are)
i dont love terra [img]i/expressions/brokenheart.gif[/img]Quote:
Originally posted by: Pervert-Sennin Jiraiya
haha even the guys thinks its okey, terra you really have the power to make everyone love you [img][/img] wtahc them nipples tho.
You're such a rebel!
hey, guess what? i banned terra.
...no... you didn't... ehrm I mean..
Err that pic of Miyavi makes him look even more feminine. Is he trying to be like Marilyn Manson or something?
Terra, I beat (wo)men like you.
As often as I can.
Seriously.. I have a bucket of turpentine and a baseball bat with your name on it.
Also, put on a shirt.
edit: I mean all this in a mean-spirited way of course. [img]i/expressions/devil.gif[/img]
^_^ Gotta love reactions.
Edit: I'd believe you, were it not for the cute devil you inserted at the end.
wow cold swedish weather does justice! *looks at terra's pic* =D now i think it's time for someone else's turn...heh j/k =D ok i'll stop now.
BOC, i know...miyavi is very very beautiful...i get jealous from time to time..especially looking at that gothic lolita pic.
Haha terra got acne...
Originally posted by: Eurasian
wow cold swedish weather does justice! *looks at terra's pic* =D now i think it's time for someone else's turn...heh j/k =D ok i'll stop now.
BOC, i know...miyavi is very very beautiful
Well... what guy doesn't? Unfortunately, none of that is on the pic.Quote:
Originally posted by: DB_Hunter
Haha terra got acne...
On my shoulder are freckles, and on my chest are scratches from a recent incident.
Fuck you guys and your obsession on trying to find wrongful things! Embrace the beauty!
damn deblas, heard of decaf?
and terra, its your fault for breaking rule 3 of this topic
Muwahahahaaa i got terra to say a bad word....Quote:
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
Well... what guy doesn't? Unfortunately, none of that is on the pic.Quote:
Originally posted by: DB_Hunter
Haha terra got acne...
On my shoulder are freckles, and on my chest are scratches from a recent incident.
Fuck you guys and your obsession on trying to find wrongful things! Embrace the beauty!
Yep... acne... the plague of the epidermal world....
lol, I wonder if there's anyone in the world who got absoluely no acne in his teen years...
At any rate, the lipstick and his nipples kept my attention far too much to notice the acne.
(wow, I felt coarse saying the above...)
It's not acne goddamnit! Ah well, I give up.
Oh yeah. Rules. I'll remove the pic, since all people who I want to see it have already. Yay!
Damn, I have to put a pic of me too. Wonder were my camera is, though...
That you do. Definately.
I haven't gotten nearly enough pictures of you ; D
Damn my being at "computer class" at the moment and not being able to get my camera and/or use any chat program....
Edit: Are you complaining of the pics I sent you? Why, I'd never....! (j/k)
uh why does terra get to see pics of you? post a pic here instead all of us wants to see!
Because I do things to earn them [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
TMI, I dont think any of us would actually want to know what you did to earn them [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img] some of those things might be a little...um...iffy
Well I wasn't planning to tell you.
All I can say is that it was enough to convince WD...
you dont have to take the pic down, im just saying, link to the "non work safe" pics.
because terra, you scare "the man" [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
He scares my mother too! And that's one of the reasons I married him.
And I'll post as many pics as you people want as soon as I can find the goddamn stupid camera... which is probably buried under a ton of boxes somewhere in the house.
^_^ I scare my own mother even more than "the man" and WD's mother combined [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
well i didn't do anything 'special' for WD but i still got to see her pic =P but yeah WE, you should post your pic cuz it's just wrong not to show how you look like.
Your all evil... my pic would never be posted here...
Ursy, you're a female too... if.. ehh.. you didn't know.
I dont even have a picture of myself(of the age I am now), I dont like them being taken of meQuote:
Originally posted by: DB_Hunter
Your all evil... my pic would never be posted here...
I'm not a fan of getting my picture taken either, probably because I can't smile. There is only one picture of me ever that has a smile, and for some apparent reason I can't find it. I'll post it if I ever dig it up.