Wow this topic has gone to the crap.
Lets get back to Chapter 202..........
I was thinking that Shikamaru has to have some kind of a trump card up his sleeve here. I know he is not a fighter type, but a leader/support unit, but his old man must have realized how vulnerable he was in the fight with Temari, thanks to his lack of combat skills. I am sure he taught the kid something, maybe Shadow Neck Bind and some other stuff.
The only other trump card I can think of is a Summoning no Jutsu that brings forth a deer of some kind. I don't think that is going to happen though because a) He doesn't have the chakra I don't think http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/cool.gif I think his family just raises deer for medical reasons, Tsunade mentions their antlers make good medicine. c) Unless the deer is as cool as Chopper from One Piece, it would be useless in a fight against 3 Golems.
I still want to believe that Shika will beat Tayuya with his mind, through mental warfare, like read her emotions and manipulate her. All of the foreshadowing between his dad, himself, and his mom has lead up to this point.
Shikamaru's mom is bossy like Tayuya is, so maybe Shikamaru will use some of his dads strategy's against her. Something's gotta give I know that.
What exactly does Shadow Neck bind do?
Strangles someone with the shadows. Can lift them up and trap them in the air. If the Shika's wanted to they could probably strangle someone or break their necks.
Nara Shikato used it during the Sound/Sand Invasion.
They're still in the trees fighting, no? (Shikamaru and Tatuya, that is...) This fight should be easy for him. Think about it... worst case scenario, he gets on a branch that runs from side to side. Shadow binds them all, walks sideways, they walk sideways and fall off the branch that isn't there. 3 ogres and Tatuya owned. Now, me being a total doofus thought of this; Shika can do about 100 times better! http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/smile.gif
Gooo Shika!
Oh, and by the way... page 17 of 202 has Orochimaru scratching at his bandages... with his hands (that he can use, again).
yeah, in 201 he had his head resting on them, just relaxing.
I am glad that the bad guy does not have a handicap anymore. With this young body of his, he might just want to go check on the Sound 5, especially when Kimimaro doesn't get back right away.
Could make for an interesting situation.
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (xtort @ Feb 2 2004, 09:43 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> Oh, and by the way... page 17 of 202 has Orochimaru scratching at his bandages... with his hands (that he can use, again).
-xtortout </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
we dont know how he can use it... it might be kabuto who cured him or it might be the new body that works.... i believe they will explain that later on.
we're just all stubborn, that's all. no one is gonna change any one's mind. we all think that we're always right for whatever reason. i know i am.
heres a point we havent beaten into the ground that should be raised, exactly wtf u think the thing kimi pulled out of his hand was? it wasnt exactly sharp, just kinda long, kinda looked bonelike even. Any ideas? Could this be part of his advance bloodline stuff or just a jutsu? oh and if someone says its a form of the mange sharingan in the hand, or says itachi musta taught him that cause its cool i will personnally come to your house and beat u.
i think that he can use his hands for basic things, but im not sure if he's still able to use jutsu requiring the hands; i mean, it was his spirit that actually damaged; but as for 202, yea, i think shika will use the trees to his advantage somehow; i mean there's nothin but shadows around him
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (AlbinoFury @ Feb 2 2004, 05:07 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> heres a point we havent beaten into the ground that should be raised, exactly wtf u think the thing kimi pulled out of his hand was?* it wasnt exactly sharp, just kinda long, kinda looked bonelike even.* Any ideas?* Could this be part of his advance bloodline stuff or just a jutsu?* oh and if someone says its a form of the mange sharingan in the hand, or says itachi musta taught him that cause its cool i will personnally come to your house and beat u. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
it's his penis, duh.
btw, it's called penis no jutsu, which itachi must've taught cuz it's cool.
or it could possibly a form of the mange sharingan in the hand.
no, really, i think it's a sword of some sort, just not in 100% form (it's not sharp enough yet).
EDIT: i think kimimaro has the ability to turn into a monster of some sort. kind of like gaara.
well he got that seal called the gaia seal. is that the seal to turn curse 2 or is it something else i think i heard it before somewhere... as for that thing in his hand it might be a bone from his body but i dont know.
Maybe he is able to alter his hand like Killua from HxH.
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Arctyc @ Feb 1 2004, 09:04 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> Given the trend that Kishimoto has started with these battles, I'm not certain how Shika's battle is going to go. He seems to have tried to display how the characters are learning and growing even up to now -- by having Chouji, the ever-cowardly back-liner stand up even in the face of death; and having Neji, the destiny-obsessed guy with a superiority complex, admit to and even use his weaknesses in battle. This makes me think that for Kiba's battle, he may have to rely on a deceptive measure to win, and Shikamaru... heck, he might have to learn to go on gut instinct. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
That is a really interesting post. I agree, although I'm kind of diappointed that my instinct tells me that Kiba is gonna win. It shouldn't be possible; it isn't very plausible, no?
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (VagabondLBD @ Feb 2 2004, 06:50 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> hm for some reason i've got to think that there are more than 8 members in the akatsuki. The reason i think this is because when itachi is in konoha he says that there are higher ups in the akatsuki. So some of them must not be volunteers, someone must have planed it from the beginning. Also this proves that there is some stronger than itachi (I know you were talking about characters that have been introduced) because if they wasn't as strong as itachi than why would itachi be taking orders from them. That is unless they have some hold on itachi.(something like blackmail) Another weird thing. Read these scan from the manga. Kakashi and jiraiya refer to someone as "that man". Its not oro or itachi because kakashi says its the ninetails. I dunno itds confusing but just read it and tell me what you understand from it.
4 </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
thats just a bad translation i think. the part whre he says "that man (nine tails)" is just a mistake or something nine tails isnt a man duh!! i think he said that the head of akatsuki wants kyubi.
The best Kiba could hope for is a 4KO, a lose-lose situation. I wonder if oro's hand would rot or not? Since the soul of the hands are seal, it could be that oro get's his physical hand back for awhile before they crumble to the soul and rot. Shikmaru ... hmm ... no idea but he'll think of something, but his inexperience really nag my mind and I still can't think of something that'll allow him to win unscath. Oh well ...
The whole Oro saga isn't going to last for ever, I hope you know. He will die eventually, and I think it will be rather soon (less than 50 chapters,) they need to move on.
Soon they will get back to the Ataksuki and to Itachi.
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>I have that scan too and I guess there were a lot of LQ Naruto scans during this time, before Inane came out.</td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
hatake kakashi, do u have inane translations for these chapters? if so do u have a link or something so i may be able to get them? thanks.
If I were Naruto (fighting Kimmimaro), I would summon Gamabunta, and then shadow replicate him. Imagine 1000 Gamabuntas (stretching it a tad bit). That would be enough to defeat Kimmimaro quickly, in order to go back and help the rest of the team.
Yeah Naruto couldn't Shadow Replicate Gamabunta. At best Gamabunta could maybe Shadow Replicate himself. We already know he can do Henge, and I am sure if an animal could learn Kage Bushin, he could be able to do it. Maybe once Naruto gets a little better, he will be able to Shadow Replicate objects, like Sarutobi-sensei did with the Shurikens, in the fight with Orochimaru..
Also, I don't understand why everyone keeps thinking Shadow Replication makes Naruto stronger. He's just as strong as if there were only one of them. Its not like he is going to beat Kimimaro down now that he has 1000 clones. Each of those clones is 1/1000 of Naruto's power/chakra now, so all what Kimimaro would have to do is use a moderately high offensive ninjutsu that targets a bunch of them and bam their done.
Back to Kiba's fight..I think he and Akamaru will take soldier pills and start going berserk on Sakon. Kiba is no slouch in combat either, he was just unlucky to go up against Naruto during the Chuunin Exam. He isn't a powerhouse by any means, but I think as a Tandem, he and Akamaru are better than Sakon-Akon.
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Hatake Kakashi @ Feb 2 2004, 09:23 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> Also, I don't understand why everyone keeps thinking Shadow Replication makes Naruto stronger. He's just as strong as if there were only one of them. Its not like he is going to beat Kimimaro down now that he has 1000 clones. Each of those clones is 1/1000 of Naruto's power/chakra now, so all what Kimimaro would have to do is use a moderately high offensive ninjutsu that targets a bunch of them and bam their done. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
I always thought the chakra was divided equally, but the strength is fully replicated, as in each clone can hit as hard as the real Naruto.
Sure, they may have no durability i.e. die in one hit, and no chakra i.e. they can't perform jutsus, but I thought they could hit just as strongly as the original.
Maybe I'm wrong though.
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>The whole Oro saga isn't going to last for ever, I hope you know. He will die eventually, and I think it will be rather soon (less than 50 chapters,) they need to move on.
</td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
in all likelyness Itachi will die before Oro does, Itachi is a character made for death - hes introduced as an 'unstoppable' character as a goal for Sasuke but he will die none the less.
Orochimaru has no reason to die or to be killed, no one strong is chasing him and it would take an army to take on his village of sound whereas Itachi travels in a group of 2, hes not well protected other then by Kisame.
dude, just copy my sig, then you'll never be wrong.
btw, what you said is true.
yeah his strength gets divided up evenly since the clones are exact replicas of his body. So all of his anatomy stays in tact. So a hit is a hit, no matter if it is Naruto or a clone. But his chakra(power) is divided up so much..if Kimimaro breaths on them they will *poof*, disappear.
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>
I always thought the chakra was divided equally, but the strength is fully replicated, as in each clone can hit as hard as the real Naruto.*
Sure, they may have no durability i.e. die in one hit, and no chakra i.e. they can't perform jutsus, but I thought they could hit just as strongly as the original.
Maybe I'm wrong though. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
I agree. The chakra available at the moment when Naruto perform the shadow clone is divided evenly among every single body. If the physical strength are divided evenly among the clones then every single Naruto should not even be able to run, or if they can then Naruto should be so strong to the point where his physical strength could lift a small mountain easily. Last point, the real Naruto could always make more chakra with his stamina. It's not like all his chakra were present when he did the clones, so the 1/1000 chakra is not really correct.
edit: the clones' bodies are make up entirely out of chakra, so a hit on the clone doesn't really "hit" naruto physically, only his chakra.
It's strange if you search on google (pictures) and type Itachi all the pictures that will appear is pictures of weasels. Maybe itachi is a word for "weasel" in japanese.
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (itachi_ @ Feb 2 2004, 11:20 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> It's strange if you search on google (pictures) and type Itachi all the pictures that will appear is pictures of weasels. Maybe itachi is a word for "weasel" in japanese. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
it's not a maybe... it's a fuckin' fact!
it's like how Kakashi means 'scarecrow' and shika means 'deer'...
let's all do a 'banzai' to captian obvious here!
Stop that, how annoying!
Itachi might be the strongest character but doesnt mean its unbeatable... Just look at a sports ladder, the number 1 team doesnt always win and given game... same applies... This series is defiently not about Stronger = Win ... we have many characters to proove that... any how... the next chapter is gonna be good
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (moridin @ Feb 2 2004, 02:12 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> Now let's disect your argument. "why do you think orochimaru wants sasuke? it's for the sharingan so he can learn all the jutsus and itachi obviously knows tons of jutsus since he's got all these accomplishments in his record to back it up." Total red herring there. You go from my argument, we'll call it Janken analogy to simplify it, to why Orochimaru wants Sasuke to "proving," as you seem to believe that Itachi knows "tons of jutsus." Now it says Itachi is talented, agreed, and that he is a genius, agreed, but Orochimaru has been around for what...mmm 50 years? One thing you also seem to have forgotten is Orochimaru is also a "genius." Now if we want to state assumptions as facts, I would say Orochimaru knows more jutsus than Itachi, but we're not doing that right? Good. Next point. "You should know your argument is invalid once you compared Naruto and Neji. Naruto can't lose." Funny, it seems my argument was perfectly illustrated by the Naruto and Neji comparison. Of course Neji has better techniques than Naruto, and obviously, Neji is the "genius" in this case. Now according to your argument, again from the post above, Neji should have beaten Naruto. The fact that Naruto is the main character does not nullify this argument. If anything, it highlights how much Kishimoto enjoys the whole idea that stronger does not equal a win. Now you did not even address Shikamaru vs. Temari. Temari has the better techniques and she has multiple ones and yet she lost, in every sense except for the technical outcome of the match.* Now the only proof you have so far introduced in support of your "facts," is a statement by Orochimaru that Itachi is stronger than him. I'm sorry if I don't accept that one thing as the be-all, end-all of evidence. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
oh my god, you're still not understanding it. you just can't put naruto in the same category as everyone else.
anwyay, how is how is "why do you think orochimaru wants sasuke? it's for the sharingan so he can learn all the jutsus and itachi obviously knows tons of jutsus since he's got all these accomplishments in his record to back it up." a red herring? it's a strong point to state the fact that sharingan user/master is always 1 step above someone else. orochimaru can do whatever jutsus infront of itachi, and it'll be pointless cuz itachi can copy them all. the single most powerful jutsu we've seen so far can only be countered by another sharingan user with the same bloodline. don't you know? and don't bring up gai's technique of only looking at the feet cuz that can only take him so far.
and yes, i believe that orochimaru knows more jutsus than anyone that we've seen so far that's alive (might not be true but i doubt it). but no, i did not forget that orochimaru is a genius, that's a given and everyone knows it. and don't even bring that up "if we're not doing that right?" Good. Next point.
once again, you cannot put naruto in the same category as everyone else. yeah, i'm sure kishimoto enjoys the whole idea that stronger does not equal a win. but it's naruto. there is no way he can lose. do you think any other genin would've won against gaara if that character wasn't the main character? absolutely not. it just totally nullifys any argument if you include any fight involving naruto. and for shika vs temari. that was during an officiated match. if it was just a regular fight against two people, then shikamaru would've gotten smoked at the end. up until now, all the rest of the genin haven't been too important. but during the rescue mission, they've become more part of the main story and that's why they've won (or tied) the fights against the sound 4.
sometimes, you just gotta take things as it is. sorry, but itachi can't be beaten by anyone right now. and i'm sure whatever i say isn't gonna influence you in any way, so can someone tell these people that itachi is the strongest ninja alive so far?
EDIT: sorry for the long, off-topic post, again but people keep making me do it. http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/sad.gif
hm for some reason i've got to think that there are more than 8 members in the akatsuki. The reason i think this is because when itachi is in konoha he says that there are higher ups in the akatsuki. So some of them must not be volunteers, someone must have planed it from the beginning. Also this proves that there is some stronger than itachi (I know you were talking about characters that have been introduced) because if they wasn't as strong as itachi than why would itachi be taking orders from them. That is unless they have some hold on itachi.(something like blackmail) Another weird thing. Read these scan from the manga. Kakashi and jiraiya refer to someone as "that man". Its not oro or itachi because kakashi says its the ninetails. I dunno itds confusing but just read it and tell me what you understand from it.
Yeah, but up until now we really haven't seen a Kyubi Mode Shadow Clone or what it could do. These clones are obviously stronger than the normal ones, since Naruto himself is stronger in this mode. We will just have to see. I just don't think that Kimimaro is going to go down this easy.
Kage Bunshin is a pretty wasteful technique as just a fighting one unless you suprized your opponent, mass clones in a fight is only a strong as one Naruto.
i have to agree that these clone are far stronger then the usual clones naruto makes since this is the 1st time he created them as kyubi-naruto. also it was shown in the fight with neji that the clones are alot stronger then just a one hit and theyre gone. because one clone bleed when he was hit by neji when he thought it was the real naruto. so i think the clones have alot more duriblity then most people think. this fight should be one hell of a battle.
i think shikamara has the advantage in his fight because they are in the forest. i just want to see his new moves.
i wonder if kimi takes to long to return would oro send someone else or personally go since he has use of his arms.
Let's be a little more precise here... it's not Naruto's chakra that's being divided at the moment; it's Kyuubi's. So, what we have here is a monster, whom a whole village couldn't defeat, dividing his chakra around into a couple hundred bodies. I wouldn't think that'd be an intangible amount of power, regardless if you dislike Naruto or not. Given, not all of Kyuubi's chakra is being split, but we've seen Naruto best anyone given that level of chakra.
(Note: he whooped up on Haku with it, and Neji with only a portion of it.)
I'm not giving any indication of what's to come, but people who consitently dismiss characters in this story... well, after 200 some issues, just don't get it. The story is about being the odds, overcoming against superior forces, making yourself better. I personally hope that the upcoming fight is a bloody brawl, because I'd love to see another really interesting character thrown into the mix. But to dismiss Naruto offhandedly is... well, maybe exactly what Kishimoto wants you to do.
Hello? *knock knock* Anyone home?