It's a red herring. They're making it too obvious for him to be the real killer.
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It's a red herring. They're making it too obvious for him to be the real killer.
The teacher could still be the killer in my book, red-herring or not. The mum's keeping him in the loop of things too. She's supposedly a good judge of character but I don't think she's foolproof.
Everybody thought that the killer was angry and just randomly kicked that box in the bus and dropped his shit there. I thought he did it on purpose. He bailed on the killing because things didn't go according to plan. Even if he killed Kayo right then and there, he couldn't set up his scapegoat (Yuuki) this time since Satoru ruined his first attempt.
I interpreted that as a "Fuck you, I'll be back".
That'd be fucking awesome if true.
The only thing better is some clubhouse sandwich futon action.
That sounds strange. If he was so analytical and free of passion, why would he be killing in the first place? It's not like he'd be murdering the abused daughter of random addicts for some higher political reason. If the target is offered to him on a gold platter right after he failed to snatch her after going through more trouble, I'd find it unlikely he wouldn't seize the opportunity.
Isn´t that THE big question, though? We´re watching a show about a boy who can leap back and forth through time, we´re at episode 8, only 4-5 episodes remaining. And somehow we´re being told a story about tragic, but not that special murders. With how obsessed the murderer is to kill Satoru´s friends and incrimate him, it almost feels as if these past murders have a deeper meaning than just "duh, I felt like killing some innocent brats".
If I recall correctly it was stated that he had killed before and did so after this series of crimes. The "obssesion" with Kayo may be that he is just plainly psycho and its his target cause she fills some characteristics and had a plan to do his "thing" with her. Most serial killers choose victims and stick to them even if they get an easier target/chance with some1 else.
He knew they left her alone in the shed and planned along for the 2nd time murder (she is no longer staying alone in the park, 1st time murder) so he should be planning a 3rd time murder. If he knew she was in the bus he would have done a new plan based on that info and not ruining this new chance.
Yuukis alibi would work for the night the window was broken and the father (and neighborhood) woke up and made a ruckuss. The night the killer went into the bus was another one.
I still have troubles with the smart friend. He is too fking clever, composed, methodical, considerate. We can assume that just happens to be a normal functioning genius (part of that 0,1% of population) to be there by sheer luck (and didnt skip grades cause whatever) but im not buying it. ¿What if Sastoru isnt the only with the power of going back in time?
Wasn't Yuuki's alibi police protection? I think the death threat Satoru left under the rock was supposed to trigger that reaction. So the cops are gonna be watching Yuuki for a week or so to make sure he doesn't get killed.
Well, yeah, analytical is the wrong word. Though I don't know which one to use. I meant to say that he's killing for no intelligent reason. Like not eliminating business/love competitors or anything. So, while killing for no particular reason but his own urge to kill, I don't see why he would spare Hinazuki simply because she wasn't in the shed but already in the very bus he would have carried her. Sure, framing Yuuki might not have worked, but is framing somebody more important than killing for him?
Looking back at the mom's murder, I find it hard to believe he could 100% count on managing to frame Satoru (because that whole incident relied on Satoru acting like an idiot), yet he wanted to kill the mom right then and there. Getting rid of Satoru was merely a bonus under those circumstances.
Since he's a serial killer, the method is just as important as the target. They don't kill just because of opportunity. They enjoy how they pull off the deed, including how they get away with it. There's a method to the madness.
Framing Satoru for his mom's murder was not a sure deal, but that goes for any frame up. There was a pretty good chance of it happening, so the killer took it. This time, there was no one else to take the blame for Kayo's death, except maybe Satoru kid version for putting her in that bus, but no reasonable judge would conclude that.
I'll be really, really impressed if Buff's theory turns out correct.
I'm starting to think the latter part is what he actually enjoys. His abduction and killing methods are so mundane and...dispassionate? He's really separated from the act of murdering (for the most part, until he stabs Sachiko). Spraying a beaten unconscious Kayo until she freezes to death and picking her body up later, or smothering another girl with charcoal briquettes in a bus, or whatever he did to Hiromi and all the other children.
It's the framing others part that he truly likes. He was present for when Satoru got picked up by the cops, smirking, taking it all in. That's the compulsion.
The game is framing someone else so completely that suspicion never falls on him, and being there when the person he framed gets caught is the sick pleasure that he basks in. It's almost like the kidnapping and killing children is just the means to an end. The murders are secondary, the framing of another is the actual goal.
Sachiko and the professor both believe he sets a pattern before moving on. It seems to be getting someone else caught. When Sachiko spoiled his latest plot in the present, he switched to framing Satoru for stabbing and arson.
I realize I said it about three times in this post, but it really is starting to build up that way.
I don't think it's a red herring.
We know it's an adult male, and I don't know many other adult males in this show that could be a suspect. I also doubt they're going to make the villain someone who has not yet been introduced in the show given how late in the game it is.
Well, I mean, if that guy that went to the bus is the perpetrator, then that only leaves the teacher as the murderer. What other adult do we know? Kayo´s dad, but he was a bit fatter than what we saw of the guy at the bus iirc.
Tbh, either options would be disappointing, because they´re too obvious.
Let's not forget the age... After all, in 29 years old Satoru's present, the culprit feels quite young.
So in kid Satoru's present, the culprit really is young, but already an adult. So around the early 20's.
That's if we have only one culprit.
At some point, I thought it was the journalist, he had his red eye scene too, and he can get lots of data on anyone to prepare for his crimes.
But the culprit apparent age did not match.
Wasn't he trying to abdcut a child in plain day? Its possible to do that and whatever you have planned and frame others afterwards but... aint that way too risky if your goal and satisfaction is just to frame others? Im pretty sure that there are easier ways to do it than abducting a child in plain day infront of a supermarket even in clueless Japan.
Also I still dont know if the killer is just 1 guy. I swear that at fisrt episode it looked young (30s) and had like a moustache and the shady official looks like and old satoru (late 40s-50s). Maybe is just bad drawing or that I'm reading too much into it dunno.
Btw wouldn´t it make sense for the killer to be Yuuki after all? The murderer was angry. Somebody here assumed it was because Satoru made Kayo´s original murder impossible. But what if it´s because Satoru caused the murderer himself, Yuuki, to be unable to go out and go through with his plan?
It´s kinda over the top to be this angry about a missed opportunity, unless the perpetrator is a chess-mastermind, who values a well-thoughout schedule over anything else.
I think Satorus mother ruled yuuki out when she recognized the guy and remembered who he was. See tought about how she should have listened to Satoru when she was dying and life passed in front of her eyes.
It could be like a double twist but I hope not. This show really needs coherence even if its just once.
Yuuki is in jail in the future.
Well, then the murderer is the teacher. Good job, anime, at keeping it a secret for the twist! ;>
Yeah, they wouldn't make a scene about a footprint otherwise.
episode 9 is out
Huh, what´s with the fugly girl at the end? Ma ii.
Good to see Kayo successfully saved. Now I´m actually most curious how future Kayo is like. Bet she´s a stunningy beauty!
I´m glad that Kayo´s mother wasn´t forgiven, it was made clear that she´s a bad person, no matter the circumstances. And it´s true. Herself being the victim of abuse is an explanation, not an excuse. But WTF, Satoru´s mom is kinda suicidal, isn´t she?! That swing with the shovel would have killed her, had little Satoru not pulled her back. W T F. That was too lucky. Don´t understand why they didn´t simply use the scene to make her look badass, but somebody who waits for a shovel coming for her face isn´t badass, no matter how calm. phew
And then there´s obviously the candy-in-the-car scene.
This is now the second so-called red herring scene. First one we got with Yuuki. Now we´ve got one with the teacher. Using the candy to lure in children? No no, he quit smoking, that´s his substitute. Sure.
But then there´s the fact that Yuuki regularly meets with the other girl ... WHY?! I´m sorry, even if it turns out that Yuuki is innocent, he´s a goddam weirdo. When you´re 23, you don´t hang around with little school kids.
So now´s the question: Yuuki and the teacher are the only two elder male characters we know from Satoru´s past. Is one of them the killer or are both red herrings? If so, who IS the perpetrator?
I cannot imagine it to be a new, yet unknown character, because it´d be somewhat random, thus unsatisfying.
Therefore, I expect some sort of twist, either that Yuuki AND the teacher are the killers, worked together, and somehow the teacher used Yuuki to stay off prison. OR one of Satoru´s friends is the killer. His smart friend, once again, appeard TO smart. "analysis", aha. That´s how an elementary schooler talks.
Because Satoru is a dumbass. He still thinks that protecting the victims will help him prevent his mother's murder. Kayo was the most vulnerable, the easiest to start the chain, but he's approaching this backward. He should be using the girl he knows will be the next victim and the clues they gathered from pure luck to find the killer, preventing everything.
Hiromi isn't going to be next or second, he's always third. His purpose is to throw the police onto someone else's trail, but while also accidentally proving that Yuuki is innocent to the people who knew him.
The more Satoru changes the past, the less he can rely on what he knows unless he jumps forward again and gets flooded with altered memories. In allying with Kayo at the beginning, he alienated this other girl. She's bothered by what they've been up to for all kinds of reasons (probably something stupid like she has a crush on one of the boys) ever since he humiliated her about the missing money that she accused Kayo of stealing.
The altered timeline will have the girl following them to get back at them, or whatever the scenario might be. That in turn puts her outside, alone, vulnerable. She will be the new victim number 1, then some girl from the other school, then Hiromi again.
Satoru saved Kayo, but hasn't changed anything that leads to his mother's eventual murder. He's only delayed the start of it and changed some of the potential victims.
I almost got hanged and torched for saying he isnt thinking and doing this wrong. He needs to get the killer, maybe even set a trap to catch him red-handed but now he is doing the same he did with Kayo. I still dont understand why didnt he stalk the bus until he see the killer. Unless its a joint effort between more than 1 killer (some kind of sect) if he knows who it is its way easier to follow him than to protect 2, 3 or even more potential targets.
At least he got some reinforcements, so it not totally overwhelming, but still it makes no sense to me how he expects to change things by making the killer target other children and only being reactive and not proactive.
I would say he is treating symptons. Not causes. And that can only take you so far.
At this point, if he wants to reap any sort of success, he HAS to tell everybody the truth, both his friends and his mother. It doesn´t matter if it sounds crazy, it´s about life or death, and I´d say he´s been a real role model for somebody his age (lol), so it´s not like some kid obsessed with manga and games is going up to his mom saying "mom, there are aliens!". If an earnest child like Satoru tells it in the right way, he should get their support. It might not even be them believing him 100%, but it might make them believe enough that there is a real danger around. His smart friend already is like that, saying he thinks it´s all 99% nonsense, but he cannot dismiss that 1% chance. That´s what Satoru needs to rely on, and with his mom, too.
I simply don´t see how Satoru can solve the problem without others´ help.
I think that girl at the end likes Satoru, and the reason she bullied Kayo is because Satoru acted like he likes her.
Now that Kayo is gone, I've lost 99% of my interest in this show. But 1% tells me I'm still gonna stick around hoping Kayo comes back. a BOX!!
Bus getting cleaned up immediately after Satoru reveals that's where they were to the teacher? I think this series will end in one of three ways:
1) Teacher is the killer
2) It will leave who the killer is "open-ended" in one of those annoying fucking endings where you don't know for which case i'll still believe it's the teacher
3) Might be the kid -- they've been focusing too much on him for his own good. and he had that weird fucking grin on his face when talking to Satoru
I'm still in this for pizza girl.
Wasn't that bus also the clubhouse of some random kids at the elementary school? Putting murder tools there seems a bit dangerous.
Not only did the bus supplies get evacuated after Satoru revealed his hideout, but the killer also went with footprint-hiders this time.
Satoru's also the best stalker in this show' He's got those skills down pat.
I didn't like that "mental breakdown" of Kayo's mother, it felt really forced.
The "ending" to Kayo's arc was overall rather underwhelming... but the funny thing is, Satoru thinks so too. At least it looked like he would've prefered it to go somewhat differently.
It's supposed to be, that's why they specifically mention that Kayo had no sympathy for her mother, nor did Satoru or his mother. Kayo's mother only felt bad for herself. Not what she had done to Kayo over the years, just her own fate. "My life has been so hard," instead of, "Look at what I've become, everything I hated."
The only one who got overwhelmed with emotion on a sincere level was the teacher. He's a good person. At this point, I'd be really disappointed if the major bullshit twist was he was the murderer. It's incredibly unlikely, but lots of series are capable of ruining themselves when the author gets caught up in their own plot twists and paints themselves in a corner where deus ex machina is the only way out. They might end up that way anyway, if they don't start foreshadowing the actual murderer in the past.
Why would that be a "bullshit twist". It all comes down to how they present the murderer... reasons and motives and all that. It would be alot worse if it's someone we havn't seen yet or with no connection to the victims.Quote:
The only one who got overwhelmed with emotion on a sincere level was the teacher. He's a good person. At this point, I'd be really disappointed if the major bullshit twist was he was the murderer. It's incredibly unlikely,
So the teacher is actually still a prime suspect, considering Satoru's mom has to know the murderer and the murderer himself has to know about Juki(? that was his name right?), about Kayo's circumstances and that the boy (forgot the name) is not a girl.
So it can't be anyone totally unrelated to these children.
It would be even more obvious if we find out that the teacher is also teaching at that cram-school for example.
It really helps when you actually include the whole sentence. I already explained it.
- The teacher could have pretended to help, while ensuring that he'd still have the opportunity to abduct her. He is in the prime position to do so. The Child Services people and the grandmother could be fakes. They're not.
- He barges into the apartment earlier. That would have been an opportunity to have him look like he's scoped out the place a few times before. But it was the Child Services people who led their group to the back door.
Instead, the series has spent considerable time making him look shady, when he's been helping the whole time. The mysterious phone calls? To Child Services, and tracking down the grandmother. The hidden stuff in the glove compartment (rushed a bit it seems)? Candy, but not for luring little kids, to quit smoking. They want you to think it is him.
The only reason it would be him is if the author fucks up, realizes there's no place to introduce the real murderer properly, and comes up with some sinister bullshit backstory for an existing character that had no foreshadowing. It happens in thriller novels and movies all the time. Usually something stupid like a random phone call, or a newspaper clipping that comes in the mail, or was left on a desk as an afterthought. No foreshadowing, no hints, just a quick turn from supporting character to villain.
When the audience can't play along, because the author is deliberately withholding information or doesn't have a properly developed idea themselves, there's no point in watching a thriller series.
Same problem as Rokka no Yuusha.
I knew I'd find someone who can explain it better.
Originally Posted by Alfred Hitchcock
In short, the teacher is likely a red herring.
ehh... not reallyQuote:
It really helps when you actually include the whole sentence. I already explained it.
You are basically saying that as long as the viewever doesn't get a glimpse about the murderer's motives, it's not thrilling.Quote:
The only reason it would be him is if the author fucks up, realizes there's no place to introduce the real murderer properly, and comes up with some sinister bullshit backstory for an existing character that had no foreshadowing. It happens in thriller novels and movies all the time. Usually something stupid like a random phone call, or a newspaper clipping that comes in the mail, or was left on a desk as an afterthought. No foreshadowing, no hints, just a quick turn from supporting character to villain.
When the audience can't play along, because the author is deliberately withholding information or doesn't have a properly developed idea themselves, there's no point in watching a thriller series.
I say revealing a motive, if there is one, at this point in time is pretty much the end of the story, unless you make it so that anyone could have a reason.
The thing is, there is nothing you can gain from killing random children, which means the motive is the killing itself and that means it could be everyone. And we know that the murderer is killing randomly, or rather, sets other people up for the fun of it, pretty much ever since episode 1-2.
So it's quite the opposite... the author fucked up if it's anyone but the teacher tbh. It can't be Yuki, because Satoru's mom said so before she died and the only other male character we've seen who could be the culprit is the teacher - or any person alive we haven't seen yet, but *that* would be bullshit.
Perpetrator is Satoru himself. In the future where he´s older, he managed to control his ability, so now he doesn´t have to rely on random travels back into his younger body, no, he can travel time like we imagine one would, keeping your current body. Future Satoru is a broken personality, murdering those children to provoke his younger self. Why? To prepare him for what´s gonna happen to him in the near future.
There, my outta-nowhere prediction. I only don´t know who else would be the murderer, if we assume that the police officer he saw in the present IS it, meaning that it´s gotta be somebody who´s already older in his childhood´s time.
Man am I glad I picked up this series.
Anyways to jump in, I really don't think it's the teacher, Yuuki, or Kenya. But, I am seeing Yuuki is central to at least the three loners so far, he's definitely an easy set-up for anyone who trails him, and I do think he's actively luring children in but doesn't actually go through with anything. Plus there was the "tell" at the start when Sachiko said she was wrong about Yuuki, as well as the fact he's in jail when Sachiko is murdered. Same goes for the teacher, as he would be an easy assumption since he knows basically all he needs to about the children and can gain their trust easily. The car scene was another red herring not only with the candy but about "lowering their guard". I've heard of people using candy as oral fixations for smoking, just like gum or the like. So far all the adult males introduced in 1988 aren't working for me.
Satoru is slowly learning how to more or less "stalk". At the start he was stupid, and I think that's the way the story is intended. He was obviously a pretty loser 29-year-old, the only thing he knew how to do well was react to his Revival, but otherwise the storyline following him only being desperate to mess up the plan of the killer rather than entrap the killer makes a lot of sense. He only started getting a little smarter with the help of Kenya, who we can see is pretty much genius level. If Kenya was the one with Revival, he probably would've caught the killer on the first shot. Conversely, if Kenya is the killer, unless he's just messing with Satoru, he'd have swept Satoru clean off the board by now without any trouble.
Buff's theory is really good, especially considering that along with the physical similarities of Sachiko's killer, there's hints that "the same MO over and over again" and faking things until they become real (repetition again) can also be applied to Revival being a bunch of repetitions that eventually corrupted Satoru because he kept having to re-experience the same pains, giving rise to a sick alternate personality. Ignoring the holes in that which can be twisted into playable ground by anime physics, the only hole that I can't see filled by that theory is now there is an assumed adult killer in 1988. We see Satoru may have adult thoughts, but definitely never an adult body on Revival. So unless we end up with a time travel Revival (lame, I sure hope not), it's not any of the children, even though I'd like to meet a sadistic and vengeful Kenya or Satoru. Two killers or a copycat, I don't think it's likely either. And Sachiko definitely said "that man" in the first episode which alludes to only one killer. Probably more of an ageless type like herself. Oh, and the resemblance in the OP may not have been meant to be resemblance so much as just showing the three girls as the main targets of the killer. Red eyes I think just plain implies violence in this series also, not a telltale color like in Durarara or otherwise.
So for now I think the actual killer is yet to be truly introduced. Kind of like Aya Nakanishi, we're only getting to meet her now after seeing her photo a couple of times. I think the killer is going to be a real surprise reveal at the end. Someone probably in Sachiko's past but not a big figure in Satoru's. Likely going to be used for some kind of segway into a second season.
Fuck this cliffhanger! lol
Tbh I don´t know how to feel about this. On the one hand, introducing a whole new culprit would have been bad. On the other hand, it being the teacher is kinda lame, too.
Then again, it made for a really nice creepy-moment, when the teacher suddenly had this Light-smile on his face.
As for the episode´s ending, I fully expect Yashiro to jump in an rescue Satoru because of his "I saw your future!"-line.
Yashiro has to be complimented, too, because what normal adult would actually suspect a little kid of actively sabotaging your evil plans? It takes a bit of a genius to think this out-of-the-box to even consider it. That also explains why he´d react to "I saw your future!", because any normal person would just shrug it off as the desperate rambling of a soon-to-be dead.
Two episodes left, eh? I wonder if we´ll get a better explanation as for WHY Yashiro-sensei did all that - or planned to. He´s been taking about filling the hole in his heart, but that´s kinda lame. I hope there´s more to it.
Tbh I kinda expected Satoru´s smart friend to be in the trunk of the car, lol, but I guess that won´t happen.
Oh, and props the fat friend making that girl his gf.
Episode 10 - HS
- - - - - -
It's weird to read kmkze04's post when the episode was already out...
I'm not sure how to feel about this. On one hand it made a really poor mystery (actually hardly a mystery at all), but on the other hand if you don't consider this a mystery at all in the grand detective stories sense, but kind of like Satoru's journey to fill the holes in his soul, then it's okay, I suppose. He way always a very average person, so to make him a great detective for the sake of having a better story would be a stretch in believability, but it still doesn't change the fact it's annoying when the most obvious person is the culprit, so much so that nobody would want him to be the culprit, but there simply wasn't anybody else around like has been said numerous times. Another annoying thing is that while he wasn't any genius, he was a bit too stupid considering he should have had 30 years of life experience in his back pocket. With this I mean how he never thought of his own safety. He knew there was a killer of children around, but when was there a single scene during this show when he would have worried about his own skin?
Dunno what happens now. Will Satoru simply wake up soon afterward a few days earlier, or something? This has been quite a good ride nonetheless, so I hope the last eps will serve something nice still. Such as seeing what sort of a beauty is the older Kayo, har har.
What a disappointment.
I literally have no other words.
Same here. This could've been so much more, but it failed ever since the bus. If they really wanted the teacher to be the culprit, they should've added a few notable red herrings.
I thought Satoru would at least take around a box cutter all the time considering his position, but no.
And getting stuck to a seat belt is ridiculous. There is no way a person, much less a child, can't escape from that. Assuming the seat belt is already maxed out (and that's a nonsensical assumption because Satoru actually leaned forward in the seat), you just have to slip downward to the floor. If it isn't maxed out, you just pull more of the belt in and slip out upward. The teacher should've at least cuffed him to the wheel before leaving him to die.
Also, I remember that when totally submerged in cold water you fall into coma a lot faster.
So from ep1 it was the teacher as I thought, although when I wrote that I had doubts because the 2006 culprit felt a bit young. But this is anime.
Now, that teacher seems to be seeking some kind of relationship. It would be lame if his ultimate target is Satoru's mom...
That idea aside, there's the question of a possible manipulator.
Kraco I had just posted that last night after marathoning the first 9 haha. While I agree with almost 30 years of experience in his back pocket, Satoru could be smarter, like I said in my post he's obviously not in the higher percentile. I've found his actions consistently low level, so I have no problem with him being stupid. Also, while he may have a lot of life time, that doesn't mean he has any experience in dealing with anything like this, so stupidity plus inexperience I think more or less is portrayed well in his character. He never has any brilliant moments that take him out of that box.
That aside, I was off on my bet. I knew it the moment Yashiro looked out the door when we know Misato was in the bathroom for sure. Barring her climbing out the window, which doesn't seem to fit since she's not under the impression she's being watched by anyone, there was no way she could have slipped out.
I definitely was a little disappointed it ended up being Yashiro, but at least it was presented well. And let's face it, aside from Revival, this series played very well on real life, and someone with that much power over children is a natural predator, so to speak. So the choice of the teacher was quite realistic.
So next bet is on how Satoru escapes. Obviously supermom is at home. The older Shiratori may have noticed, but I don't think that's a likely rescue candidate. Actually that's one part that I didn't like, that Yashiro reveals he has a bunch of dummy cars of the same makes and color. While that creates disposable vehicles, there's no sense in that to fool a child, and people are still going to recognize his car. Yuuki might randomly be around, but I don't think Yashiro would leave the scene until he's sure of the death. Misato didn't even know Satoru was there and she was shown in the bathroom.
Which pretty much leaves Kenya. He's the only one bright enough to think of following Satoru to the game, though how he'll manage to trail a car as far out as they went... the trunk area like MFauli suggested might actually be an option since we do see that the rear end of the car is above water. Kenya could have been smart enough to hide in there and pull Satoru out (Kenya would be the one smart enough to carry a boxcutter) and they hide in the rear compartment until Yashiro leaves. That's my guess.
Oh and Shinta, I think it's sort of implied by the difficulty of putting on the belt that it's been tampered with, probably locked tight in place. It's near impossible to squirm out of a locked belt from the seated position, and considering the panic that's setting in, throwing the seat back and slipping upwards probably isn't high on our dull Satoru's list of ideas.
Did anyone else really enjoy the scene with Kenya being put to shame by Aya though? Watching him finally sweat over something gave me a good laugh.
The problem with squirming out of the seat belt is that he could have only done that after he was in the cold water. After all, if he had done it earlier, the teacher would have just killed him more brutally. This would look like a murder no matter how stupid the Japanese police are, so it doesn't really matter if Satoru is drowned corpse or has his neck twisted. But sure, already right after the teacher stepped out, he should have been already taking out as much of the seat belt as possible to prepare himself. Too bad he was too stupid for that, despite having so much time in his hands. Forget about box cutters because this 30 years old soul considered himself a superhero. Superheroes are invincible!
Yes, that was great. Then it span all the way around and fatty won her over withQuote:
Originally Posted by kmk
Regarding Kenya hiding in the trunk, I don't think that sounds right. That would have meant he had to predict what Yashiro would have done, AND pick that car boot lock before getting in. If he was wrong, he'd mysteriously be in that boot.
I do expect him to pick up on Satoru being missing however. He's been playing Satoru's game long enough to know the most at-risk person is the one alone at any one time. He won't be rescuing alone though. He'd find Yuuki at the stadium watching the game, and somehow he'd get the transport to there. I'm not sure if he had a scooter.
Symbolically it'd be appropriate for Yuuki to rescue. The story started with Satoru feeling remorse for not doing more for Yuuki, and one of the first thing Satoru did was to ensure Yuuki had an alibi. For him to come full round and ultimately save Satoru's ass is simply fitting.
I suppose you could say that Satoru's mum could fit the same symbolic role, but that would put her in Deus Ex God-Mum tier levels of "seen it coming". Yuuki then gets left as just some loner who got framed.
Hmm Buff do you think Yashiro locked his car? I'm not entirely sure he would. It's a dumper and there's nothing suspicious, he was also giving rides to those other schoolgirls. I don't see any problem with the locks being left open. And by now Kenya seems like the type bright enough to be narrowing his own list of suspects, he's definitely figured out Satoru's game as well so seeing that Yashiro is the likeliest of the bunch and the only one present, he could've been keeping an eye on the gym and crept in when he saw Yashiro and Satoru coming out.
But definitely agreed on that Yuuki would be the best symbolic savior at this point. I just don't know where he'd come from. Other than the kid group, Yuuki is the only bigger character missing from the final flashes of the episode. If we assume that was intentional, he's probably going to be it.
The theory of Kenya using Yuuki to get out there has the trouble of that we've never seen Kenya meet Yuuki (not that I remember) and I haven't seen Satoru mention Yuuki to Kenya either, so a smart kid would probably be avoiding Yuuki rather than enlisting his help.
If anything, I'd think Yuuki was just there and noticed something off with Satoru, or was maybe watching Misato, and followed them out to the boonies. Difficulty with that is what would scrawny Yuuki do against a killer watching the car sink?
To be honest, I think everyone should lock their car.
As for Yuuki, the least he could do in the situation is yell for help. Yashiro is getting away with murder. Having someone see it is a good enough start.
Kenya knows about Yuuki at the very least. He was tailing Satoru for "two days straight", including the night Satoru bricked Yuuki's window and almost pushed Kayo's mum down the stairs.
Should lock. Just like Sachiko should've locked the door behind her in the first episode.
They're in the boondocks though, obviously Yashiro isn't even concerned with Satoru screaming or he'd have taped his mouth shut. So with shouting for help out, what does that leave a rescuer with assuming that Yashiro is watching?
Good point about Kenya at least knowing about Yuuki. So that might at least limit the "stranger danger" portion of it, but Kenya would probably have Yuuki as a potential suspect also... Interesting. I wonder who will come to the rescue.
Or maybe they'll just kill off Satoru with one of them watching and Yuuki or Kenya will spill the story later to the cops. Which would be cool. But definitely not going to happen.
I´m not as positive about Yuuki as you guys. I agree that he´s left out of the big picture at the moment and he has to come in at some point for the finale. Him being the savior might be an option.
Him being ANOTHER killer might be also an option. Yashiro planned to kill Kayo, that much is right. He then likely switched to that bully-girl that was by herself now. And when he realized it was Satoru, who got in his way, he took that boy "to fill the hole in his heart".
That doesn´t mean the other girls would have been murdered by Yashiro, too. We KNOW that Yuuki is also close to that girl that now visits their hideout. And since the teacher was no red herring, and we all assumed that he´d be too obvious of a choice, MAYBE the fact is, there are no red herrings. Now that would make for a shocking twist, I think. I picture it like this: Either Kenya saves Satoru or Yashiro saves him himself because of the "I saw your future" line. They go back, either gettin Yashiro to the police OR letting him go because of some serious talk, where they are convinced that Yashiro will never again attempt a crime. THEN, *gasp*, they find out that the girl from their hideout has been kidnapped/murdered. And something quickly hints at Yuuki, making it all the more tragic.
After all, there´s at least 2, maybe 3 more episodes, right? These will be either about chasing Yashiro or dealing with a twist.
Two episodes left. One to deal with this timeline and one to finish off with the future.
Ring of child killers does sound pretty cool. Wouldn't mind it going MFauli's way.
Or with everything pointing to Yuuki, it could be every adult they decide to trust and Yuuki is the only innocent haha. Wouldn't that be a trip.
I doubt we would need a whole episode for whatever happens in the future. I wouldn't be surprised if it was just a minute or two showing Satoru living with Kayo (and kids) happily ever after.
After all, in the optimal scenario, the killer isn't anymore around in the future.
In the optimal scenario, we get an OVA episode of uncensored hentai-action featuring adult Kayo.
Sorry, just spelling out aloud what everybody thinks!!1
Or Satoru could die here, justifying the title, Boku dake ga Inai Machi.
Like Yashiro said, he saved his town but died for it.
@KMK - Squeezing out of a seat belt is a bit difficult but doable for a child, especially if it is not maxed out, which it shouldn't be because Satoru kept leaning forward during the killer reveal. However, if you bring up the issue of Satoru being an idiot (and yes, I do regard "normal" people as idiots), then I can't complain anymore.
If Satoru is to survive, Yuuki and the Journalist might be the potential saviors. Police is unlikely, unless they decided to follow Yuuki's father deliveries this far in time...
I do not see why, how Yuuki could be there near that far off bridge.
The Journalist had Yashiro on his short list, so it might be that he was following Yashiro at the right time in that timeline.
Now regarding the title of the show, it is extracted from Kayo's "poem" she recited twice. To me it is linked to her a lot, and since she isn't in that town anymore, it still fits. The only problem is that she's out of that arc.
She's the one that will get the timeleap powers should Satoru die and that might be what we'll see in the last 2 eps:
Kayo trying to save Satoru from his death and get Yashiro in jail.
Kayo is be the best option, but Kenya would work too since he's the one closest to the secret and the smarter one.
Honestly, I'm fine with a supernatural twist at this point. Go Kayo!
I just hope her time leaping powers locked her body in a state of loliness.
Well, if she can leap back in time, prison is a non-issue.
Not related, but statutory rape is the dumbest law in modern society.
Oh that is so awesome.
I don't know why Satoru coudn't still jump back now a few days. He was crying for a last chance back when he was arrested, but it's not like this power was ever under his control. It just happened when it happened. So, he wouldn't know if that was the last time or not. Somebody else having the power would be quite strange compared to that. But who knows, since we know nothing about the power in the end.
What do you mean? It's a power. So it's a supernatural twist.
Sure, but up until now the story was based on Satoru alone having it. If in the last couple of eps somebody else suddenly has it as well, I wouldn't say it would be such a good twist. Although I'm not saying some really good writing couldn't still pull it off.
I was answering David.
So lame. Those seatbelts must be pretty special if you can lean 90º on them but cant get loose. Lets see how they end it but this has gone from best show to shitfest.
Just wait for it when the following ends up happening:
- future Kayo appears next to Satoru, cuts him loose
- tells him that she´s thankful for saving her life and hint that he´ll get plenty of time to enjoy his reward
- but she also reveals that even after stopping Yashiro, murders happen. And hideout girl is next.
- they meet up with Satoru´s friends. Unlike Satoru, future Kayo, despite looking as young as ever, doesn´t beat around the bush and tells everybody that she´s from the future and what´s at stake. Unlike Satoru, she has no trouble convincing them. Satoru is dumbfounded
- together they organize a 24:7 surveillance plan
- they trap Yuuki, who was about to murder hideout girl
- Satoru realizes that Yuuki rightfully ended up in prison after all
- He tells Yuuki to murder Yashiro: "You´ll go to prison for murder, no matter what! If so, murder somebody who deserves it!"
- that way, the ever remaining danger posed by Yashiro (seriously, just because he said "you saved this city", it´s bs to let him teach children. Like, wtf) is taken care of and Yuuki is saved from the sin of murdering an innocent child, rather, while having to spend life in prison, he knows he saved a lot of children
- Satoru and Kayo say goodbye to their friends. Kenya intends to become a detective, the others police men. The girlish looking boy ends up as Kenya´s love interest
- Kayo grabs Satoru´s hand: "Time to return to our time, Satoru" - "Yeah!" - "*blushes* Make sure not to nosebleed too much once we´ve jumped back, okay?" - "What? Eh ...?!!!"
- The end
Okay, rewatched all the eps, and changing my guess to the rescuer. I was mistaken, the kids were shown in the flashes so it's probably not them, but I don't think it's Yuuki either.
I think Yashiro himself is going to dig Satoru out. That last shout of "I know your future!" made him stop and half-turn, so I think it caught his interest. He might keep Satoru alive just for that, because of his whole filling the hole in the heart philosophy, now he needs to know what happens. This is evidenced by the places he sets himself up in, such as at the police arrest scene and as a teacher, he probably has an obsession with knowing the follow-through.
Which opens up the path of while Satoru strings him along, Kenya and Supermom have a chance to figure out what happened, which will probably be through Misato. The chain would be made rather obvious by talking with her, and Kenya and Supermom are both genius-level, so I'm sure they could wrap it up in half an episode.
@MFauli that would actually be awesome. Try adding Kayo's mother somewhere, I hate that bitch.
Ep11 is out
So Satoru had another kind of time leap, or a bad route again.
Milf Kayo has to be quite a trauma :D
And now, he's almost at a Bad End...
Hahahaha, well I guess that's one way to put it.Quote:
Originally Posted by David
The biggest feels goes to Super Mum's efforts for 15 years. That must have been hard. Really hard. /tears up.
I don't know how Pizza girl fits into this now that he doesn't work in pizza. Maybe she's the girl donating the bone marrow.
The episode took an entirely different direction than I had expected. The good thing is that it kept things interesting. The not-so-good thing is that now they kind of "cheated" their way to the present while keeping the status quo as is.
Now that Yashiro hasn't committed any known murders, there's really no reason to dig the issue up from Satoru's stand-point. Kayo's alive, his mum's alive, Hiromi and the other girl's alive. That's a null point of course, since Yashiro himself wants to kick starts things back up. Changing things up from red-eyes to glove on/off as the motif for evil intention worked well.
Is Satoru suicidal? This was really dumb. Being handicapped, revealing that you know about somebody´s criminal past. It doesn´t matter that Yashiro didn´t murder anybody (do we know that for sure?), he still TRIED to murder Satoru and sent him in a 15 years coma.
And damn, that was double bs. 1) Kayo married somebody else and 2) Girly-boy turned into a man, boo!
His mom is fantastic, though, yeah. I´d probably fake being in coma, too, if I had such a hot mom taking care of my body :>
What was really annoying is that Kenya didn´t try to talk about what happened with Satoru. I can understand the mom not wanting that, but Kenya is smart. He´s gotta know that something doesn´t add up.
And wth, Satoru´s drawing of Kayo was way hotter than her "real" self :P
Things I hope to see in the final episode:
- how Satoru survived
- how people in the past reacted to that accident
- how Yashiro gets what he has coming for him
- Pizza girl sucking Satoru´s dick ... or at least them getting together. I mean, now that Kayo is gone :/
- a proper explanation for Satoru´s timejump ability. Seriously, don´t just leave us with that.
Kayo ending up with someone else... I feel like 75% of my motivation to follow this series simply disappeared. Regardless of the fact Satoru didn't seem to mind at all. This story will be pure bullshit if by the end Satoru goes straight back to the dead-end loner life he led in the beginning of the series. It doesn't even matter if Yashiro dies or is arrested. Satoru goes through all this for the sake of others but ends up with nothing?
Satoru wanted to build up his muscles first, but Yashiro obviously wants to murder Satoru as soon as possible to make sure he doesn't spread the accusations around. Obviously Satoru wouldn't have dropped the issue in any case, provided his memories had returned even without Yashiro hanging around.
I was hoping that Satoru had secretly recovered enough to stab Yashiro by surprise (apple peeler knife where!?) when they got to the roof and then escape. No one would suspect him if he does it right because he is supposedly an invalid.
Admitting that he has regained his memories at that point is the height of idiocy. I wonder what plot armor (the same thing that somehow saved him from death by drowning) would save him now.
Getting NTRd by Hiromi is probably the worst ending I could've imagined, and it actually happened. WTF was with that decision? Even if Kayo had stayed single for 15 years, it wouldn't have been a bad thing for her. She's like, what, 25 now?
What's wrong with Kayo liking Hiromi in the end? She went to live somewhere else for ages. Hiromi also grew up. Sure it sucks a bit but you guys are way too stuck if in the past if you think Kayo was supposed to wait all those years with no development. She doesn't "not" love Satoru. She just loves someone else more now. Time gives you opportunities to do that.
What's wrong? Because I want a happy ending after everything Satoru went through. Marrying Kayo would have been the best kind of happy ending I could have imagined. But what's going to happen now? If he survives this confrontation with the murderer, isn't he just going to end up alone again? His old buddies will get busier and busier with their jobs and lives. There won't be any pressing incentive for them to visit Satoru frequently anymore when he's fine and out of the hospital. Satoru missed a lot of years. He doesn't even have high school under his belt, let alone further education. He has got nothing. Maybe a bit of short-lived fame if he gives a bunch of interviews. However, if he does that, it might be even harder for him to find something concrete to do afterwards. Unless he manages to become a decently selling author by writing this very story...
Ehhh. Hiromi wouldn't have been my first pick. Actually I thought if it wasn't Satoru it would be Kenya that Kayo would end up with since he was sort of the first one there. You know, the "I didn't step up back then but I am now" kind of story.
That aside, I also want to know how he survived the attempted murder. Lapsing into a coma from the cold I get, so that part of realism was quite nice. But definitely a big plot gap. It was at least interesting that they chose to make a jump in this fashion right at the tail end. Overall, to me, it felt like too little happened in this episode. So much buildup and a sudden slowdown. Which could be intentional to bring out the big guns in a 12th finale episode. But for sure when the ending credits popped up I was going "REALLY? THAT'S ALL?"
Satoru has been doing double the PT and obviously with a purpose, so it's reasonable to believe he is at least capable of some self-defense and he was waiting until he had gotten just strong enough to make this reveal with the intent of trying to take on Yashiro. It's also reasonable to believe that what Kenya was hinted at holding back is actually their collective suspicion of Yashiro and he was waiting for Satoru to confirm it. There was also that phone call with the doc. This could very well be a ploy to get Yashiro to incriminate himself. Now if Satoru is just saving the reveal for himself, yes, I agree that is absolute idiocy to go one on one with Yashiro. Although at that point it's still also on the table for the smarter characters to have laid a trap with Satoru as bait, since we know he is really that stupid.
As for pizza girl, well... when she was 15 he was 29, 11 plus 15 means he's 26 which means right now she's 12. Not gonna make a big appearance here, I guess Kumi could be a relative. Or maybe that'll be the finale, Satoru goes into the working world and stops in on pizza girl already with an edge. I only hope that might happen because Hiromi x Kayo... nahhhhhhhhh...
Because this was such a rushed twist, I checked the manga. Most of this episode, including the NTR, was true to the source, but it diverged greatly near the end.
What I will say is that the manga art is terrible compared to the anime.
@Buff - Because I was self inserting as Satoru and I feel like I got NTRd. Fuck Hiromi.
Read the manga to the end. It diverged around chapter 33 or so and ends at 44, but in reality, only the last 4 chapters have any meaning after watching this episode.
Satoru will realize all of what Kraco wrote and become a villain himself, trying to "fill the hole in his heart". He manages to gain control over his ability and start abusing it.
It's really hard for me to see a good ending for this anymore. I thought maybe if Satoru took Yashiro with him to death, it would not only be more realistic than beating the dude in his current condition, but it would spare him from the lonely, pointless life he was leading originally and that would be his fate now as well. However, it would still leave behind the mom.
Happy ending ended after his mom used 15 years of her life for her dumb son, who got tricked by the most obvious suspect from the start of the show.
So obviously the happy ending will be:
Satoru reveals his powers to old Yashiro. Old Yashiro freaks out, tries to kill Satoru. Satoru jumps back again to before the accident. Has it play out as is, EXCEPT he informed Kenya/Yuuki/his mom/the police about it. So when Yashiro has Satoru crash into the water, suddenly people pop up surrounding Yashiro. Satoru is saved, Yashiro got caught in the act.
Final scene of the anime: Young Satoru to young Hiromi: "Sorry, can't let you do that." The End.
Hiromi ending up with Kayo is the dumbest thing ever. Why not some random dude? Why did it have to be the trap???
Maybe they kept visiting the comatose Satoru. The trap was like a girl so he probably could sit next to a vegetable longer than most boys. With unconscious Satoru being of little fun, Kayo and Hiromi talked with each other a lot. Maybe they even left together, reminiscing about Satoru. I suppose I can see it happening, as much as I wouldn't want to see it happening. Only Satoru's mum could have kept loving a coma patient for so long and persistently. I reckon the rest were only waiting for the funeral already.
Is it really that stupid of Satoru to tell Yashiro he regained his memories back? I think that was the only way to save himself.
For all we know (except shinta who knows everything now), Yashiro is the one who pulled him out of the water. Why? Because Satoru taunted the fuck out of him in his last waking moment. The intro to this episode revealed that. Yashiro was struck to the very core by the taunt that Satoru knew his entire future.
This is a man who was fascinated by the one hamster that survived, a scenario he could never have predicted, and that changed his entire twisted life philosophy. He went from a murderer of animals to a full on predator who toys with his victims, providing them that string before ending them. It brought him great satisfaction.
But now he has his chosen victim, who he's toyed with, given hope, provided that string so he can save others, who's been stopping him at every turn, providing that final bait at the ice rink. Then, when cutting the string, that victim screams that he knows how this will all turn out.
That revelation fascinated him like nothing else. It wasn't just a final yell of defiance. That Satoru had prevented every single victim in his long-prepared plan proved that Satoru was telling the truth.
The initial reality, he was a politician, but he was interfering with the local neighborhood, keeping his old patterns, completely ignorant that Satoru was around. This time he's been dutifully watching over the hospitals, waiting for Satoru to wake up. He needs to, wants to, has to hear what Satoru was going to say. The chance for his next evolutionary state.
He was disappointed that Satoru hadn't gained his memories back. He was ready to end it, disappointed, and go back to dropping that string for others.
Now Satoru has his attention again. Yashiro doesn't have the power now because he's too fascinated to hear what comes next. Something he hasn't planned for, a person he couldn't outthink when fighting over victims, a situation he couldn't predict. He wants to know.
As for Kenya and the journalist? I think they know who it was. Satoru fucked up his plans enough that the suspect list in Satoru (and only Satoru's) attack should be very narrow. They're waiting to pounce.
As for Kayo, that sucks for Satoru, and we don't know what he thinks yet because he only just got his memories back. But he seemed pleased with the drawing. I felt that was showing he was okay with losing his childhood love to one of his friends, because she looked so content and happy.
I felt like the case with Yashiro will end (not gonna guess at this point), and Satoru will go back to doing rehab. The little girl will either be the sister of Misato (the "ugly" bitchy girl he called out for framing Kayo) and it will end that way, or timeskip and he'll meet Airi at the pizza place like kmkze said.
I don't know much really because they changed stuff a lot at the end of this episode.
Why didn't they friggin' change the NTRapment?
Hmm... That's a good theory. It's certainly supported by the fact that even if it wasn't Yashiro who saved Satoru, he still didn't get rid of the dude when he was comatose. We already know he's not above random murders to cover his tracks because that's what we saw in the beginning. So, it indeed looks like he was specifically waiting for Satoru to wake up. However, it's still a big risk for him, and thus he obviously couldn't wait any longer.
I failed to realise it earlier, but since Satoru got his memories back, he can actively seek out Airi if he wants. Although I don't think he would find approaching her easy at all, quite the contrary. His variant memories of the past future might make it impossible for him to act natural in her company, so much so that he ought to drop the whole idea as I doubt he would try to hit on a child now that he's back in an adult's body.
I believe we'll get a final time jump.
The OP kind of hints at things that are going to happen, like the flooding of the school hallway (Satoru's near drowning).. ánd.. a fired bullet, followed by the camera (satoru right before his time jump?)moving to the edge, and falling off of a building.
Speaking of the OP, in this episode it doesn't show young and old Satoru at the movies, just an empty theatre.
If he really regained his memories (I think the tapping finger might have triggered something), and if he has ány control over his power, a final jump to right before he got in the car with his teacher would be a good idea. Take a knife with you to cut the seatbelt or something, although he's still fucked after escaping a flooded car in freezing water due to hypothermia.. so a quick call that he's being kidnapped or something will be more useful to catch the teacher red handed.
I can't imagine Satoru winning a direct confrontation with his teacher in his current condition. I can only imagine him just milking as much info from him until he jumps again to screw him over in the past. It depends on if we'll have 1 or 2 more episodes.
To put into perspective, Satoru was happy to never see Kayo again as long as he could save her. Her being alive, married to Hiromi to boot, is simply a great outcome for him.
Also in case anyone forgot, Yuuki is still currently out of the picture. At this point I don't know if there's a point in talking about him again.
Hmm, well if we're talking about dissatisfaction, Hiromi should have stayed pretty. That would have been better.
I'm one of the few that thinks Satoru x Pizza Girl is the true pairing.
I'm part of the few. The Kayo end is just wishful thinking. I just don't want Kayo with a fat Hiromi. A random dude would've been acceptable.
Random fat shaming, got it, shinta :(
I´m fine with Satoru x Pizza girl, too, although it seems unlikely at the moment. Still wonder how she fits into all of that. Yashiro´s daughter?
Umm... that would mean Yashiro set fire to his own daughter...
Kinda weird I'd think. Not to mention Airi not recognising her own father in her store.
@Mfauli - I didn't intend to shame fatties. I just didn't want Kayo to end up with fat Hiromi. Like Buff said, at least he should've stayed a bishounen to justify the NTR.
Would have been nice, if pretty Hiromi had ended up with Satoru ;>