Well, same in our world and it's not like we have almost 6 billions people living on the planet... no wait :rolleyes:
Interactions were fun tough, somehow a challenge.
So we are to think the menace came from Ains minions ?
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Well, same in our world and it's not like we have almost 6 billions people living on the planet... no wait :rolleyes:
Interactions were fun tough, somehow a challenge.
So we are to think the menace came from Ains minions ?
Their only major food source being fishing wild fish from a single lake is why they have those troubles. They didn't try to farm fish, or anything, before the wanderer is now trying it. You don't need an overly large population before a lake can't sustain it naturally. Who knows, they probably aren't even the only creatures depending on the lake's limited fish population. Furthermore, if they have lived there for a long time and experienced famines, it means they have already had a negative impact on the composition of edible fish populations and the lake's ecosystem. That is, their most desired fish species would have likely regressed in number and quality.
What an unfathomably terrible episode. The beginning of a truly awful arc.
If this goes on for longer than and episode or two more, there will never be an Overlord III.
I don't give a fuck about the lizard people. I don't care about the lizard people. They're not interesting characters, they're not the reason I watch this series. The hints at the goings-on human empires the previous episode were more interesting. The back-biting within Nazarick is more interesting. The maids are more interesting.
I found the lizard people in Isekai Shokudou more engaging with their goal of eating omelet rice every so often.
This episode made me immediately want to drop the series.
Truth to be told, I wouldn't have minded terribly much if this arc had been skipped in the anime. It has its place in the bigger picture, but since I've read the novels, it's not like skipping this would have affected me personally since I know what happens in it and the consequences. So, the eps could have been used to animate something more interesting (which is everything else in the novel series since this is possibly the weakest arc). But then again, if they do want to stay as faithful as possible to the source, naturally this is the best way. Still, I'm sure someone in Japan could have written a script to only show the consequences in a more compact manner, let's say in 1.5 episodes.
The next arc is really good, Ryll, so don't drop the show. Even this arc has some funny parts, should they sagely animate them.
Personally I don't mind the arc per se (not that I know what it is), but I think the Lizard interactions should've been kept at a minimum. We don't need long interaction scenes between them. At worst, they could've spliced scenes from other events going on in between (kinda like the exposition they did in the first episode a bit), and of course... give us at least SOMETHING on our main characters. As it stands, just feels like tedious episode to get through for characters we have no care for at the moment.
The novels have a tendency to spend a lot of time describing what characters other than the Nazarick folks are doing. A lot of time indeed. I suppose it's a way to make the new world more meaningful and less static. In that sense the whole novel series isn't like the first arcs shown in the first anime season, which concentrated on Ainz admirably. Of course the degree varies from arc to arc.
Perhaps the anime producers were afraid of the reception of this arc among anime only watcher, but did nothing to help it.
I'll quietly enjoy watching lizards court then.
It's not that I dislike the reptiles, it's just that the way they do things is extremely boring right now, I really hope they won't take 1 episode for each tribe or something....
I'm more interested in the human factions, but I'm also interested in what is going on and what Ainz is trying to do... unless he already told us and I missed it somehow.
That's a... terrible plan.
I don't have a problem with execution in particular. The tail thumps indicating the two were attracted to each other was very well done and pretty funny.
It's the bait-and-switch aspect of it all. Like Munsu said, balance. There's no reason we couldn't have gotten a few minutes of background for a Nazarick-focused arc cut into the lizards. And the lizard scenes were slow and needed some editing.
This episode felt like you were in the middle of a quest, pass through a doorway, and are forced to click page by page through all the volumes of The Lusty Argonian Maid before you can continue with what you were actively engaged in.
Sorry to disappoint you all, but I read ahead unfortunately a couple years back. This shitty lizard arc will go on probably for another month or two.
No spoilers
I'm pretty sure that's exactly what I did.Quote:
Originally Posted by Ryll
How was guessing that it's about 2 episodes left for this arc a spoiler?
Then shouldn't Mizuchi with the post above mine be removed? I mean he specifically states that he has read ahead and says how long it's gonna be. Where as I am just guessing because I doubt it will go on for that long. Doesn't seem really fair ya know?
Episode 3
- - - - - -
Quite a nondescript episode in the middle of the arc. The highlight of the arc is what we saw here: For Ainz these lizards aren't of any interest (just like they aren't for the audience), but he wants his underlings to learn something from this whole event. I guess this proves wrong what I said earlier about Ainz only trying to keep up with the Guardians, even if it's the major source of the humour. But then again, Cocytus isn't exactly any brainiac compared to the likes of Demiurge.
It's quite sad the lizardmen needed to go so all out to defeat the Elder Lich, which is merely something Ainz created. Just like in the beginning of the whole story the single Death Knight created using a random corpse was unstoppable among the humans soldiers. That's some asymmetry of power.
The biggest issue remains that this arc is simply boring. I'm just not engaged on any sort of level with the lizard people.
Every five minutes I wonder if there is something better to be done with my time. Guess what? There usually is, so it takes me 4 hours to watch one of these eps.
I didn't see your original post. I based my thoughts on your feedback. Maybe Bud had other thoughts.
As for the episode itself, I thought the lizardmen will be stomped and made into undead warriors for Ainz's army. This was suggested earlier. I'm kind of disappointed that it doesn't appear to be the case, but also happy Lizard-girl might get a happy end.
No, it never looked like that. First of all, what's the point of giving the lizards a warning and time if they were going to be nothing but material for necromancy? Like Demiurge said, Cocytus was given very limited resources and he needed to do something with them. Kind of like when you start playing C&C or similar RTS, during the first missions you have practically no advanced weaponry at your disposal even though your side supposedly has all manner of superweapons tech available. The first missions are there just to teach you a few lessons. As far as Ainz is concerned, the whole lizardmen species only exists to help make Cocytus a better Guardian.
I guess the Lich didn't get the memo to keep his mouth shut.
Except that's what they said at the beginning. Ainz was supposed to build an army of necro warriors, but someone suggested that using Lizardmen instead of human villagers would get higher level underlings. Then we skip to:
-You're the leader of my army.. then -
-Someone will be observing you, and you'll have limited resources. The last bits came pretty damn quickly when the entire setup was mostly "We need undead army".
I'm serious, where and when did they say that? I wasn't even 100% sure that Ainz was behind the death-cloud in the first ep.
I was actually expecting for hero-ainz to intervene and get the lizardmen loyality through that.
I mean, if his plan was to get lizardmen-necro warriors, he did a poor job from the very beginning, it made no sense for that to be his plan - at least not for us as a viewer.
Nah, at that point it was already his purpose to teach Cocytus a lesson. I don't remember when it was, but I do seem to remember at some point the lizardmen were mentioned as tougher material than humans. But then again, maybe Bill was just highly convincing and my memories were twisted...
Download the second movie and fast forward to the post-Shaltear fight debrief. He states that there's an enemy of Nazarik out there and wishes to create an undead army for protection. Albedo states that humans will only make Undead lvl40 and below, but suggested Ains go wreck the Lizardman village that Aura has found.
It's around 1hr29mins into the movie.
After all that, we got:
-Ainz giving Cocytus an army
-Declaring war on Lizardman
-... teaching Cocytus a lesson?
We saw Demi-thingo teaching Cocytus about how Ainz wants him to learn something. At the same time, we've only seen Cocytus send in troops seemingly haphazardly.
Back when they were all watching Ainz fight Shaltear, Cocytus was the one who had the most insight into their battle. It seems rather strange for Cocytus to suddenly be portrayed as a good warrior but shitty general, and for an entire battle to be dedicated to his training.
Didn't watch the movies, I thought they were supposed to be recaps but it seems like they new scenes.
Well... the greatest general can't do jackshit if his men are complete garbage.Quote:
Back when they were all watching Ainz fight Shaltear, Cocytus was the one who had the most insight into their battle. It seems rather strange for Cocytus to suddenly be portrayed as a good warrior but shitty general, and for an entire battle to be dedicated to his training.
And he's not even the greatest general. He's a great fighter himself and can do everything in an honest face to face fight (probably also if he alone was facing multiple opponents), but it doesn't mean he would be a good leader of much humbler underlings. That's a totally separate skillset, which he obviously doesn't possess.
He can analyse opponents. That much is evident. He didn't become a great warrior by just making himself strong, but he also knows how to read opponents, apply abilities and read the flow of battle. He doesn't have to be the greatest general, but he should at least do something aside from zerg rush.
He didn't show any signs that he even knows the Lizardmen's strengths or weaknesses and how he wanted to exploit them. This episode showed him doing nothing more than say "attack".
Also, I referenced the movies because I had those on hand. The same scene can be found at Episode 13, 18mins 25sec in HorribleSub's releases.
Um... No. He became a great warrior because a player designed him that way by giving him high stats and skills suitable for a strong warrior, and might have also written in his description that he's that sort of a straightforward bushido like honourable fighter. Since he is a floor Guardian, it makes sense he actually does have underlings, but they are the automatic Nazarick folks, and he most certainly has never needed to make them perform any maneuvers.
Thanks for that clarification. So Ains needed to try him in a battle to check his real skills. Provided he does that with all his aids/generals/troops he'll get a picture of the stength of all his allies in this new setting that is different from the game he knew.
It's actually very likely that he became a great warrior by just making him strong during his creation. After all, he's a game character created by a human who needed a warrior - or wanted to create one.Quote:
He didn't become a great warrior by just making himself strong, but he also knows how to read opponents, apply abilities and read the flow of battle.
It's not like he fought or had to proof his abilities and became what he is from experience.
I'm not calling him a great warrior because the show says he is. I'm calling him one because the other guys turn to him for analysis of Shaltear vs Ainz.
-He was the one who could tell them Ainz's chances of winning was 30%.
-He was the one who knew when Ainz's victory was decided when Demiuge goes "why, seems 50/50 to me."
-He's the one going through why various weapon choices were/n't viable during that fight.
This guy can fight with his head. He adapts and knows that strength only matters if it is applied at the right time and place.
He didn't use his head once vs Lizardmen as far as I'm concerned. That's my beef with him, but more importantly how this episode portrays him now compared to how they portrayed him in the past.
Nobody is saying he's not a great warrior. When I said he was made a great warrior, I meant it. He's a floor guardian. When some other guild tried to invade Nazarick, he would have, as an NPC, met them in his own domain. Obviously he was meant to be a tough, boss level fighter.
But that doesn't make him a great general. In fact he does seem to have troubles understanding not everyone is a great warrior like he is himself. He believes that marching head-on to confront the enemy is perfectly valid since, you know, everybody can fight like a monster. When you throw a superior number of monsters against the enemy, it's unfathomable, in his warrior's mind, that his side could still lose. He's a master of 1vs1 fights, but he hasn't got a clue how an army of weak beings vs another army of weak beings would really fare.
That is not true. Again, refer to Ainz vs Shaltear. Cocytus can size up a vampire vs a mage. Neither of those fight the same way he does. He's not incapable of sizing up beings that aren't super warriors. He's not incapable of figuring out what they're good again, and what they're bad against.Quote:
Originally Posted by Kraco
We saw no indication of him applying any this, but we know he's capable of it.
What are the chances of a lizard man taking on 2 skeletons? or 3?
And how did he come to that answer? We know he can evaluate:
-elemental weaknesses and strengths.
-weapon/equipment effective ranges and handling
-What about morale? Supposedly he underestimated this, but we've never seen him estimate anything during thsi fight.
Our portrayal of Cocytus has been from guy who others go to for a run-down of combat, to someone who says "charge". We know this guy can do better.
See my earlier post:
Originally Posted by Buff
He knows how to evaluate opponents he has complete knowledge off...but doesn't gather intelligence himself.
Neither in season 1, nor did he do that now.
Which is exactly what Ainz was trying to change.
I disagree with your statment about us knowing he can do "better".
We haven't seen it yet.
I rewatched the season 1 part just now... and he didn't comment on anything other than "I think his chances are 30/70" (which is 100% based on nothing but combat stats, no preparations included and no knowledge about what Ainz has in his pockets) and "I'd do the same" when Shalltear decided to go all out in a melee.
So far, we've seen very little of him... and he didn't really seem to be the smartest guy in the first place. He had this Samurai Aura from the very beginning. He likes to fight, to measure his strength - to use his strength to overcome horrible odds - that type of character.
Dunno. To me that sounds like being incapable of. Even if he theoretically knows something but is unable to put it to use, it's the same as being incapable.
He has always seemed more like the if you have guts and give it your all, you can do anything guy than the this seems unlikely to work, so let's go for the plan B kind of guy (which would be, for example, Demiurge or Ainz himself).
episode 4
Oh man, Ainz, you epic son of a b.
You know how to leave an impression. *thumbs up*
That stuff was epic. Demiurge is awesome too, can't wait to see his fight (from the OP) happening.
lol @ last second before the end.
I really hope this show will include the darker themes of this series too. I've heard that the light novel and webnovel have some really eery scenes in them.
See, these are the kind of episodes I expected of this show. Focused on Nazarick and their overwhelming power.
A step in the right direction, this episode had some great moments in it.
Binge watched all of this this week. Up to S2E3.
What is going on with this season? It feels like I'm watching Phantom Menace where this series took a sharp inexplicable turn into lizardman politics.
Episode 5
- - - - - -
They certainly decided not to cut anything from the lizard arc. We even had to suffer through the lizard porn. Now it ought to be over, though. At least not skipping anything ensured the Shalltear chair was included. That was funny already in the novel, but now it was with sound.
Shallchair! Gotta love that bit. The same with Albedo's jealousy of that and everyone's praises that only a Guardian would be a fitting replacement as a throne.
The item Ainz held after Lizardman's ressurection, was it a one use only item or something?
I couldn't really read his thoughts there. He was obviously hesitating to deny his request but it felt like he couldn't do it even if he wanted to.
Pretty happy about this episode... and pretty sad about the fact that we are only going to get one more arc. They should make this 24 episodes 8[
It was the same wand he hid after the villagers got slaughtered in the first season. He said that he could revive them as well but it would draw too much attention to him. So I am guessing it's a wand with a set amount of charges.
Even if it was running out, wouldn't he have a spare in his pocket dimension, just in case he needed to revive someone else as well for whatever reason? It would be embarrassing if he couldn't, after having claimed death is but a regular state of being for him. However, for resurrecting that one lizard he already charged a heavy price, making the albino basically spy on her own species. It would be strange if he revived others for no compensation, simply because they asked.
Not gonna lie, thought the lisping revived lizard was funny. Tongue a bit numb after being dead?
Episode 6
ya, that's way more interesting than the lizards... I like this.
It's not like a whole lot happened, but the characters, the situation and humans in general are way more interesting.
This arc is one of my favourites in the novels. This ought to be a good ride.
Sebas is such a gentleman. It's a good thing Nazarick has one of those as well.
I think Solution does a better assessment of wounds than I do. -_-
Boring episode, but the setup of a far reaching crime syndicate hints at being interesting in the future.
Episode 7
- - - - - - -- -
Quite an uneventful episode that was only setting things and characters up for things to come.
Ha...so his sole purpose as a Adventurer right now is to make money for his guild. Poor fellow.
For someone who gets calmed down he sure freaked out when Solution called him.
Also I do not fucking trust that Princess.
What's wrong with the princess?Quote:
Originally Posted by NCC
I also felt she has an aura even more twisted and dangerous than Solution, who's pretty wicked already...
I can't say that I liked that episode, but nonetheless it's actually cool how fleshed out side characters are in this series.
This show isn't just about Ainz. It's about everyone, enemy and allies alike.
She goes in the back room and cracks a cypher in minutes at most (or wrote it herself to begin with), has regularly liaisons with a mercenary group's leaders who are described as having monstrous strength (remember that Clementine was not anywhere near as powerful as these women are portrayed). This group has assassins in it.
Clementine could kill silver adventurers, but mostly went after bronze. The princess' guard is only capable of being a gold. The mercenaries are much higher.
She's scheming and acting behind the lines, just like Ainz and his guardians are, but people who have "good" intentions often resort to cruel means when they can't achieve them any other way.
She's having these mercs go after this super huge organization that spans countries across the continent.
And they respect her enough to do it.
Plus it just seemed too unnatural how she acted towards Climb. Like she just switches persona's way to fast. But yeah Ryll said it nicely.
She does seem to want to make the country a better place but she just...feels fake.
She has no direct political power whatsoever, not even a powerful husband she could affect. If she wants to change laws or regulations, her only choice is to get an ally for the task, like a prince or a influential noble if the king himself isn't immediately interested. All she can do is use guile. If she has been doing it for a while, she would ultimately start to show the kind of signs we saw here. Unless she was born that way. But then again, I guess all court nobles and other such elite will be shaped that way by the necessity of court intrigue. Unless the person is a single-minded war maniac or something.
Episode 8
is this a non Ainz/Momon season?
They are too slow... I want to see something happen now tbh.
I hope we get to see something really amazing by the end of this season.
I have no complaints about this whatsoever. This was a jolly good episode. I don't need Ainz in every single episode. Why would I? If it was always just Ainz and that's it, all the Guardians and other characters would be left utterly superficial and nobody would care about them. As long as their arcs aren't bad, it's perfect for me. And this most certainly isn't a bad arc. It's one of the best. It's only getting better from now on.
I'm also happy Lakyus got her chuuni scene included. That was hilarious in the novel as well.
My view is just different because I've read 12 volumes of the original novels. There's plenty of Ainz in total. However, the novels also have long stretches dedicated to characters that are never seen again. That's just how they are written, and this anime didn't particularly try to change it. It makes me take Overlord a bit more seriously than most isekai series, which do heavily concentrate on the MC, but typically are only about simple adventures and gathering a harem.
Just the same, your observation was within this season. But as I said above, I think Sebas is awesome, though I'd still feel Ainz has been quite neglected this season. Anyways, wanted to ask, if I've watched the anime up to this point, where would it be safe to pick up the novel series if I wanted to get into it? Thanks.
Right now the anime is going through volume 5. There might be a loose detail or two in the earlier volumes you'd be missing in the future, but I have a feeling nothing overly vital. Volumes 5 and 6 are basically this arc. The anime ought to end after finishing this.
I'd agree if this episode wasn't basically the very same as last episode and to some degree the episode before that, no real benefit in establishing side characters if there is no character development whatsoever.
We get it, Climb is dedicated but without talent, Sebastian is helping the weak like a noble knight (just like his creator). That much was clear from the last 2 episodes already.
Interesting facts:
1) Momon took credit for defeating Shaltear
2) Momon is now adamantite class, and only one of three known groups.
3) That Basilisk that ran away from Hammusuke is supposed to be deadly as fuck. LMAO.
New ep is out.
Sebas is pretty simple in his brutality. And I am so looking forward to the next episode.
I was definitely getting a secret villain vibe from the princess. But I was expecting her to be some kind of spy or actually villain, but it looks like she might just be a yandere instead.
Fucking knew that Princess wasn't all what she seems. Crazy bitch.
And I already feel sorry for the poor party that goes to look for Sebas and breaking into that mansion when Ainz is there.....
What's wrong with the princess?
All I can think about is: Really, 13 episodes?
Season 2 wasted half of thatvto establish the reptile warriors. The rest up now for some random brothel being taken down by side characters. What about Ainz? What about plot?
Season 1 was much, much better.
Season 1 wasn't any better, when you get down to it. It went absolutely nowhere too.
I like the world-building we've been seeing in Season 2. But you're right, it is too short. There's no payoff from what we've been learning about the rest of the world, how "normal" people fit into the MMO archetypes that they just casually use in conversation.
Overlord is clearly a slow burn, well developed, and the problem is they simply aren't giving enough season towards the material for it to really shine. It would be like watching Full Metal Alchemist season 2 barely getting through the homunculus arc, and stopping there, with the first season covering up to the mine arc. It's scratching the surface, without getting to the real meat of the franchise.
As for Princess Renner, the signs were there, not even looking at the OP or ED. No real surprise there. She's a nutcase yandere.
It is kind of cute that everyone recognizes her crush as an inferior, with his own merits, but incapable of being great. Considering she's some genius psychopath it is a very weird pairing. I want to know why she's so interested in him.
Will this sell enough to fund a third season?
She's depicted as a genius who tries to acquire national influence and power despite being a theoretically powerless princess. I'd say her relationship with Climb is a sort of isolated, miniature test case of her machiavellian view of life. She saved Climb from death and absolute powerty and is maintaining a very carefully designed distance to him, creating an everlasting and bottomless loyalty. Climb isn't especially capable, which has been repeated to death, but that's an essential part of the equation, since if he was more talented, he wouldn't need the princess as much. I'm not even sure if she's a yandere at all. If she is, it's probably only a second nature of hers. Climb is a dear tool to her.
MFauli, what you are seeing here is the plot of the story.
Well she's a yandere in that her love/attachment to Climb drives her to kill for what we perceive as quite trivial reasons. I don't try to kill people because they dissed my car, or even my mother.
Yeah, I supposed whether she's an actually yandere remains to be seen, but she is displaying every single trope of being a yandere.
Does this show have 13 epsiodes or just 12?
I kinda expect a huge fight with all factions included (nobles, ains/sebas etc, drug cartel), but they kinda need some kind of conclusion after that - so basically half a episode is already occupied with the "ending".
And 1 episode worth of fighting seems to be too little, considering how many factions are currently engaged in this.
AniDB lists it as 13 episodes. Originally I thought this would cover a lot more, but either I don't exactly remember anymore how the arcs are divided or they will sort of end this particular one at a place where it will be more or less conclusive. I don't really see the three remaining episodes covering as much as I expected when the season launched. But then again, the lizard arc didn't really skip overly much, so this pace is consistent.
Episode 13
- -- -- - - - -
The crooks aren't too smart, purposefully pissing off Nazarick.
As much as Ainz thinks otherwise, he's actually a decently capable leader for that den of monsters.
I wonder if Ainz is aware of Sebas other exploits, way more public than just saving a random human sex slave.
Not sure he is. I mean he got his information from Solution.
But man I was hoping for the Six Arms to raid the mansion while Ainz was there.
Episode 11:
Ahh... that's how it should've been a few episodes earlier, this is fun.
I love it.
It's a good thing the maids aren't so powerful they would be invincible if they happen to meet a really bad compatibility opponent among the elites of the new world. Ainz and the guardians obviously are like gods among men in that world (save for the occasional uber rare artifact), so there's no such thrill in their scenes, but they offer other kind of service and especially comedy.
I do wish the anime had skipped the lizard arc, leaving it as a mere mention in the background, or something, and spent this whole season on this arc. It feels like so many details are skipped.
I didn't actually believe Evil Eye when she thought Entoma was beneath her.
Same, I thought she was just overestimating her but she could actually handle her.
I agree, I would have preferred to see stuff like this instead of the Lizard Arc. It's good that the maids aren't as OP as Nabe seems to be with her magic. But I guess Evileye is just that strong because of a mixed heritage. Like she is actually part demon or something. Also liked how she mentioned something about a Demon God so those 'gods' could also be a thing. We also found out how they dye clothing/armor in this setting. Was interesting to see.
But man....our butler sure doesn't waste time taking people out. Was not expecting that at all.
Also, don't fuck with Mare.
I don't believe Nabe is inherently any stronger than the other maids. If there's a perfect antagonist for her, she would probably fall like Entoma here. Entoma was just super unlucky she encountered an opponent with a specific, and powerful, anti-insect spell.
The maids are pretty weak overall, I think that came up in the first season. The six of them and Sebas are supposed to work in concert with each other to defend a portion of Nazarick. That's why he took Nabe out with him to play adventurer. The maids are believable in the context of the recon they did earlier (where nearly everyone else is much weaker).
It's the individual floor guardians that are true beasts, meant to handle raiding parties with the assistance of the players that are logged in at that moment.
They've been discovering over this season that while the lizards and Brain and most adventurers might be considered weak as well, there are individuals out there that begin to approach the level of player-created NPCs. Or people like the Princess who possess a level of intellect that compares to super-powered organizations like Nazarick.
We don't really know how they figured out the location of the bases...but we do know how the princess did it. If it took her about a half-hour to crack one of the Eight Fingers memos, but it seems to have taken Nazarick a few days to find them all...well...the people of this world aren't quite as weak as initially assumed.
Ainz has been trying to break his floor guardians arrogance about the rest of the world, and it's finally starting to stick.
They aren't weak. They are as good as the elites of that world, minus any world class artifacts (the kind that took down Shalltear). In other words they are like experienced Adamantite class adventurers with good equipment and also spells not available to most in that world. They are definitely not weak unless you compare them to the Nazarick big bosses.
I believe Sebas is as strong as the guardians.
Question, does Ainz' guardians/servants know of his identity as an adventurer besides a select few (like Nabe)?
Sebas is King though.